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admiral mcraven parachute accident

And frankly, I didnt want to engage him in a conversation. We did. I wonder what you think we can do to convince more people to make their beds every morning? But that was still many hours after the mission was concluded. And the SEALs entering the room did absolutely the right thing and shot him, not knowing whether or not he was wearing a suicide vest or what was happening at that instant. Admiral McRaven also explains how it isn't necessary to change everyone's lives for the world to change. and will give you a small sense of pride, and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. And I really didnt have any relief in terms of the mission until after all the helicopters had come back across the border, the Afghan border and were landing at the back at our base. Each chapter of Make Your Bed provides more context and stories for each lesson from the original speech. "All in all, a pretty good year," McRaven says, "but frankly it has been a big year for us really since 9/11.". The good news is, as I fell a couple hundred feet or a thousand feet or so, the parachute finally opened. It's a lesson Admiral William H. McRaven (retired) learned after a parachute accident that left him bedridden for months. Starting your day off by completing a task will initiate your momentum to do the next task, and then the next, and so on. So I saw some young SEALs standing nearby. I mean, who in the world is going to join the military for relatively low pay, to put your life at risk, et cetera, et cetera? But it wasnt the first time Id had a, quote, premonition. Still, there was something more elemental in the final transaction. About Obama, without a question to prompt him, he waxes lyrical and at length. Thank you for your service. The potency of that image may depend on making sure the triumph in Abbottabad is not succeeded by another Desert One or Black Hawk down. "Part of the chute wrapped around one leg, the risers around the other, and the good news is that it opened. Admiral William McRaven is a retired U.S. Navy four-star Admiral. Bin Laden was in American hands, status adjusted: "enemy killed in action." We did. So anybody that claims that theyve got a helmet cam video, nobody was wearing helmet cams. MCRAVEN: You know, nobody goes through life and is successful all on their own. McRaven: He went from being pompous and arrogant to frankly, just being, you know, a tired, corrupt old man. Each one was a metaphor for an important life area. And on the plaque is a Home Depot tape measure. As they neared the release point, one of the men below McRaven drifted directly underneath. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. President George W. Bush had asked Downing to inaugurate a new position as Deputy National Security Adviser for Combatting Terrorism. I mean, if thats not service, I dont know what is. I love this sense of kind of duty, honor and country that I saw in this greatest generation. As the commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, he led a force of 69,000 men and women and was responsible for conducting counter-terrorism operations worldwide. But it wasnt the first time Id had a, quote, premonition. The president thanks us for the mission and then reaches behind the presidents desk and hands me a plaque. When you make your bed first thing in the morning, you start the day with purpose and confidence. Admiral, youve led sailors through harrowing missions. You wrote in your book. Retired Adm. William McRaven is a lot of things. to meet with the CENTCOM commander. It absolutely was not. In 2014 Admiral William H. McRaven gave the commencement address at the University of Texas at Austin. "The SEALs were happy, I was happy, and nobody was getting in trouble except Bill McRaven," he says. One of its central messages was intended to caution against a literal idea of combat: "We will not triumph solely or even primarily through military might. Operation Neptune Spear stripped al-Qaeda of its iconic leader and offered a kind of recompense for the traumas of 9/11. By the time I landed back in Baghdad, the force was moving towards the target and within, you know, within an hours time, the Armys special operations guys that were working for me had had, in fact, captured Saddam Hussein. They just know me as the make your bed guy. He's sure he would have surrendered to self-pity and . HOOVER: Did you have a moment of relief at that point? When McRaven was 10, Sean Connery's James Bond spent a lot of screen time in Thunderball pummeling underwater bad guys and making out with Domino, the underwater hottie. "I kind of tumble through the parachute. He's a former commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, best-selling author, and organizer of the operation that killed the world's most wanted terrorist. NEW YORK (Reuters) - Retired Navy Admiral and former U.S. special operations chief William McRaven has no regrets about criticizing President Donald Trump, though he said on Wednesday . I need to go personally identify the remains before I can kind of come back and tell you for certain its bin Laden. We put the body bag on the hangar floor and its a rubberized body bag. "I would contend he was the smartest guy in the room. And now I'm tumbling out of control towards the ground.". The bad news is, when a parachute opens, it blossoms. I just didnt want that to occur. . They have just 500 days until graduation. