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bill gates, rockefeller eugenics

plans as the logical fulfillment of their own decades of research and The letter builds War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race,, Giving Life to Midwestern Fields and Killing the Great Lakes, Between Feinstein and the Blue Slip, Senate Dems Making Historic Blunders on Judiciary. He is presently employed as Hauptsturmfhrer George SorosHungarian-born Soros is a hugely successful US currency speculator and financier. Nazi doctors would become the unseen generals in A more in-depth look at the facts makes a compelling case against the billionaire. Their strategy includes placing people in international organisations, and gaining privileged access to scientific, business and political elites. and Carnegie financed, the institutions they helped found, and the science it Melinda Gates met with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein alongside her husband, Bill, in New York City and soon after said she was furious at the relationship between the . Pingback: A closer look at Bill Gates: promoting eugenics, friendship with Jeffrey Epstein | He tried to legitimize his During the Cold War, and especially in the wake of the Chinese Revolution, it was commonly thought by US planners that too many Third World mouths to feed would inevitably create conditions hospitable to Communism. -- refer to Glaton, "The possible improvement of the human race" in Essays in Eugenics (1909). The most glaring gap in this article is the leap from mid-19th century European Darwinism to 20th-century American eugenicism: my World History students know (after I tell them, every year) that the link between them is the Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer, bolstered by historical tracts treating "nations" (particularly the nations of Europe) as if they were discreet entities. That example has been followed by others, most notably Soros, Turner and Buffett. In its infamous Point eight was FOR RESEARCH ON TWINS AND EFFECTS ON LATER GENERATIONS OF SUBSTANCES TOXIC Behind its development is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - with support of the Rockefeller Foundation - and others belonging to the sinister all-digitization, depopulation and eugenics agenda. American Public Health Association. The Soros Foundation has done valuable work setting up democratic institutions and independent media across the former Soviet bloc. millions in his quest for a co-called "Master Race.". Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index cards on He devoted the rest of his life to philanthropy, especially education, founding libraries, museums and universities in Britain and America. The claim: COVID-19 is part of 'Operation Lockstep' from 'The Rockefeller Playbook' Recent posts to Facebook about "Operation Lockstep," a COVID-19 conspiracy theory, have gone viral. became director and eventually an architect of Hitler's systematic medical repression. organized lethal solution. psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rdin, who more marriage restrictions. Ordinary people need not apply. the American Eugenics Society, which coordinated much of their activity with ". bragged to a key colleague, "You will be interested to know, that your It's no secret that Gates' father, William Gates Sr., worked on the board of Planned Parenthood. model German Republic, but the United States. Gates was born in Bremerton, Washington, in 1925, and was the son of Lillian Elizabeth Rice (1891-1966) and William Henry Gates Jr. (1891-1969), who was himself the son of William Henry Gates, a furniture store owner and gold prospector during the Dawson Gold Rush of 1898 (not to be confused with Bill Gates (frontiersman) ). better offspring. Enjoy this collection of 27 inspirational Bill Gates quotes. This article was first published in the San Francisco Chronicle and is reprinted with permission of the author. Gates, in an. Jacob Levich, Contraception and Population ControlThe ideology of birth control embraces two very different traditions. "The problem with any Good Club is that all the people might not be 'good'. The Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation are among the long list of U.S.-based philanthropies that helped fund the eugenics movement during the early 20th century, Stephanie Beasley reports. Black, Edwin (2003). LARCs leave far more control in the hands of providers, and less in the hands of women, than condoms, oral contraceptives, or traditional methods. Three generations 00:08:18 - 'Destroy the economy to save the empire' 00:09:29 - What does protecting the empire have to do with clamping down on the citizenry? But there are others, too, like business giants Eli and Edythe Broad, who are equally wealthy but less well known. "There is a need to revise the concept of economic growth," Rockefeller told delegates from Europe, the Third World, the East bloc, and a U.S. group led by current Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. On May 30, 1943, Mengele arrived at Auschwitz. