best place to find antler sheds in colorado
They shed their antlers every year, unlike animals that sport "horns," which include antelope, sheep, cattle, buffalo and rhinoceros. They are an important source of minerals for rodents of all sizes who then recycle the nutrients back into the soil. The south side of a hill gets more sun in a 24-hour period than any other part of a landscape, making these slopes a top spot for deer to find warmth during the cold months. 2. You might find antlers in farmers' fields or orchards rather than near natural sources of food. Diehard whitetail hunters pride themselves upon collecting the same bucks sheds, year after year. Steep South Spin it in your hand. Bulls just hate the imbalance when one antler is off. A deer might also lose its antlers when it jumps over a fence, so look around near fences. Theres gold in them hills! Using a dog to hunt antlers is the fastest growing dog sport in the U.S. says Minnesota trainer Tom Dokken, Americas foremost authority on shed dogs. So, how does one play this game of hide and seek? Take a look through and see if any places come to mind on the land you shed hunt. In areas of extreme snowfall and harsh winter conditions, even the herd bulls will get pushed down to lower elevations out of necessity to survive. So lace up your boots and go. Corn stubble is good, too. Do your homework before heading into the hills by checking specific regional snowpack reports and webcams to determine the elevation and depth of snow in a specific zone. Access the newest seasons of MeatEater, save content, and join in discussions with the Crew and others in the MeatEater community. So when the weather starts warming and the snows start melting, its time to get into the woods and start shed hunting. If last year was more on the dry side, antlers will drop sooner. My first set of matching Boone & Crockett sheds were found 200 yards apart; one on top of a windblown hill in soybean stubble and the other in . Look for low-hanging branches or brush that may encourage an antler to drop. Big woods areas are arguably the most challenging places to find sheds due to the miles of timber with not many areas that You found a shed! In most parts of western Colorado, winter conditions affecting big game typically last into late April or early May, and big game are still losing weight and body condition. By keeping this information in mind, it will help you locate potential feeding areas that elk will utilize on a regular basis. Focus instead on these high-priority areas alone and take the time you need to look more thoroughly. This year no overnight parking will be allowed on the Refuge road on April 30, nor will visitor use will be allowed on the Refuge after sunset. Look in a wooded area that was recently grazed by a herd of cattle. The intention is to encourage elk antler collectors to find more appropriate places to park or have them seek lodging for the evening rather than parking in front of homes and potentially causing disturbances for local residents in surrounding neighborhoods, said Town Manager Bob McLaurin. In the winter, steeper slopes will also help elk save a few more ounces of energy because they dont have to move as far from bed to food. , an elks seasonal migration averages around 15 miles to a suitable winter range. Shed antlers or shed horns are still considered "wildlife" based on the statutory definition, which includes any parts thereof and whether alive or dead. Restoring any closed widgets or categories. The road WILL NOT be open for parking before this time and parking throughout east Jackson will be extremely limited. Want to find antlers without bothering wildlife? One of the greatest features about OnXMaps is that it shows public and private land ownership, giving you peace of mind when accessing hunting areas. The new Refuge access and travel regulations are explained in a news release on the web at . Bucks will be worn down from fighting, chasing and breeding does, and the weather. Evergreens provide terrific thermal cover by way of their thick-needled branches blocking wind and snow, whether its a solitary cedar, small patch of pines, or cluster of hemlocks. These are prime places to check throughout the spring. And, if youre lucky enough to spot one, mark the antlers location using OnX. Bucks survive to shed their antlers which is why you won't find much of these in common hunting areas. Elk herds tend to range in the same general, often-open, areas, on a . Although the CPW Commission decided not to require a permit at its latest meeting, it is an issue it may revisit in the future. Other studies of captive deer show that bucks usually shed both antlers within three days of each other. On May 1st at midnight, the National Elk Refuge will open its road up so elk antler shed hunters can access forest service land to collect antlers. Its no secret that quality destination food sources are an ace in the hole for piling up sheds on hunting property. You could find a shed anywhere in a buck's home range. You might spot a whole antler, or maybe just a tine sticking up. In many areas, deer create runways every bit as well-worn as those created by humans. Bucks drop their racks from late December in the North through March and April in the South. Public land elk are exceptionally wary animals, so they will follow the ascending spring snow line to stay away from harm and to feed on fresh vegetation. But theres something even more rewarding and mystifying about finding an older, moss-covered antler that has been hidden for who-knows-how long. Some shed collectors use OHVs and snowmobiles in their search. Youre in one of those spots. Follow them, and youll learn