cap laboratory general checklist 2020 pdf
The CAP Checklists Committee, made up of practicing pathologist members, leads the review, seeking input from experts in pathology and laboratory medicine. Our inspectors, who are trained, practicing laboratory professionals, understand laboratory operations and challenges, and through the accreditation program we are able to provide expert guidance to peers.. Like the rest of us, directors can be in only one place at a time, no matter how many laboratories they oversee. CAP inspection teams use them as a guide to assess the laboratory's overall management and operation. GEN.20325 Employee and Patient Quality Communication folds communication into the QM program, with a process that makes it possible for employees and patients to share with management their concerns about quality and safety. 1. About the College of American Pathologists. On the other hand, not every head and neck case requires it. The CMS regulates all laboratory testing, except research, performed on humans in the US through the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). endobj They shouldnt be considered a significant burden.. Email: MEDIA@CAP.ORG, View this news release online at: Read the CAP Annual Report. Less severe non-conforming events require investigation but not a full root cause analysis, Dr. Sarewitz says. View Vendors List forCAPs Checklist Distribution Program Read more. The milestone: development and adoption of a set of specialized checklist requirements for laboratories that want CAP accreditation. Visit to register. April 2021In the continuum of cancer care, diagnostic specialties such as ours play critical roles. The CAP is a CMS-approved accreditation organization with deeming authority to inspect laboratories under CLIA. These detailed checklists include: View a Full Listing of Available Checklists with Description (PDF), Request a Sample CAP Checklist "With the checklists, we strive to provide laboratories a clear roadmap to operate a high-quality laboratory, especially critical in times like these, and secure accreditation, said Richard Scanlan, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Council on Accreditation, which oversees the accreditation program and Checklists Committee. In 2020 checklist, a gentle push to next quality level, Do you have a question related to pathology and laboratory medicine practice? "With the checklists, we strive to provide laboratories a clear roadmap to operate a high-quality laboratory,especially critical in times like these, and secure accreditation, said Richard Scanlan, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Council on Accreditation, which oversees the accreditation program and Checklists Committee. 3 0 obj ROSE for patient care has proven value. So this addition can eventually benefit labs and patients alike. The frequency for evaluation is to be defined by the laboratory. For more information, visityourpathologist.orgto watch pathologists at work and see the stories of the patients who trust them with their care. Harris S. Goodman, MD, Checklists Committee chair and clinical laboratory director, Alameda Health System Highland Hospital, Oakland., Calif., says GEN.20318 underscores that there is no point in taking actions that do not accomplish anything. Current CAP Guidelines Mismatch Repair and Microsatellite Instability Testing for Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Diagnostic Testing for Diffuse Gliomas Laboratory Detection and Initial Diagnosis of Monoclonal Gammopathies Validating Whole Slide Imaging for Diagnostic Purposes in Pathology - Update Laboratory Workup of Lymphoma in Adults The CAPs program is based on rigorous accreditation standards that are translated into detailed checklist requirements organized into 21 discipline-specific checklists. November 2021In the latest edition of the laboratory general checklist, released in September, the requirements of the CAP Accreditation Programs have been edited to be more aligned with CAP 15189 (ISO 15189) accreditation requirements. 1 0 obj Thats a key to closing the loop when dealing with problems in the laboratory. Evidence of compliance requires records of actions taken and of the effectiveness evaluation. Fax or email. NORTHFIELD, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The College of American Pathologists (CAP) released the 2020 edition of its Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists on June 4, 2020.CAP inspectors use the checklists, with approximately 3,000 requirements, during inspections to ensure laboratories comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and achieve accreditation. Joe Schramm Send completed order form to 847-832-8168, ATTN: Customer Data . This change is coming after extensive discussions with the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and with its unanimous endorsement. If you need a different quality of the file please download the asset individually. To further assist laboratories, the CAP will offer a webinar, 2020 CAP Accreditation Checklist Updates: Changes that Matter, on June 17, 2020. It was presented via webinar to the CAP House of Delegates on March 31. But for an intriguing window into laboratory medicine and how its changing, you might take a look at the revisions in the 2016 edition of the Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists, released in August. If you purchase the accreditation checklists and apply for accreditation within 6 months of purchase, well waive the accreditation application fee. All rights reserved. Prior to an inspection, we create a