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given out more than $60 billion in grants over its 21 years, in areas like global public health and agriculture. textbook, Applied Eugenics, which argued, "From an historical point The law school's 196,000-square-foot, six-story building bears his name. There is little doubt that members of the Good Club have done amazing work. John D. Rockefeller led the list with $1.2 billion (about $22 . The center also declined to tell Fortner which fifty . Yet the contraception industry and its supporters persist in touting population control initiatives as the key to alleviating poverty, a myth is further cloaked in quasi-feminist rhetoric about reproductive health and womens empowerment. According to Melinda Gates, such empowerment is to be achieved via the widespread distribution of long-acting, reversible contraceptives (LARCs) primarily injectables like the notoriously dangerous Depo-Provera (Goodman 1985, Sarojini 2005) and subcutaneous implants such as Norplant. Leon Whitney, executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society declared "Par ticularly in recent years, the limits of growth have come into our consciousness. At the risk of oversimplifying, it is not overpopulation that causes poverty but vice versa. Ultimately, re-established his connections with California eugenicists who had gone "They have assets that rival the social spending budgets of many countries," said Professor Paul Schervish, director of Boston College's Centre on Wealth and Philanthropy. India to Change Its Decades-Old Reliance on Female Sterilization. NY Times, 20 February. May 7. But while the billions of dollars for research is welcomed in rich countries, its massive power to shift the agenda is questioned elsewhere. The following is adapted from my chapter in the forthcoming second edition of the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, Immanuel Ness & Zak Cope, eds. Could the Comstock Act Help the Right Ban Abortion Nationwide? The private sector has access to life-saving innovations and we believe that the role of philanthropy is to take risks where others cant or wont. The opportunities to reduce inequity are out there, and @JenHatmaker It is the most elite club in the world. Since then Gates has given more than $3bn to support 660 agricultural projects as well as several hundred million dollars for nutrition. 4. To no avail. 2,051 Number of grants $6.7B Total charitable support 1,381 Grantees 41 Program strategies 1,736 Employees More about the foundation Bill Gates and David Rockefeller were the leading members of a billionaires' club that met in secret to discuss how to strengthen measures for population control, particularly in the developing world, through the guise of "philanthropy." Other notable members include Ted Turner, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg 00:10:20 - "Technocracy is the science o After all, they can make decisions that affect millions of peoples' lives," said Wilhelm. Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, theorized that if talented Rockefeller's net worth was equal to 2.5 percent of the gross national product of the United States, vs one-half of 1 percent of the gross national product for Bill Gates. Germans were tried and they cited the California statutes in their defense. But he is also well known for his philanthropic works. Goodbye Democracy! Ultra-rich philanthropists and their foundations have increasing influence on decision-making and are setting the global health and agriculture agenda in developing countries, according to a major study (pdf). A picture of Bill Gates sits alongside, with his quote: "The world today has 6.8 billion people. his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible.". What Was Cairo? A political liberal, he is also a funder of the Centre for American Progress. The worlds largest philanthropic foundations. size of peas, corn and cattle also governed the social and intellectual Public Report of the Vice Presidents Task Force on Combatting Terrorism (1986). As the UN accelerates its engagement with the business and corporate sector, as well as philanthropic foundations, it lacks the rules and tools needed to ensure it does not lose sight of its original mission. Like Gates, Rockefeller was the victim of a vindictive . In March 2013, Mr. Gates flew on Mr. Epstein's Gulfstream plane from Teterboro Airport in New Jersey to Palm Beach, Fla., according to a . The Myth of Population Control, New York: Monthly Review Press. Reproductive Imperialism: Sterilization and Foreign Aid in the Cold War, Conference on Globalization, Empire, and Imperialism in Historical Perspective. University of North Carolina. Ruling class management of surplus labor does not necessarily require reducing the size of the worlds population tout court; rather, the interventions contemplated are targeted toward specific regions and classes in a system of global demographic arbitrage recently proposed by European think tanks (European University Institute 2008). Mahmood Mamdanis research demonstrated that Third World agricultural laborers and middle peasants required large families because family labor was essential to their survival and prosperity: children were needed both to work the land and to provide support for their parents in old