a lot more about deer. These tall grasses shield deer from icy winds and stay upright through ice accumulation and heavy snows. Maybe you know what Im talking about. The deer might be close, or hanging out a couple miles away. Bi 09/04/2023 09/04/2023 Elk will move down out of the high mountains in early winter when the snow gets too deep and the rifle hunting pressure abates. In your mind try to figure out what a buck was doing here two months ago in the cold and snow, where he was eating and going to bed. When to go shed hunting is a tricky question. That way, you can give them a call during the work week and check the status of horn droppage. Aron Snyder, Ive got another rancher friend, this one who lives on the Milk River in Montana, who saddles up his horse and rides for miles along the river banks and through the adjoining woodlots and points. Dont just casually walk through the area; you need to almost stalk and use your eyes to really scan the ground for any part of an antler. They seem to hold more of a consistent pattern for longer periods of time, while an elk herd has a much larger range and can be found in a completely different area from one day to the next. As more people enjoy each season that Colorado has to offer, and new forms of recreation continue to emerge, it will be very important for CPW staff to work with recreation organizations, land-use management agencies and local communities to get the word out. After youve scouted a hillside and confirmed there are no animals to pester, travel these paths while checking both sides of the trail. When you start searching in these high-priority locations first, you can eliminate huge areas that have very little potential. The fence was not high, so I have no idea why he didnt just jump. And thanks for the reference! My hiking partner and coyote dog, Sage, also doubles as a shed antler hunting dog when she feels the urge. Once you find an area like this, the probability of it being a great spot year after year will be high. Its impossible to predict exactly when a bull elk will shed his antlers, but a couple of factors can help you predict the timing of the drop. The first is the amount of snowfall the previous year. etc. If your area has an early rut, bucks testosterone levels will decrease earlier and, as a result, some deer will cast their racks two to four weeks earlier than usual. Frozen cattail swamps offer a similar level of protection as they will grow extremely densely to protect deer from any cold winds. Go and find it. Since no one is going to walk you into a big patch of the finest tasting mushies, youll need to find spots on your own. In the winter, deer need thick thermal cover to protect them from the cold temperatures and winds. Weve listed some of the best places to find shed antlers below. Mule deer and elk often gather in wintering areas making finding sheds easier but also increasing the threat to these animals. If the annual moisture amount was higher, elk will hang on to their headgear longer. A severe winter with a lot of snow can also cause stressed deer to shed earlier. If the annual moisture amount was higher, elk will hang on to their headgear longer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );, The tall, fallow grass that runs along or through crop fields are what Im always seeking out. Below are a few tips to help shorten your elk shed hunting learning curve and to get you on the fast track to finding brown gold! From January through March, 80 percent of the whitetails are congregated in 20 percent of any given habitat that has the best food sources, which are limited this time of year. Other late-season fields to check are soybeans with some pods still on the ground, and last years alfalfa and clover. Routes mysteriously converge. If you find one antler, especially a big one, there should be another nearby, explains Schaufler. You need to pretty much stick to trails and beds to find them. The terrain is tough, the air is thin and the distance is far, but If you are willing to put in the work, shed antler success will follow. While you might spot an antler or two out in the open, be sure to walk and check brushy and grassy field edges. The entire purpose of my blog is to document my findings as I embrace a new lifestyle in a much more extreme terrain and environment. My name is Carl Pelletier from the Town of Jackson, Wyoming. Brown or white antlers are easiest to spot on an overcast day. Shed Hunting Tips 1. 2023 The Nature Conservancy. I concur with Susan (although I am not biologist). Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. With all the deer gathering in these fields, you have a much better chance of finding a shed. OnXMaps shows you exactly where public and private land boundaries are located and allow you mark spots and utilize different overlays much like a handheld GPS. Odds are high that a bull will drop his rack with his descending gait along a game trail. Get out early, you don't want to find a half chewed antler or even worse the tracks and imprint of a shed recently picked up by a trespasser in your favorite spot. Bull elk are seeking solidarity out of eyesight over the next mountain top. Its also impossible to forecast the amount of snow elk will need to endure during the winter. Then get out there, explore, stretch your legs, and work on honing in those hunting and glassing skills for fall. If it hasnt happened on your property yet, its likely to happen very soon. Gary Lewis / For The BulletinA pair of mule deer bucks on winter. Keep your search humane and. Spring scouting can help you gather valuable intel for the next hunting season. High efficiency is critical if youre dealing with huge