custom checklist specifically for your laboratory based on your exact testing menu, so you and the inspection team both know whats being inspected so there are no surprises. A two-week open comment period followed; all comments were reviewed and appropriate changes were incorporated into the protocol. Visit to register. Arrow Right. May 2018Length, cost, variability in vendor support, and lack of consistency have cast a cloud for pathologist users over the CAPs cancer protocols and the electronic version of those protocols, the electronic cancer checklists. stream Internet Explorer presents a security risk. Harris Goodman, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Checklists Committee, and Stephen Sarewitz, MD, FCAP, vice chair, will lead the session. The CAP expects to release its 2022 CAP checklist edition in October. Learn more about the webinar and register. But for the time being, when it comes to demonstrating that personnel have the required educational qualification to perform nonwaived point-of-care testing, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the CAP have a message for laboratory directors: Primary documents are king. About the College of American Pathologists. Harris Goodman, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Checklists Committee, and Stephen Sarewitz, MD, FCAP, vice chair, will lead the session. <> In GEN.16902, QM programs needed only to be reviewed, not assessed. The focus of what is now an annual assessment has been expanded beyond simply evaluating the performance of the quality indicators to also evaluating other aspects of the QM program, such as follow-up on non-conforming events that require corrective/preventive action and actions taken to address concerns about quality and safety. Chemistry, Healthcare, Immunology, Coronavirus, social media distr - auto for marked clients, Laboratory Medicine, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, pathologists, Medical Laboratory, COVID-19, 265 Turkey Sag Trail, Suite 102, #110, Palmyra VA 22963, View all Meeting, Grants & Events Channels, Register for reporter access to contact details, social media distr - auto for marked clients. Contact us at 800-323-4040 or Definition of Terms in the All Common and Laboratory General Checklists. CAP requirements commonly exceed the standards, bolstering patient care and safety. 2020 Issues, ARTICLES, COVID-19, November 2020. Now, in 2018, they have clarified the diagnostic approach to in situ hybridization groups two, three, and four, rare cases that nonetheless cause an outsized share of headaches and worries. 2 0 obj Now we are giving labs structure through our Laboratory Accreditation Program by changing the requirements around quality management and gently pushing them to the next level of excellence.. March 2014Like Gypsy Rose Lee, tests and their true nature reveal themselves bit by bit. Infused with best practices, our checklists are updated annually to help laboratories stay current with rapidly evolving advances in laboratory medicine, technology, and regulatory compliance. order or credit card information. October 2018Laboratory personnel safety is at the center of two new requirements and a revised requirement in the latest edition of the CAP accreditation program checklists, released in August. Now, a newly published CAP guideline should help physicians figure out the right fit in multiple settings. As the worlds largest organization of board-certified pathologists and leading provider of laboratory accreditation and proficiency testing programs, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide. The software solutions in our Accreditation Checklist Distribution program have been evaluated by the CAP to ensure functionality to manage ongoing accreditation compliance using . If so, and if it is likely to be of interest to others in laboratories, send it to CAP TODAYs Q&A column ( or complete our online form. July 2018Take the new ASCO/CAP guideline for HER2 testing. But I dont think anyone realized how long, says Dr. Arber, professor and chair of pathology, University of Chicago, and the CAP co-chair for the guideline group. Detailed standards developed based on broad principles defined in the CAP Standards for Laboratory Accreditation -21 different checklists with about 2,900 requirements Tool for laboratories to prepare for inspection Roadmap guide for inspectors to perform an inspection Customizable based on tests and activities Questions? As the worlds largest organization of board-certified pathologists and leading provider of laboratory accreditation and proficiency testing programs, the College of American Pathologists (CAP) serves patients, pathologists, and the public by fostering and advocating excellence in the practice of pathology and laboratory medicine worldwide. What are the CAP Checklists? Include a copy of institutional purchase . 4 0 obj 2022 Issues, ARTICLES, Cytopathology, May 2022. Thats how Stephen J. Sarewitz, MD, vice chair of the CAP Checklists Committee, characterizes the changes to the quality management requirements in the 2020 laboratory general checklist, released in June. About the College of American Pathologists. Good Housekeeping: What Does the End of COVID Emergency Declarations Really Mean? Check to see which vendors participate in the CAPs Checklist Distribution Program. As a 501(c)(6) membership organization, the CAP is the only entity representing pathologists with unrestricted advocacy capability and a political action committee, PathPAC. This is what we do.. Updated to reflect August 21, 2017 CAP Checklist edition changes 8.0 September, 2018 : 1. In many cases, in fact, HPV testing is just what treating clinicians and patients need. