computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github
For example, some systems provision and utilize new resources as their loads increase. Dean, S. Ghemawat, W. Hsieh, et al. They must characterize all of the relevant dependencies between the elements. Whether they change at runtime or as a result of high-frequency release-anddeploy cycles, all dynamic architectures share something in common with respect to documentation: They change much faster than the documentation cycle. On February 25, 1991, during the Gulf War, a U.S. Patriot missile battery failed to intercept an incoming Scud missile, which struck a barracks, killing 28 soldiers and injuring dozens. These design decisions include: Selecting a design concept from several alternatives Creating structures by instantiating the selected design concept Establishing relationships between elements and de ning interfaces Allocating resources (e.g., people, hardware, computation) When you study a diagram that represents an architecture, you see the end product of a thought process but cant always easily understand the decisions that were made to achieve this result. DevSecOps is increasingly popular in aerospace and defense applications, but is also valid in any application area where DevOps is useful and a security breach would be particularly costly. Modi ability It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Some systems are well known for their architectures, and these architectures sometimes carry a meaning all their own, independent of what other QAs they bring to the system. Every message intended for a service has a port number associated with it. 4. How lucky we are that we need not all burn ourselves to acquire the knowledge that touching a hot stove is a bad idea. These design decisions may manifest themselves as newly instantiated elements and the relations among them, which in turn should be documented in structural views. These, then, are the topics for this book: the design, analysis, and documentation of architectures. That is, semantically primitive, often transient bridges can be thought of as incidental repair mechanisms whose role in a design can remain implicit. It is the mapping of a systems functionality onto software structures that determines the architectures support for qualities. Can the connectors be adapted to process those new message types? If insu cient resources are available to service them when they arise, low-priority events might be ignored. A consequence of the dynamic allocation and deallocation in response to individual requests is that these short-lived containers cannot maintain any state: The containers must be stateless. 3 (2007): 221234. Organizations may not be able to hire developers at a single location: Relocation costs may be high, the size of the developer pool may be small, or the skill sets needed may be specialized and unavailable in a single location. Be aware of the project managers tasks and concerns, and how you as an architect may be asked to support those tasks and concerns. In an incremental design context comprising multiple rounds, the purpose for a design round may be, for example, to produce a design for early estimation, to re ne an existing design to build a new increment of the system, or to design and generate a prototype to mitigate certain technical risks. Mary Shaw and David Garlan, together and separately, produced a major body of work that helped create the eld of study we call software architecture. Note that documentation doesnt necessarily mean producing a physical, printed, book-like artifact. Security 11.1 Security General Scenario 11.2 Tactics for Security 11.3 Tactics-Based Questionnaire for Security 11.4 Patterns for Security 11.5 For Further Reading 11.6 Discussion Questions 12. Nonlocal changes are not as desirable but do have the virtue that they can usually be staged that is, rolled outin an orderly manner over time. Identi cation of architectural drivers. We can represent the le dependencies using a special kind of adjacency matrix called a design structure matrix (DSM). Currently he is an independent consultant whose clients have included computer and networking manufacturers and customers, software development firms, and leading-edge government research institutions. Designincluding architectural designis a complex activity to perform. He has designed and implemented both TCP/IP-based and OSI-based protocol suites on a variety of computers and operating systems, ranging from microcomputers to mainframes. Likewise, deployment is more complicated because of bandwidth, safety considerations, and other issues. For these kinds of complex cases, we need help, in the form of automation, to identify the architecture debt. Subscribing to a Pearson+ offering may include special partner offers. Needs to understand the interfaces contract and how to use it. Morgan Kaufman, 2017. Figure 9.2 shows events arriving at the system. When initially contacted, it may not respond to the load balancers health check, but once the queue has been drained, it may be ready to respond again. Finding experts in this area and interviewing them or simply writing and asking them for advice. A context diagram displays an entity and other entities with which it communicates. The fth successive failure of a component may be treated di erently than the rst failure of that component. Repeated failed login attempts may indicate a potential attack. A maintainer will likely propose a modi ability scenario, while a user will probably come up with a scenario that expresses ease of operation, and a quality assurance person will propose a scenario about testing the system or being able to replicate the state of the system leading up to a fault. The emphasis is on written papers or projects, not standardized testing. One problem that must be overcome when adopting this approach is coordinating the teams activities. Some test tools for mobile applications can be found at these two sites: rebase-testlab/index.html#0 https:// Some of the di culties involved in making self-driving cars safe are discussed in Adventures in Self Driving Car Safety, Philip Koopmans presentation on Slideshare: 26.4 Other Algorithms Quantum computing holds similar game-changing potential for many applications. Agile methodologies focus on incremental development. That is, if a system contains a fault, then it doesnt take long or much e ort to make that fault show up. Sketch a design for a dynamic discovery service. OReilly, 2020. When we can abstract system time from clock time, we can allow the system (or components) to run at faster than wall-clock time, and test the system (or components) at critical time boundaries such as the next transition to or from Daylight Savings Time. The Cloud and Distributed Computing 17.1 Cloud Basics 17.2 Failure in the Cloud 17.3 Using Multiple Instances to Improve Performance