properties and want to find some deer sheds before the mice, squirrels, and porcupines chew them up or another hunter finds them. The most accurate way is to use trail cameras for shed hunting. I find a few antler sheds is all but my point is there are just too many elk to worry about a mouse getting enough calcium. And in the spring, he hunts sheds. But the odds are good; 90-percent or more of the antlers you discover are going to be found in one of three locations. The best places to find shed antlers are areas that hold deer during certain parts of their daily routine, which increases the likelihood of you finding antlers. Ive found that single trees and patches of conifers specifically attract mature bucks, so make sure to hit each isolated pocket of evergreens you see. These regulations protect the health of Colorado's big game herds and other wintering wildlife. Assuming the bucks other antler taped 75 and that he had a decent rack spread, that giant would have pushed 170. That is where they may jar them loose. But elk have been known to migrate up to 125 miles to seek these places to endure the winter. They are often planted with switchgrass, big bluestem, or Indian grass, which are very tall, upright, and clump-forming. Grid searching a steep, south-facing hillside with your binoculars from an opposing vantage point is an excellent tactic for covering ground while staying anonymous to the mountains inhabitants. In an effort to keep the streets clear of vehicles until midnight on May 1, residents are encouraged to plan on parking their vehicles their driveways and visitors are advised to park in public lots throughout town or to seek lodging at a local hotel. Bedding refers to making a safe area where the deer and any fawns can sleep, away from predators. Hes also a long-time mule deer chaser and shed hunter. RAV-Cheatgrass-Tool-Improve-Bobwhite-Habitat, Sagebrush & Sage Species Conservation Strategy. Colorado is home to a variety of animals that shed their antlers in the late winter including deer, elk and moose. For more information on these temporary No Parking zones and public parking locations please contact the Jackson Police Department at (307) 733-1430 or visit the Town of Jacksons website at Elk Antlers. Loud, fast-moving OHVs and snowmobiles are major sources of wildlife stress. I have found antlers as early as mid-January, but Ive found that March and April are the best time to find white-tailed deer sheds. Antlers are hardest to pick out in full, harsh sunshine. As long as theres minimal pressure, bucks bed close to the food sources and keep movement to a minimum during this Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. I never bypass a location when I watch her stop to investigate. Every shed-savvy character in sight will race to beat the next guy, while trying not to be too obvious about it. Comparatively to both whitetails and mule deer, elk antlers always seemed to elude me while deer antlers were relatively easy to find. As a prey species, elk naturally prefer steep and rugged terrain. As bulls drop their antlers, they leave the gang. Elk shed hunting itself starts with glass, too, says Schaufler. Shed antler hunters focus their efforts on specific areas where big game are wintering with a very high likelihood of disturbing and displacing those animals. * Target the areas where deer bed and where they move from bedding areas to feeding areas. Most people naturally start looking for sheds in the same areas where they hunt deer each fall. As you hike, veer over and hit every east- and south-facing exposure, especially weedy fields and hillsides that are open to plenty of sunlight. Conservation science, field reporting, and cool creatures. Winter can be extremely difficult on wildlife as body weight is down and access to food is very limited. Big bull elk winter in bachelor groups, says Schaufler. Most Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields are perfect for this purpose. Bucks will leave shed antlers pretty much anywhere. Grade C: Antler faded and weathered to white and chalky, maybe with some green color, likely on the ground for 2 or 3 years. Simply grab your chainsaw and cut down several trees in a small pocket (anywhere from a tenth of an acre to an acre or more). If you dont have any on your own private land, you can create that habitat right now to increase your chances of finding a few sheds this winter and for many to come. Heres our ultimate guide on where to look for shed antlers and how to find them when you get there. Yes, porcupines do indeed devour antlers (and other unusual things) but this is a topic for a future blog. In winter, many bucks feel comfortable feeding and hiding in these gnarly spots, and drop their antlers there. Whitetails essentially do just two things during the winter months: bed and feed. We where going at 70mph so we couldnt stop. Look for the reflection of sunlight on an antler, the graceful, sweeping curve of the main beam, and points jutting above the leaf litter or through the snow. The incredible rack scored 252 1/8 inches, and that was after squirrels had chewed off 20 inches during the winter.. When youre glassing a mountainside, stare a little deeper at the edges of game trails. I cant tell you how many times Im walking and my brain says go this way, so I do and find a big antler.. You need to find where the deer gather and feed from January until this time of year.. Shed hunters can find elk and deer antlers where the ungulates spend the last weeks of winter and the first weeks of spring. Here are some tips to get you started. Currently bringing $6-$10 a pound. Simply walk these corridors from one end to the other, paying particular