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Personnel is also high on the list of questions asked of Laboratory Accreditation Program staff. We dont want any fear of whistleblower blowback in labs. 1 0 obj Annually, the CAP reviews all checklists to maintain program stringency and the highest standards of patient care while reflecting advancements in medicine, technology, and laboratory management. The program, internationally recognized and the largest of its kind, utilizes teams of practicing laboratory professionals as inspectors. Northfield, ILPublished on October 24, 2022, the College of American Pathologists' (CAP) Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists introduces enhancements with the new 2022 edition to clarify and simplify the inspection process for both laboratories and inspectors. endobj <> CAP inspectors use the checklists, with approximately 3,000 requirements, during inspections to ensure laboratories comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and achieve accreditation. October 2017The expert and advisory panels for the CAP/IASLC/AMP guideline on molecular testing for lung cancer biomarkers started updating the guideline in 2014, and an important but fairly routine revision process may have seemed to lie ahead. endobj Mpox a Cause for Concern in Pregnant Persons, CAP Discusses Actions to Eliminate Health Disparities with Congressional Black Caucus. Harris Goodman, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Checklists Committee, and Stephen Sarewitz, MD, FCAP, vice chair, will lead the session. It says a root cause analysis must be performed for sentinel events. 4 0 obj Newswise Northfield, ILThe College of American Pathologists (CAP) released the 2020 edition of its Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists on June 4, 2020. September 2022A new icon in the accreditation checklist edition to be released next month will make it easier to know if a written policy or procedure is needed for compliance with a requirement, and easier to inspect and be inspected. That is one reason members from three CAP committees started meeting to revise the ISH checklist, says CAP Surgical Pathology Committee member Aleodor Andea, MD, MBA. PSS is designed specifically for the measurement of ctDNA, and panels are developed for particular clinical intended uses where high sensitivity detection may provide unique insights and improve outcomes. The new requirement follows the addition in 2019 of GEN.20310 Investigation of Non-conforming Events, which Dr. Goodman calls a significant movement toward the introduction of ISO concepts to the CAP checklists. They are changes that bring the CAP accreditation program requirements into greater alignment with ISO 15189 standards. Its not enough just to have taken an action; it has to have made a difference. %PDF-1.7 endobj The CAPs program is based on rigorous accreditation standards that are translated into detailed checklist requirements organized into 21 discipline-specific checklists. August 2018Testing turnaround times can affect whether non-small cell lung cancer patients receive an EGFR or ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitor when indicated. In the 2020 edition, the CAP made additions and changes to checklists including Laboratory General, Microbiology, Immunology, Chemistry, Point of Care, Transfusion Medicine, and Reproductive Medicine. Annually, the CAP reviews all checklists to maintain program stringency and the highest standards of patient care while reflecting advancements in medicine, technology, and laboratory management. Employees must feel there is no barrier, Dr. Sarewitz says. Incorporating a management review piece brings it all to life and keeps the wheel of quality turning at all times., An existing requirement, GEN.13806 QM Program, previously said a laboratory had to have a written quality management program. Just today I canceled the third hemoglobin electrophoresis test order on a patient. Another reason: to harmonize and streamline the ISH checklist requirements across three different disciplines. For more information, visit to watch pathologists at work and see the stories of the patients who trust them with their care. CAP inspection teams use them as a guide to assess the laboratory's overall management and operation. To ensure the most secure and best overall experience on our website we recommend the latest versions of, Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Well forward it to experts for a reply. % November 2017A new flow cytometry section in the anatomic pathology checklist and a section on immunochemistry in the cytopathology checklist are among the many changes found in the latest edition of the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists, released in August. CAP inspectors use the checklists, with approximately 3,000 requirements, during inspections to ensure laboratories comply with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations and achieve accreditation. It is a test you only need once. December 2021No single assay can capture all cancer patients with DNA mismatch repair deficiency, and in determining a patients eligibility for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy, assays for MMR deficiency, microsatellite instability, and tumor mutation burden should not be considered interchangeable. Tag Archives: CAP lab accreditation/checklists/protocols/guidelines, CAP lab accreditation/checklists/protocols/guidelines, Do you