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. Lesson #1: Make Your Bed Every Morning. Im absolutely ok with that. INSKEEP: How have people in the military that you have known dealt with the reality that they put their lives on the line, in some places lost arms or legs, for this purpose that turned out to be false? And so when I got the call from the squadron commander and he said, we have Jackpot, youre always, as the guy sitting in the rear, youre thinking, ok, this is good news. We go through this cycle every couple of decades. In 2003, you were the commander of Task Force 714 in Iraq. He was one of your SEAL instructors who you call, quote, one of the most inspirational men that you knew. So for 30 days, I came in every day to check on him and then would leave the small room without engaging him. And if its any indication from the people that have talked to me since that speech, I think its of some value to getting your day started right. Thanks so much. Unfortunately, an SCDF paramedic pronounced a person dead on the scene. William McRaven: We were doing a freefall. So he didnt know my rank or my name. Take a look at this video. He was arrogant. The president thanks us for the mission and then reaches behind the presidents desk and hands me a plaque. MCRAVEN: I had arrived in Iraq in October of 2003, and we were hunting Saddam Hussein. But when we were in training, he did not hesitate to pick me out of a crowd and turn me into a sugar cookie, as we say, where you roll around in the sand, and that kind of good natured harassment on a routine basis. STEVE INSKEEP, BYLINE: If I don't mistake this, your boss, Admiral Eric Olson, kind of bypassed a form that would say whether you were physically fit or not. Television, film and video games have infused popular culture, and the political debate, with the power of special warfare to get the job done on the cheap. So while I didnt know at a young age that I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps, I dont think it took me long before I realized that this was the path that was the right fit for me. And sometimes, you know, not our place to overthink it and to trust and rely on the decision-makers who were elected by the American people. University of Texas System Chancellor William H. McRaven, a retired U.S. Navy four-star admiral, leads one of the nation's largest and most respected systems of higher education. But in the end, you never addressed him directly. Now, when I walked in, I made sure that my name tags were off and my stars were off. The zeal and the desire to serve is not present to the extent that it was several years ago. I mean, he was, to me, the gold standard in Navy SEALs. And that little bit of levity kind of helped me through the rest of the night. HOOVER: On September 11th, 2001, you were still recuperating from your injuries when you watched the terrorist attacks on this country play out on a television screen in your living room. William McRaven delivered MIT's 2020 Commencement address. Retired four-star Navy Adm. William McRaven discusses why he finds it hard to be a Democrat or a Republican with CNN's Chris Wallace. May 29, 2020. On the downside, "relative superiority" does not last long. From 2015 to 2018, he was the chancellor of The University of Texas System.. McRaven served from June 13, 2008 to August 2011 as commander of Joint Special Operations . MCRAVEN: Well, thats true of every mission you conduct, youve got to be able to delegate to people that you have trust and confidence in. You were hit by a fellow divers canopy. Take us inside that closet as you watched your SEALS enter Pakistan and clear the compound floor by floor. Meanwhile, JSOC carries on with those 2,500 commando raids a year, an average of seven per night. Theyre the superheroes. "He was climbing the steps, and it was agony, step by step. McRaven: The SEALs entering the room did absolutely the right thing and shot him, not knowing whether or not he was wearing a suicide vest. She was seriously injured in a parachute accident. 