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amara level 65 phasezerker build

With the Tran-fusion equipped I always have my Heath and shields refilling. Phasezerker 1.1. Warnung bei Borderlands 3 nicht mehr anzeigen Anima Increases status effect duration and effect. 5-Point Skills: 0 to +5 points3-Point Skills: 0 to +3 points1-Point Skills: 0 to +1 points. Next up are my Shield and Grenade mod. Boy oh boy does it feel good to go back to phasezerker and use a build that can keep up with if not do even more damage then ricochet witch. Thereare plenty of exciting things to do with the introduction of the new game mode in Borderlands 3. I have one on both a Mayhem 10 ION Cannon and a Mayhem 10 Kaoson, with the only issue being that Kaoson isnt elemental, but oh well. So if you fire a weapon with an effect like The Carrier, Recursion or Queens Call, which ricochets automatically on crit, youll produce an additional ricochet bullet for every elemental effect you have, and Infusion counts. My last two slots are for mobbing weapons, I have a Flakker and a Lucian's Call. One of the more popular builds for Amara is called the "Hellzerker" build. Personally, I like this Borderlands 3 Amara build a lot more since I love casting Ties that Bind/Stillness of Mind (try it, its super cool), and I think the CC and DPS bonuses that provides adds a lot more to this build than the survivability options and faster weapon switching the traditional build goes for. RELATED:Borderlands 3 Krieg DLC Features A Detailed SpongeBob Easter Egg. Stacks disappear after a few seconds. You should then spend 2 points into Clarity for constant health regeneration. After completing level 3, go to the brawl tree and level up your personal space to the max. The Legendary Amara Class Mod Phasezerker comes from the Borderlands 3 Base Game. Zooming around the battlefield does take some getting used to, but consider this: your DoTs and bullets actually react to your damage bonuses in real time. Lastly the action skill "Deliverance" is the one we pick as for our augment pick between "Allure, Soul Sap". suzuki outboard fuse location. This can truly augment the power of any elemental weapons she wields, and can rapidly chip away at the health of various foes. How can i make amara do more elemental damage moves with her phasecast ability. Its only 1 point. Me on Twitter: Me on Instagram Builds Nimbus Amara - Witch Level 2.0\u0026feature=youtu.beChernobyl Amara - Witch - Witch - Builds:Radiofl4ktive - Fl4k - Red Fl4k - Builds :Chain Zane - Zane - Velocity Zane - BuildsIron Maiden Moze - Wire Moze - Hoze Moze V2 - Guns N Mozes - Last Heroes x TwoWorldsApart - Eclipse (feat. I am currently level 15 and not sure which build to work up with only 15 points. Do Harm This allows you to generate rush stacks whenever an enemy dies and it also increases the damage of your action skill by 45% at max level. People might mention the elemental damage anointments. I dont normally like survivability skills, but this ends up being ~50% damage reduction at all times between the mod bonuses and the playstyle. Cleaned Spectral Phasezerker - Perfect Mod class siren to go for this stack-dependent build. Now comes the fun part, my Weapon loadout. Hellzerker Amara has been around for a year now and it's still just as badass! The only item you will need is the legendary class mod called Phasezerker. This is all to say that Melee Amara is viable. A Spiritual Driver Borderlands 3 Amara build that dips into the green tree for Mindfulness remains the best endgame Borderlands 3 Amara build, but now you have more points to spend in Mystical Assault. I prefer Stillness of Mind, which just feels more powerful overall. Privacy Policy. A Point on Siren Augments . Plus, you get to use Ties that Bind significantly more often, as 25% is a pretty big bonus and you dont have any other cooldown reduction skills. The place for everything Borderlands 3! Fast Hand(s) Now that you can get to level 65, you can pick up this skill (or Transcendence, if you prefer). Its a nice little perk. By singe roms. You say you went deep into each tree so you can swap elements as needed, but in the picture you didnt even get the 2 skills that allow you to do that (the 2 diamond shapes ones on the right for the orange and green tree). "personal Space" is nice if you like to get up close and personal to your target but it's not mandatory, "Root to Rise, Clarity" are great for survivability and finally "Samsara" I would invest the 3 points into this one. The first skill we will put points into is "Do Harm", This skill gives us 4.5% Action skill damage per rush stack and allows the use of rush stacks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This is just a great overall damage increase, especially with the sheer amount of elemental damage were going to be doing. Use Ties That Bond and Stillness of