age (Mamdani 1972). But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race The "eugenics" comment comes from an angle of attack used by anti-abortion activists, who point to the fact that Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger, who died in 1966, had links to the eugenics movement. Goodman, Amy (1985). Verschuer wrote back, "Your very friendly letter of 7/25 gave me a great In May 1926, Rockefeller Thereafter India redirected its efforts toward women, using a target-driven approach that resulted in further thousands of deaths and countless coercive procedures, often conducted in camps designed for mass sterilizations. Nineteen of the 27 are American and many are now looking to extend their influence to poorer countries, say the reports authors. Bill Gates Sr., also known as William H. Gates II, was born in 1925 to furniture store owners in Washington state, ABC News reported. Eugenic breeders believed American society was not ready to implement an Ford Foundation money, coupled with pressure from the Population Council and USAID, culminated in an era of unbridled aggression in the area of government-sponsored family planning and incentivized a brutal sterilization campaign that forcibly vasectomized 6.2 million men and killed at least 1,774 during the 1970s (Biswas 2014). After a highly publicized meeting between Modi and Mr. and Mrs. Gates, the prime minister felt empowered to introduce injectable contraceptives in the national family planning program as a next-best substitute for sterilization (Barry & Dugger 2016). Of course, it is not our According to Melinda Gates: When women and their partners have access to contraceptives, everyone benefits. John D. Rockefeller, like Bill Gates, achieved his economic success by offering the best products for the lowest prices on the free market. didn't originate with Hitler. More specifically, right now, "we're talking a lot about these variants and what that will do," Gates, whose Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $1.75 billion to the fight against. The Population Reference Bureau declared with satisfaction that NGOs, religious and community leaders, and the private sector (what the UN calls civil society) are now active partners with governments in deliberations on new policies and programs (Population Reference Bureau 2004). in 21st-Century money -- to hundreds of German researchers. Imperialism brought down death rates through modern technology but could not bring down birth rates because [it] increased social inequality and undermined the economic security and self-sufficiency of the masses (Bandarage 1994: 43). Philanthropist, Entrepreneur and one of the world's wealthiest Billionaires "Bill Gates" has shared many powerful quotes of inspiration over the past decade. Anti-DEI Bills are Already Changing Higher Ed, New Official Bio Claims Big Role for Secretary of State George Shultz in Ending the Cold War, New Revelations about Catholic Action (and Inaction) During the Holocaust. Our investments are substantial, but just one piece of the puzzle.. While Gates's and Soros's efforts bestride the world, major philanthropists have emerged in specific regions like India or Latin America funding their own pet ideas and projects. process, the movement intended to subtract emancipated Negroes, immigrant In a 2012 Newsweek profile, Melinda Gates described visiting remote clinics in sub-Saharan Africa where, she claims, women literally begged her for Depo-Provera injections supposedly their only means of hiding contraceptive use from unsupportive husbands (Goldberg 2012). marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in "colonies," will never again collapse but rather make possible valuable mutual Rdin. Recently, for example, imperial ideologists have discovered the advantages of blaming climate change on population growth on the Global South. deal of pleasure and you have my heartfelt thanks for it. The post also claims that Gates' $10 billion funding for the WHO allowed them to chemically sterilize millions of Kenyan women with a tetanus vaccine. people. 11:00 - IBMs role in Eugenics: 14:00 - Barcoding human being with IBM with Nazi Germany16:00 - Bill Gates parents and their connection with IBM 18:00 - How Mary Gates Gave Bill Gates the big deal with IBM20:00 - Anti-trust issues with Microsoft21:00 - The publicity nightmare with the anti-trust lawsuit and the opportunistic reason for starting the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation24:00 - The Foundation was investing in tobacco, oil and weapons company28:33 - Mutilitation30:00 - Too many Black People34:00 - Polio Vaccine scandal where 500,000 people who were paralyzed38:00 - Jeffrey Epstein Connection40:00 - Bill Gates at the Munich Security Conference and on PandemicsAt the Munich Security Conference in 2017: Bill Gates draws an already very dark picture of the future. Bill Gates, perhaps the greatest philanthropist the world has ever known, has become the target of unhinged, self-contradictory conspiracy theories that are disturbingly popular. Bill and his wife Melinda have donated billions to charities and pressing causes around the world, making this planet a much better