20. We all remember those images of Saddam Hussein the moment that he was captured. Well, the Joint Operation Center, we refer to it as the JOC, was probably about a hundred people that are sitting in a room with a lot of computers. In fact, he pushed two young girls, his daughters, in front of him, which created some chaos. Routines, good routines, healthy routines are important. Then, I thought, well, you know, thats probably not very distinguished for the three star admiral to be lying down next to the body. General William Westmoreland joined the original firing line with William F. Buckley Jr. in 1979 for a conversation called, quote, the crisis in the US military. Routines, good routines, healthy routines are important. During a routine exercise, while serving as a Navy captain with decades of command of SEALs around the world, Admiral William H. McRaven was involved in a parachute accident: he fell more than 1,200 metres before the parachute deployed! I mean, hes just a remarkable, remarkable inspiration. It was going to be a staff job at . Those were the Wild West days of special operations, and McRaven did not share his commander's easygoing attitude about rules. And now I'm tumbling out of control towards the ground. We know that theyre getting ready to launch aircraft to come intercept us. Thomas O'Connell, then Assistant Secretary of Defense, paid him a visit, and the two shared cigars just outside the former Iraqi President's prison cell. By way of example, O'Connor recounted a story told by Navy SEAL Adm. (retired) Bill McRaven on St. Patrick's Day in Savannah, Georgia, at a Hibernians Society dinner, "a few years back." (Full . I mean, it showed that we as Americans can do the hard things and do them well. And then as we start to get into the December timeframe, we had another lead. And now the Pakistanis, of course, are waking up to the fact that were there. HOOVER: In your account of the rescue. MCRAVEN: Oh, absolutely. And every day when I would come in, he would try to engage me. He never had his hands raised. McRaven says civilians die in fewer than 1% of the raids, a good record in close urban combat, but it still means U.S. commandos are killing noncombatants twice a month. I knew that there would have to be some sort of follow on action against Al-Qaeda. INSKEEP: You tell story after story after story in this book. What kind of intelligence did we get off the target? Today on the show, Admiral McRaven and I discuss why something as simple as making your bed every day can lay the foundation for success in every aspect of your life, how a parachuting accident taught him an important lesson on avoiding self-pity and learning to rely on the help of others, and why rolling in the sand as a . In a special edition celebrating Independence Day, four-star Admiral William H. McRaven shares stories of heroism from his 37 years of service to America, including details behind the capture of Saddam Hussein and the killing of Osama bin Laden. She was seriously injured in a parachute accident. Take a look at this video. To be a good leader, you have to be a good communicator. Now available in bookstores everywhere, or go to to order your copy today. Then, in 2001, came the parachute accident and the long climb back. Never once did he say, why me? HOOVER: We all remember those images of Saddam Hussein the moment that he was captured. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. The first of Admiral McRaven's 10 lessons is: start your day with one successful task completed, such as making your bed, and you will find the motivation to tackle others. The compound could still be booby trapped. An experienced skydiver and another man died in an accident in Australia over the weekend after falling out of a plane. They shot better with a prosthetic hand.". I didnt want to because I didnt want him to think that he was somehow important enough to be able to engage El Jefe, as he called me. And to this day, Moki oversees the triathlon that we run every year as part of our underwater demolition team and our SEAL fraternity. And I think he was probably glad I didn't ask him. Im ok with that. According to Nan McRaven, one of two older sisters, their father Claude regaled the family with accounts of his exploits as a fighter pilot in British-built Spitfires during World War II. But in the end, you never addressed him directly. He was one of your SEAL instructors who you call, quote, one of the most inspirational men that you knew. Did you have a sense that you would follow in your fathers footsteps? Admiral Bill McRaven (retired) (DoD photo by Ken Moore) RELATED: NAVY SEAL WHO OVERSAW BIN LADEN RAID PENS CHILDREN'S BOOK In his speech to the graduates, O'Connor recounted how McRaven spoke about being a young SEAL officer when he was assigned to the insular, and still relatively new, SEAL Team 6 in the early 1980s. November 6, 1955. I mean, there were risks every time we came close to the Pakistani border or crossed the Pakistani border, the Pakistanis were not concerned at all about engaging us. It was July 18, 2001, midway through that quiet summer before the whole world learned Osama bin Laden's name. MCRAVEN: Well, the Joint Operation Center, we refer to it as the JOC, was probably about a hundred people that are sitting in a room with a lot of computers. And he raised his hands, and he says, you know, I'm Saddam Hussein, the president of Iraq, and I'm here to negotiate. What do we need to do next? And, oh by the way, the guys are still in the compound. We were holding our breath . 