Mind to phasegrasp the entire battlefield. I kill everything. AERYN) [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.Watch: Download / Stream: Sub Urban - Cradles [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.Watch: Download / Stream: The Carrier normally ricochets one bullet; with Infusion, Forceful Expression, and elemental damage anointments on your weapon, shield and grenade, you will ricochet not one pellet, but 6. Grenade damage is busted right now so what the grenade actually is does not matter. If your bullet does 300 damage, with Spiritual Driver and 25 Mindfulness stacks, running at fullspeed, itll do approximately 1500-1800 damage. Durch Klicken auf Seite anzeigen" besttigen Sie, dass Sie mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind. The Re-Router is the closest thing the Bee as I could find Its nice for bouns damage but I think their's other option's. It relies heavily on the Re-Volte r shield, that will multiply our damage and add a lot of shock element to it. Were just taking points to get further down the tree. Lastly, Unlock the capstone "Avatar" This allows us to use our action skill twice before in one cool down cycle, This skill also up's the max rush stacks by 10. 5/5 Ready for Action. Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List (October 2021) Shift Codes for Golden Keys & Rewards, Borderlands 3 FL4K Leveling Build Guide (Level 72). 5/5 Brain Freeze. As I make my way through Mayhem 10 builds for each of the Borderlands 3 vault hunters, I have now arrived on Amara, who used to be my main, though lately, shes kind of fourth-string as my other characters have been too powerful not to use. Absolutely take the point here. This build. Borderlands 3 World Drops are items that drop from any suitable Loot Source in addition to their dedicated sources.There are around 150 unique items in the Base Game - World Drop pool, so for farming a specific Class Mod it's best to seek out its dedicated Loot Source.If you still want to test your luck, you should equip a Shlooter Artifact or All-in Shield to increase your Legendary World Drop Chances. Plenty of players are finding neat little Easter eggs and hidden gems that keep them engaged within the Borderlands 3 universe. Subs. 17% sniper damage along with almost 150 life regen. Be sure to check out theGames Sectionfor more content like this and also check out theBorderlands 3 Sectionfor game guides for Borderlands including builds, tips, best guns, character reviews and more. For more information, please see our When you add on additional damage elemental skills, like Infusion, Forceful Expression, elemental damage anointments, etc, they calculate as additional pellets. For your class mod, Spiritual Driver is the obvious and only option, since this whole Borderlands 3 Amara build is based around using that. This is fairly decent for the effect that it applies to enemies, but it also works on elemental damage you apply to yourself via the effects of the Spiritual Driver class mod. Thats my build. Allure is a little less powerful, but also has slightly lower penalties. Once you get to 2 nd tier, spend 3 points into Samsara. Force Effect Your thoughts on the build? Phasezerker build that abuses rush stacks. Phasezerker 1. GG Mayhem 10. But its the entire key to this build and doesnt work without it. Find your center Effect Increases melee damage and, for a few seconds after using this Skill. So far, I'm weaker than when I was doing a Phasezerker Ties That Bind build. You could also use Allure instead. PhaseCast : Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path. The DLC's Pearl of Ineffable Knowledge is the play here as elemental SMGs and ARs are great for Amara's build here. If you guys enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe!Support me by joining my channel and get awesome perks! Borderlands 3 Best Endgame Builds for Vault Hunters: Amara - Zane - Fl4k - Moze Amara's Rush Stacks from any source decay over time. I present to you the BEST Phasezerker build out. 4 points into CONFLUX 0 in RESTLESS, both for great reasons! . Fist of the Elements Borderlands 3 Amara Build, Mystical Assault Borderlands 3 Amara Build, Action Skills Borderlands 3 Amara Build, Other Equipment Borderlands 3 Amara Build, Definitive TOP 5 BEST Borderlands 3 Amara Guns, Borderlands 3 Amara Class Mods RANK & REVIEW. Any questions about the Build Please make sure to ask me.If you Enjoyed the video Please make sure to Subscribe please!0:00 Introduction1:43 Gear3:15 Skill Tree3:51 How To Use The Build (Mobbing)4:29 How To Use The Build (Bossing)4:56 OutroMusic: I will a show boss melt on mayhem III Here. Aside from that caveat, shield-wise, youre going to want The Transformer. You can get up to +75% Weapon damage and +250% Action Skill Cooldown Rate (Max Rush Stacks 25). You gain Gun Damage and Cooldown for every stack. I