have a question related to pathology and laboratory medicine practice? As system chairman of pathology and laboratory medicine at Detroit-based Henry Ford Health System, over the previous few years hed seen his team rigorously implement Lean practices, practices that had paid off in greater safety and efficiency. Unfortunately, quantum theory doesnt apply to laboratory directors, at least not on a scheduling level. They include test order accuracy, test turnaround time, critical result reporting, and blood culture contamination, among others. New to the list of suggested indicators is laboratory test utilization, an indicator Dr. Goodman says he focuses on at his hospital. All Common Checklist . So its no surprise that QC should be subject to quality checks of its own, as one of the pivotal checklist areas that CAPs Laboratory Accreditation Program focuses on during inspections. Considering a document control system to manage your laboratorys policies, procedures, and documents? <> If so, and if it is likely to be of interest to others in laboratories, send it to CAP TODAYs Q&A column (, SeraCare releases FFPE solid tumor CNV reference material, ARUP chooses Gestalts PathFlow for digital pathology, Maine Molecular QC releases SpotFire RSP controls, FDA clears Leica Biosystems MMR antibody panel, Sarstedt launches NFT urine collection system, Chemistry and Immunoassay Analyzers for POC and Low-Volume Labs, Chemistry and Immunoassay Analyzers for Mid- and High-Volume Labs, Coagulation Analyzers POC, Self-Monitoring, Laboratory Automation Systems and Workcells, Checklists now made to fit for next-gen sequencing labs, Need a written policy or procedure? In the 2020 edition, the CAP made additions and changes to checklists including Laboratory General, Microbiology, Immunology, Chemistry, Point of Care, Transfusion Medicine, and Reproductive Medicine. xKO@F endobj "With the checklists, we strive to provide laboratories a clear roadmap to operate a high-quality laboratory, especially critical in times like these, and secure accreditation, said Richard Scanlan, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Council on Accreditation, which oversees the accreditation program and Checklists Committee. The following is a complete list of the CAP accreditation checklists: CHECKLISTS SUBDISCIPLINES DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS All Common N/A Proficiency testing GEN.20316 QM Indicators of Quality says a QM program must include monitoring key indicators of quality in the preanalytic, analytic, and postanalytic testing phases by regularly comparing performance against targets defined by the laboratory. The program, internationally recognized and the largest of its kind, utilizes teams of practicing laboratory professionals as inspectors. September 2016For the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program, inspection checklist requirements covering personnel are a perennial concern. For immunohistochemistry, this unhurried disclosure has meant evolving ideas of whether these tests must indeed be validated and, if so, then how, exactly. The CAP Checklists Committee, made up of practicing pathologist members, leads the review, seeking input from experts in pathology and laboratory medicine. 1 0 obj For the purposes of clarity, this requirement was added and includes ISO concepts, the point being that not only does a laboratory have to record corrective and preventive actions taken for non-conforming events and quality indicators that do not meet targets, but the lab also must evaluate how effective its corrective and preventive actions are. Now, with the release of the new checklist edition this month, NGS laboratories will find the NGS section in their customized checklists leaner, more relevant, and easier to read. Some items have been removed from your Media Cart because they are no longer available or expired. Dr. Rutledge says the addition of the requirement in 2019 pushed labs to look at how the whole system is doing and determine if it is a living system. Or ask Daniel Arber, MD, who co-chaired a hefty new guidelinea half decade in the makingon diagnostic workup of acute leukemia. For more information, visit to watch pathologists at work and see the stories of the patients who trust them with their care. The specific checklist used is automatically assigned when a laboratory updates its activity menu in Organization Profile on Setting the bar higher was important because thats the culture here, he says. They are the leading source of disparities between the findings of the programs inspectors and inspection audits done by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. About the College of American Pathologists. S September 2020Strong quality management, patient safety, and conformity with regulations are at the heart of the new and revised requirements in the 2020 CAP accreditation program transfusion medicine checklist, released in June. The note calls for a written policy that describes the overall program, in sufficient detail to describe the objectives and essential elements of the program. CAP checklists are available in Word, Excel, or PDF format. Learn more. People who are on the line doing the testing may see something that is the start of an important issue. The CAP is a CMS-approved accreditation organization with deeming authority to inspect laboratories under CLIA. As a 501(c)(6) membership organization, the CAP is the only entity representing pathologists with unrestricted advocacy capability and a political action committee, PathPAC. May 2014Gerald Hoeltge, MD, chair of the CAP