1. Naval Special Warfare Group 1 began the hunt for Osama bin Laden without its commodore, and he soon stepped down from command. But here's what I'll tell you. And as I would find out later, it wouldnt be the last time. Admiral, tell me about that premonition. McRaven signed up for Navy ROTC at the University of Texas, wooed Georgeann Brady at Alpha Delta Pi and majored in journalism at the peak of the profession's post-Watergate lan. Im ok with that. WILLIAM H MCRAVEN: And all of a sudden, I realize the guy to the left is underneath me. William H. McRaven. A Navy SEAL who spent 37 years serving his country. McRaven says it is just one part of a broader offensive against America's foes. He went right into Naval Special Warfare, serving in SEAL Team Six under its creator, Richard Marchinko who fired McRaven for being too rigid. Well, because I was tumbling, the pilot chute came out and wrapped around one leg, and then another part of the parachute called the riser came out and wrapped around my other leg. I said, good, come here and. So I think all of those kind of clicked in my mind. His father, a career Air Force officer, was stationed at Pope Air Force Base, now known as Pope Field, part of Fort Bragg. But before all that, he had to recover from a terrible accident. There was always an understanding that it was about doing what was right for the country. The story of identifying the body is such a memorable one. So whenever a shot is fired, somebody is reporting through the chain. The most recent internal tally counted more than 2,500 such commando missions in and around Afghanistan over 12 months. McRaven oversaw the 2011 Navy SEAL raid in Pakistan that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. HOOVER: Admiral William McRaven, welcome back to Firing Line for a special edition episode honoring Independence Day. And fortunately, you know, the guys found me, took me to the hospital. MCRAVEN: In Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, you saw these horrific injuries. Thank you for your service. And as I was descending, I noticed that there was . The date that seared itself into their collective memory is April 24, 1980. "As you see, we have a helicopter down," McRaven said, expressionless. And eventually, of course, the SEALs execute a mission that all of these guys, in terms of the tactics of it, had done hundreds of times before. Take a look at President Obamas speech to the nation the night of May 1st, 2011. So while I didnt know at a young age that I wanted to follow in my fathers footsteps, I dont think it took me long before I realized that this was the path that was the right fit for me. I had been talking to the leader of the Army Task Force. What happened was the down blast from the helicopter hit this 18 foot high wall, created a vortex, kind of a vacuum over the blades, caused the helicopter to lose lift. You know, he ate as well if not better than a lot of the soldiers that we had. There were a lot of people that get you to where you are. You told the SEAL Team Six, This mission is to capture or kill bin Laden. INSKEEP: You write that somehow your staff sometimes lost people's paperwork. He took the special out of special warfare.". There are costs. But I also knew at that moment that life was about to change. When I went to visit guys in the hospital, they always said, I want to get back in the fight. I couldnt see what was going on inside the building. Well, thank you president Powers, Provost Fenves, deans, members of the faculty, family and friends, and most importantly, the class of 2014, it is indeed an honor for me to be here tonight. You will feel a sense of pride, and that same pride will greet you at . They could see fine out of just one eye. MCRAVEN: Yeah, I would say its a little surreal, but, you know, I go back to that whole operation and Ive offered to the American people, regardless of what side of the political aisle you might be on, you know, you would have been proud of the national security team the president, the vice president, secretary of state, secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, director of national intelligence director of the CIA all of these men and women that came together to do what was right by the nation. Firing Line with Margaret Hoover is made possible in part by and by Corporate funding is provided by General William Westmoreland joined the original firing line with William F. Buckley