know about the melee builds, but I'd prefer something more focused on shooting, with decent melee type damage if possible. Select the Main and Secondary Class to see the Armor's Prefix and which skills it can have. Cryo Off Tank Fl4k Build : . Period. Phasezerker - unique Ability Activating Amara's Action Skill immediately gives her Max Rush Stacks. Yup, Amara. Amara gains weapon damage and action skill cooldown rate based on the number of stacks. Once the tree has enough points in it they are unlocked and usable whenever you want to equip them. So if you DoT an enemy of fire a slow moving projectile, such as the Cutsman while standing and then start running around, the bullets and DoTs will get the bonus damage after you start moving. Privacy Policy. LegendaryandEpicClass Mods get5 Bonus Pointsthat are distributed randomly. Fl4k is always reliable when it comes to survivability and dealing out large amounts of DPS. Conflux I take this skill, but these 3 points can go basically anywhere. The special effects relate to the use of action skills and provide powerful temporary buffs. A straightforward skill that has tremendous upside. I prefer Awakening because it increases the overall effectiveness of your rush stacks. I do like to fakegrasp, especially on certain bosses, but you lose very little from building this way (survivability), and you still get to take full advantage of your action skill which is great for mobbing. those builds are great, but the thread is lacking advice for players who have not reached level 50+ yet. This is normally a very good skill, and with all the elements of this Borderlands 3 Amara build and its equipment working together its a tremendously good skill. 36% increased gun damage is no joke. Now, once again, normally after this, people take 5 points in One With Nature, a point in Guardian Angel and 3 points in Fast Hand(s) to finish off the build. Unique Effect I'm always angry. Those extra few can be used to enhance whichever ability of their choosing. It doesnt matter if either one is the same element as your weapon anointment, it only matters that the shield and grenade anointment elements are different from each other. Although, her Elemental Phasezerker build does come close. With the amount of damage youll be pumping out with this Borderlands 3 Amara build, youll be healing to full basically every time you fire a shot. You could put them in Wildfire, Steady Hands, or even Catharsis. None of her builds are outright as broken as Crit FL4K or Bloodletter Grenade Moze. (The BEST Level 65 M10 & M11 Amara Build!) Points in Restless are optional, if you have cool down gear I recommend putting them into Alacrity and . I've been making Moxsy Chaos Queen Amara build but most of the specific weapons he recommends are dlc stuff and I'm still working my way up through the mayhem levels in the base game so I can go into the dlcs at M10. The end. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Amara Skill Tree Image via Lootlemon This build relies on Amara's Splash and Elemental Damage. Once you do that, you can equip it instead of the electric one! All you need to do is use yourTies that Bindability and shoot chained enemies, watch the explosions, and chill. Heres the immortal Amara build that Im currently using: Starting with the shield? And guess who can spam her action skill every five seconds? Lifesteal is actually broken due to Mayhem scaling and practically makes you immortal by itself right now. Today we showcase Hyper Witch Amara, my first level 57 Phasezerker Amara Build. The Phasezerker was nerfed from the screenshot above; it now only gives 2% weapon damage per stack, but it's still extremely good. Also, its the reason that this Borderlands 3 Amara build is better than the Phasezerker build. For fans wanting to completely master a new character, here is a guide for the best builds for all the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3. I'll start with my relic Moxxi's Endowment. Me on Twitch! If your bullet does 300 damage, with Phasezerker and max rush stacks, itll do about 600-650 damage. Well, time to farm a 250% Phasecast OPQ. I eventually want my build to end up FOUR ELEMENTS BUILD SOLO MAYHEM 4 BUILD. You could also put the points into Root to Rise. My first two weapons are strictly for bosses nothing else they are both the legendary sniper Lyuda, one for elemental burns and one for non-elemental. To download the savefile join the discord and download the . You want the first effect more than the second, but the second effect is certainly welcome. This build relies on Amara'sSplashandElemental Damage. Help! Edit: Seems I didn't notice the bonus cryo damage in that clip Heres one with NO Damage boosting modifiers. In this video, I bring you the ultimate phasezerker siren build for Amara. Awareness Effect When Amara takes damage she gains a stack, improving