attention to areas with obstacles across the trail. Yes, me and my dad go too the Doward, in the Uk where their is a deer park and sanctuary. This is important since deer hooves sink right through deep snow; this sheltered spot offers a break from the otherwise difficult travel conditions. Yesterdays blog explored the enthusiasm some of us have for finding shed antlers and how that enthusiasm can turn into an obsession that threatens wintering mule deer and elk. John and I have watched countless seasons of people hunting for "moose sheds", antlers that are dropped (shed) sometime in January. The best place to find shed deer antlers is anywhere that's isolated in the forest. Please note that all comments are moderated and may take some time to appear. That being said, youll want to wait to check out any bedding areas for shed antlers until you know that bucks have dropped them, simply because you can chase them to a neighboring property before theyre ready. The best place to find sheds is in feeding and bedding areas where wintering elk spend most of their time. Locate obstacles and the crossings. Youve found a shed, but guess what that means? Whitetail antlers are definitely hitting the ground across the country, as you can probably tell from social media updates. Deer tend to shed their antlers in areas where they spend a lot of time, such as feeding areas or watering holes. Elk are tough to pattern because they seldom follow a daily routine, but they do value a simpler path up and down the mountains, especially during the winter. It makes sense then that deer are more likely to shed antlers in one of these two areas since thats simply where they spend most of their time. This option will reset the home page of this site. However, it is unlawful to collect sheds on private property unless a person has lawful access to that private property. As a pup I included shed antler hunting training into her role as an all-around outdoor dog. Were seeing all sorts of people who just want to get out in the woods in the spring and have some fun with their dogs, says Dokken. Small mammalian tooth marks on sheds reveal its purpose in providing scarce minerals. But odds are good that 90 percent or more of the antlers you discover are going to be found in one of three locations: bedding areas, transition corridors, and feeding areas. The Land of Lincoln is another classic deer hunting state where scores of giant sheds are found each season. Illinois, like Iowa, is another largely agricultural state which makes zeroing in on the big sheds fairly easy. Western shed hunters will backpack deep into the backcountry to find shed antlers from the biggest bulls in the unit. Pay special attention if the trail is interrupted by a section of rocks or a cliff where elk would need to lunge their bodies, generating extra force upon landing, and possibly dropping their racks in their tracks. Shed antler hunters focus their efforts on specific areas where big game are wintering with a very high likelihood of disturbing and displacing those animals. Just $1 per month , Read our guide and start finding more shed antlers, By It can be really intimidating if you own a very large property or look primarily on vast public lands; where do you even begin to search for something so small in an area so big? Now that you have a good idea of where to start your search for antlers, and have secured permission to access as many private fields and woods that you can, get out there and go. Elk are vulnerable in the early spring after enduring a long, cold winter. How Antler Drops Happen Depending on the harshness of the recent weather, it doesnt hurt to wait till the end of May or even June to shed hunt. But finding those needles of bone in the haystack of the wild is just as exciting and. March 20, 2016, Jackson, WY The National Elk Refuge recently announced a change in regard to Refuge access and travel when wintering wildlife closures are lifted this spring. The purpose of this regulation is to reduce stress on wintering big game animals during the time of year when big game animals such as deer, elk, pronghorn and moose are most vulnerable. Well, its more of a slightly faded, brownish gold. Antler collectors are encouraged to stage at any of the public parking lots in town including the Home Ranch Lot, the Deloney Lot, the Phil Baux Lot and the Fairgrounds Lot. Opinions expressed on Cool Green Science and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Nature Conservancy. Train Your Vision. Most people look right over antlers, says my friend and whitetail expert Terry Drury. It is also, in my experience, one of the most difficult habitats to search. Published on February 10, 2015 - Updated on October 3, 2018. Gathering as much information as you can before planning when you should take that walk through the most promising spots you have found on the map is going to be the key to maximizing your success. And cool creatures these are prime places to find them when you start searching in these best place to find antler sheds in colorado! Gary Lewis / for the BulletinA pair of mule deer and any fawns sleep... Deer bed and where they hunt deer each fall collectors use OHVs and snowmobiles their! Down from fighting, chasing and breeding does, and work on honing in those hunting and skills! Discussions with the Crew and others in the same areas where they spend a lot of time, such feeding... Antlers will drop his rack with his descending gait along a game trail dog when she feels the.... Often gather in wintering areas making finding sheds easier but also increasing threat. 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best place to find antler sheds in colorado