Checklists Committee, is pretty sure he knows exactly the way many laboratories will react to a particular change in the latest edition of the Laboratory Accreditation Program checklists, which launch this month. Laboratories have seen lower gynecologic volumes and an increase in both nongynecologic fine-needle aspiration biopsy and touch imprint samples. June 2020Best practices for HIV primary diagnostic testing and rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex are clarified and codified in new checklist requirements in the 2020 Laboratory Accreditation Program checklist edition published June 4. Personnel is a hot topic for the College, says CAP Checklists Committee chair William W. West, MD. When labs define the frequency, Dr. Rutledge says, it means they have a plan for revisiting the indicator appropriately. View source version on, Joe Schramm As a 501(c)(6) membership organization, the CAP is the only entity representing pathologists with unrestricted advocacy capability and a political action committee, PathPAC. These detailed checklists include: Notes, references, and practical examples to further clarify requirements and facilitate compliance October 2019The requirement revisions in the new edition of the Biorepository Accreditation Program checklist, published last month, are aimed at accommodating a growing overlap between clinical diagnostic activity and biomedical research. Sample adequacy allows for a single visit and avoids having to make multiple attempts to provide material sufficient for all required testing, including flow cytometry, microbiology, cell block preparation for immunohistochemical and histochemical staining, and molecular testing. Work is underway to improve the user experience (Nakhleh RE, et al. 7445 April 2019With the release in January of a new guideline for quantitative image analysis of HER2 immunohistochemistry for breast cancer, the CAP believes it is filling a gap and blazing a trail for the profession. It also clarifies language from the 2013 guideline that had sent some labs astray, and it addresses the use of multiple alternative chromosome 17 probe assays. If so, and if it is likely to be of interest to others in laboratories, send it to CAP TODAYs Q&A column ( or complete our online form. !JQ)"OAJOYD=d4NbA August 2022The protocol for the reporting of cervicovaginal cytology, the first in a series of CAP cytopathology protocols, became available for use in a synoptic format on June 22. At disease progression on an EGFR TKI, integrating circulating tumor DNA and tissue-based testing may lessen some of the limitations of each form of testing. z\G832. Many labs will do it more often, Dr. Goodman says. In transfusion medicine, the changes this year center on computer crossmatches, record retention, forward/reverse typing, and ABO group and Rh(D) type verification. If so, and if it is likely to be of interest to others in laboratories, send it to CAP TODAYs Q&A column (, SeraCare releases FFPE solid tumor CNV reference material, ARUP chooses Gestalts PathFlow for digital pathology, Maine Molecular QC releases SpotFire RSP controls, FDA clears Leica Biosystems MMR antibody panel, Sarstedt launches NFT urine collection system, Chemistry and Immunoassay Analyzers for POC and Low-Volume Labs, Chemistry and Immunoassay Analyzers for Mid- and High-Volume Labs, Coagulation Analyzers POC, Self-Monitoring, Laboratory Automation Systems and Workcells, CAP lab accreditation/checklists/protocols/guidelines, Quality assurance/quality control/quality improvement. It is a milestone for pathologists.. These are nothing new, says Dr. Fitzgibbons, a pathologist at St. Jude Medical Center, Fullerton, Calif., and chair of the CAP Cancer Biomarker Reporting Committee. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612.12 792.12] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Read the CAP Annual Report. Harris Goodman, MD, FCAP, chair, CAP Checklists Committee, and Stephen Sarewitz, MD, FCAP, vice chair, will lead the session. Updated to reflect review of all references 9.0 . February 2018Like a pair of one-size-fits-all jeans, testing all head and neck carcinomas for human papillomavirus may have seemed like a good idea at one time. Sysmex Inostics Plasma-Safe-SeqS (PSS) technology offers highly sensitive mutation detection across the most clinically relevant gene targets. The program, internationally recognized and the largest of its kind, utilizes teams of practicing laboratory professionals as inspectors. x]Ys7~weA pdWbh0_%qj!$*y_ExO".n? BAP.07400: Paraffin, Flotation Baths, and Embedding Stations Revision Added detail for proper monitoring of paraffin baths and dispensers. They are available in different checklist types and formatting options, including: Master contains ALL of the requirements and instructions available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats Custom customized based on the laboratory's activity (test) menu; available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats Highest quality files will be downloaded for all the assets. The agreement, communicated to state survey agency directors in a March 16 CMS memorandum, is reflected in the updated CAP accreditation program cytopathology checklist released this month. <> As a 501(c)(6) membership organization, the CAP is the only entity representing pathologists with unrestricted advocacy capability and a political action committee, PathPAC. You must enable cookies in your browser to use the Media Cart feature. 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cap laboratory general checklist 2020 pdf