Shield Recharge Delay and Movement Speed. You could also put the points in Arms Deal for even more absurd damage, but the ridiculous benefit Helping Hand(s) provides is hard to justify skipping, even for a purely defensive skill. The link shot can also proc a ricochet. Borderlands 3is available for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions in development. Its still not ideal to pick up 2 capstone abilities, because the Spiritual Driver is still nuts and you want to dip into the green tree for Mindfulness. However, it is still a very strong leveling Borderlands 3 Amara build overall, since Fist of the Elements is a fantastic leveling build in general. Fans may notice that these builds may have some points leftover. She can also use her magical fists to grab her enemies and lock them down or send out a projection of herself that will deal damage to anything in its path! Were using Phasecast here, both for its low cooldown and the anointment on the guns we use. Not sure about best but I'm using Joltzdude "Light Warrior" build rn. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE 1. This mod contains Borderlands 3 saved games that include all the best items in the game at Level 72 Mayhem 10. Whats the point of reducing shield recharge delay in a melee build? Basically, the Ricochet Witch only requires you to go full Fist of the Elements and Brawl down to Mindfulness, and then I take 12 points in Mystical Assault to give us a beefy, superpowered action skill. Thats so you can use all three elemental damages. Its a fantastic skill that adds another ricochet chance and which is boosted when your action skill is active. I have been looking around and haven't seen many builds for Amara, So today I'm showing off the one I have been working on since I hit level 50. So, you spam your projections, do enormous damage, wait for cooldowns, spam. Laid Bare The bonus damage effects enemies grouped together from Ties that Bind, making this even better in practice than it looks on paper. It shreds. However, if were talking for true damage potential and the absolute pinnacle of Amaras ability to slaughter content, Ricochet Witch is second to none. You definitely want this, but anything more than 2 points is overkill. Thanks to a single new anointment in the Mayhem 5-10 era of the game, we now have an Amara that is effectively immortal no matter what's being thrown at her. Youre going to want to use Ties that Bind and either Stillness of Mind or Allue. Flakker is great for clearing most enemies but chews though ammo, Lucian's Call, on the other hand, has almost unlimited ammo and is able to drop in all elements as well as non-elemental. Mindfulness This is the reason we spec into this tree. I'm using a Kensei com and speccing the full Purple Tree and the rest in Green for Melee adaptability. You can, for instance, drop in on a boss, shoot it to apply DoTs, and then just start running around in a circle and your DoT damage will increase by like 500% and melt the boss. COM. Gamebreaker Amara is back! : FRAG OUT Lootlemon 2019-2023All rights reserved.Various trademarks are held by theirrespective owners. Conflux is now a pretty solid skill because of the Guardian Rank perk that stacks damage the more elemental effects you have going. If you look at the first build on this list, youll notice that both the Fist of the Elements (orange) and Brawl (green) trees have points in them. and our With that, when you shock yourself via the Spiritual Driver, you wont take damage (youll actually be healing your shield), youll just get the Mindfulness stacks for free. Infusion This is controversial. With Sustainment, this isnt particularly useful. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. Related: Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List (October 2021) Shift Codes for Golden Keys & Rewards. The main reason to take the point here is so you generate rush stacks when you inflict status effects, which you do constantly. If you guys, enjoyed the video, be sure to like comment and subscribe! For the Stop-Gap, that means 5 seconds of invulnerability. Infusion counts for this effect. Let me tell you why with some example numbers. A versatile build for Zane called "SAK Zane" (short for Swiss Army Knife) is recommended for players because it can be used with most kinds of weapons and anointments. Chained enemies, watch the explosions, and chill do approximately 1500-1800 damage completing level 3, go to use... Outhttp: // // // Lootlemon 2019-2023All rights reserved.Various trademarks are held theirrespective! Be doing Stillness of Mind or Allue reason to take the point is. - Perfect Mod Class siren to go for this stack-dependent build 5-point Skills 0... Warrior & quot ; besttigen Sie, dass Sie mindestens 18 Jahre sind... 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amara level 65 phasezerker build