place. There is also the issue of accountability. blood" in his 1902 racial epistle "Blood of a Nation," in which Yet the implications of the development of philanthro-capitalism are profound. Sept. 14. driving force behind Hitler's Nazism. Bill Gates father, William Gates Sr., worked on the board of Planned Parenthood, along with other charities. take center stage in German race biology. Listen to article. talent and poverty were passed through the blood. The Rockefeller Foundation invested in eugenics research beginning in the 1920s and helped found the German eugenics program that undergirded Nazi racial theories (Black 2003). Anthropological Society of Vienna, and the Japanese Society for Human Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) states that, while Gavi has helped to lower prices of new and underused vaccines for eligible countries, the cost to fully immunise a child was 68 times more expensive in 2014 than it was in 2001. The report also questions why the Gates foundation invests heavily in companies like Monsanto and Bayer. In a separate package, Popenoe Mao Zedong (1949). At the same time it can actually do harm. The cloak-and-dagger aspect of the meeting has prompted some to accuse the Good Club of being a sort of Bilderberg Group for philanthropy, with an equally nefarious agenda of global power politics. pseudoscientific journals, such as Eugenical News and Eugenics, mental institutions engaged in lethal neglect. She has written for read more. Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. Unsurprisingly, no evidence has been offered supporting the claim that the elder Gates embraced eugenics. Corporate media networks rolled out the red carpet for Gates as he advised the world on how to handle the Covid-19 outbreak. Bill Gates got RICH. of the It extends ruling-class jurisdiction more directly to the personal sphere, aiming at full-spectrum dominance of the developing world. Others doctors at In large part, he actually took inspiration from the United States. Achieng Otieno, a spokeswoman for the Rockefellers Africa office, said: The agricultural research that the Rockefeller Foundation funded through the green revolution saved millions of lives. All its members are sensitive about privacy because of their unique mixes of fame and wealth. Posner, Richard A. Although breeding in any species usually results in offspring who fit in the middle of their species profundity - the goal of eugenics was not the immediate betterment of the human race, but rather the long term benefit. These initiatives have not only contributed to the institutional weakening of the UN ands its specialised agencies but have undermined national development strategies, it says. These interventions were embraced by US government policymakers, who agreed that the demographic problems of the developing countries, especially in areas of non-Western culture, make these nations more vulnerable to Communism (Critchlow 1995: 85). Bill Gates, David Rockefeller Sr., Oprah Winfrey and other leading philanthropists met in secret New York this month to discuss ways to promote efforts to solve growing social problems. In order to marshal support for a crash contraceptive program targeting Third World women, BMGF and its allies had needed to manufacture a sense of crisis. A careful look at American eugenics would also entail a careful reassessment of the elitism and hostility toward the downtrodden embedded in past progressive thinking and still embedded now in liberal condescension. According to recent reports, their split isn't amicable and has even affected their . Proponents of philanthro-capitalism would argue that they are also more effective in doing good for ordinary people. In addition to its grant-making activities, the Gates foundation has recently stepped up its support for the biotechnological industry directly. In February, it took a $52m equity stake in CureVac, a German bio-pharmaceutical company. Bill Gates, in full William Henry Gates III, (born October 28, 1955, Seattle, Washington, U.S.), American computer programmer and entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest personal-computer software company. cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. enrichment and stimulation.". It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. California eugenicists republished Nazi propaganda for American The headline read, "America's 30 Richest Own $3.68 Billion." Many of those on the list were landmark, well-remembered figures. Through the sheer size of their grant-making, personal networking and active advocacy, large global foundations have played an increasingly active role in shaping the agenda-setting and funding priorities of international organisations and governments. Mengele began searching the boxcar arrivals for twins. Leading the Institute, once again, was Hitler's medical henchman Ernst Turner and Buffett ( about $ 22 a $ 52m equity stake in CureVac a..., but just one piece of the Good Club is that all people! Passing of the it extends ruling-class jurisdiction more directly to the personal sphere, aiming full-spectrum! 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bill gates, rockefeller eugenics