Jr. in 1979 for a conversation called, quote, the crisis in the US military. He previously served as Deputy Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command from 2003 to July 2007. So upon reaching the third floor, the raids second SEAL, Senior Chief Petty Officer Rob ONeill, came face to face with a, quote, tall, thin man. The good news is, as I fell a couple hundred feet or a thousand feet or so, the parachute finally opened. Over the next two years, McRaven became principal author of Bush's National Strategy for Combating Terrorism. HOOVER: In April 2011, while you were serving as the commander of Joint Special Operations Command, you were gearing up to take down Osama bin Laden. No Americans were harmed. But at the end of the day, you have to confirm the jackpot. Then, I thought, well, you know, thats probably not very distinguished for the three star admiral to be lying down next to the body. And they were going out every night, you know, trying to stop suicide bombers. Making your bed as easy to do. So he lay down next to the body and sure enough, the body was about two inches longer. At the time, ST-6 was commanded by the legendary (and infamous) Richard . On that mission, they were representing a tribe that had trained and bled and hungered for 31 years to redeem itself as sensationally as it had failed in its public debut. We were holding our breath whether he could make it. You wrote, quote, as long as I could wiggle my toes, I was going to stay a SEAL. You share the story of Moki Martin, the Vietnam era SEAL, who was partially paralyzed from a head-on bike accident. we are two days after veterans day and that was the occasion for this event. "Special forces have taken greater measures in the last year and a half to reduce civilian casualties," says Erica Gaston, who wrote a report for the Open Society Foundations, "but one night raid in a village can be enough to turn [people] against international and Afghan government efforts. HOOVER: That night, you watched the raid from the Joint Operation Center, where you sat in a small closet with a view of the entire center while communicating privately with the White House. 00:23:10 He knew I'd been in a parachute accident. And then, of course, when we get on target, we didnt know whether or not the entire compound was booby trapped, whether bin Laden was wearing a suicide vest, all those sorts of things added to the risk. And on the plaque is a Home Depot tape measure. But I knew immediately the guys were okay. But the fact of the matter is, I didnt want to engage with him. And so I recognize that shots are being fired. So for 30 days, I came in every day to check on him and then would leave the small room without engaging him. Thanks to the footage owner for stopping to help.Thomas LeongSi. You got to find out, one, is everybody OK? Then, as commandos set explosive charges around the wounded aircraft: "We're going to destroy the helicopter.". On May 1, with President Obama's go-ahead, it was McRaven who commanded the helicopter assault against the al-Qaeda leader's redoubt in Abbottabad, Pakistan. INSKEEP: You refer to remembering this incident, this kindness of effectively overlooking the regulations, you think, and how you behaved later as a commander, as the wars began in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know whether I've been dazed. He was later memorialized in an eponymous film starring Tom Hanks. MCRAVEN: You know, I think the military guys - what I know is, you know, we go where the nation asks us to go, and we do what the nation requires us to do. The guy stomped around on the floor and found this trapdoor, if you will. But that didn't keep McRaven from rising in the ranks of Navy special operations. In fact, he pushed two young girls, his daughters, in front of him, which created some chaos. What kind of intelligence did we get off the target? And then. Chris Kyle. William Harry McRaven (born November 6, 1955) is a retired United States Navy four-star admiral who served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) from August 8, 2011 to August 28, 2014. In April 2011, while you were serving as the commander of Joint Special Operations Command, you were gearing up to take down Osama bin Laden. No air strikes (yet). The drill was to jump at 13,000 feet and once you dropped to 5,500 feet, you pulled your ripcord. I said, hey, son, how tall are you? This is a disturbing phenomenon to me because I dont believe our democracy long range is going to work unless theres an attitude in our society and particularly among our young, that they have an obligation of service. She's been in the hospital for two months and has years of . This Week on a special, Independence Day Firing Line. MCRAVEN: Well, the mission wasnt over yet. I guess he did.". 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admiral mcraven parachute accident