and Availability 17.4 Summary 17.5 For Further Reading 17.6 Discussion Questions 18. In addition, documentation is especially important in distributed development. Since external entities and the system under development interact via interfaces, there should be at least one external interface per external system (as shown in Figure 20.2). An architecture can be created as a transferable, reusable model that forms the heart of a product line. Step 1: Present the ATAM The rst step calls for the evaluation leader to present the ATAM to the assembled project representatives. We hope that we have convinced you as well, and that you will nd this fourth edition a useful addition to your (physical or electronic) bookshelf. If we know that certain kinds of architectural decisions lead to certain quality attributes in a system, then we can make those decisions and rightly expect to be rewarded with the associated quality attributes. Elasticity applies at di erent time scales. While during XMLs heyday the argument was often made that XML is human readable, today this bene t is cited far less often. Even more useful than standalone lists, they can serve as the basis for creating your own checklist that contains the QAs of concern in your domain, your industry, your organization, your products. In addition, architecture-level coupling metrics, such as propagation cost and decoupling level, can be used to measure and track the overall level of coupling in a systems architecture. Contribute to ohari5336/book-1 development by creating an account on GitHub. A common manifestation of a system model is a progress bar that predicts the time needed to complete the current activity. That fact about A is a part of the interface between A and the other elements in As environment. 5. Each VM has limits on CPU utilization, memory, and disk and network I/O bandwidth. For example, a word processing tool may not have any explicit performance requirement, but no doubt you would agree that waiting an hour (or a minute, or a second) before seeing a typed character appear on the screen is unacceptable. This term is used to refer to a wide range of computing capabilities. Jakob Nielsen has also written extensively on this topic, including a calculation of the ROI of usability [Nielsen 08]. (The remainder of the user base continues to use the previous version of the service.) Find a published example of a software architecture. A variety of formal notations for software architecture are available. On the other hand, binary representations, particularly encrypted ones, require special debugging tools, but are more secure. In gathering these requirements, you should be mindful of the organizations business goals. When a user has initiated a long-running operationsay, downloading a large le or a set of les from a serverit is often useful to provide the ability to pause and resume the operation. Will they interact by transferring control or data, or both? Document the interface to a light bulb. This has been moderated by Peter Neumann since 1985 and is still going strong. For example, in the case of objectoriented frameworks, instantiation may require you to create new classes that inherit from the base classes de ned in the framework. For instance, if you performed step 5 in a conference room, you probably ended up with a series of diagrams on a whiteboard. Escalating restart. Likewise, the division into safety-critical and non-critical portions must be certi ed to ensure that there is no in uence on the safety-critical portion from the nonsafety-critical portion. First-class passengers may have better Wi-Fi connectivity than second-class passengers. As an example of an incompatibility, suppose the original interface assumed that apartment numbers were included in the address but the extended interface broke out apartment numbers as a separate parameter. : Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software, 2nd ed. The reliability of your architecture is a ected when the interface contract between elements is broken. Authentication means ensuring that an actor is actually who or what it purports to be. The potential steps in an LAE exercise, along with our experiences with how these play out in practice, are shown in Table 21.3. An interface, however, is a contract between an element and its actors. Sensors may also become degraded over time, so multiple sensors may be needed to get an accurate representation of the phenomenon being measured. Figure 15.2 A gateway that provides access to a variety of di erent resources We now turn to the speci cs of designing particular interfaces. Consider the fault detection tactics (ping/echo, heartbeat, system monitor, voting, and exception detection). Abstract data sources. For this reason deployment is often scripted. But QAs are notoriously squishy in this regard. (See the Scheduling Policies sidebar.) The number of evaluations and the extent of each evaluation may vary from project to project. The easiest way to merge views is to create an overlay that combines the information that would otherwise have appeared in two separate views. In many projects, architects pitch in to help with the actual implementation and testing, in critical areas. Figure 12.4 summarizes the tactics used for testability. Software Architecture Review and Assessment (SARA) Report, Version 1.0, 2002, Over and above the contents of architecture documentation, however, are issues dealing with its form, distribution, and evolution. These rules can be applied proactively for green eld development, to help build the system right. Or they can be applied as analysis heuristics, to understand the potential problem areas in existing systems and to guide the direction of its evolution. In cases where the system cannot maintain adequate response levels, you can reduce the sampling frequency of the stimulifor example, the rate at which data is received from a sensor or the number of video frames per second that you process. Thus, the architect needs to have a good understanding of the architectures stakeholders and their information needs. ASRs often derive from business goals in the development organization itself; well explore this connection in Section 19.3. Architecture Competence 25.1 Competence of Individuals: Duties, Skills, and Knowledge of Architects 25.2 Competence of a Software Architecture Organization 25.3 Become a Better Architect 25.4 Summary 25.5 For Further Reading 25.6 Discussion QuestionsPart VI: Conclusions 26. In the context of energy e ciency, this request could be annotated with energy information, allowing the requestor to choose a service provider (resource) based on its (possibly dynamic) energy characteristics. The rst increment can be a skeletal system in which at least some of the infrastructurehow the elements initialize, communicate, share data, access resources, report errors, log activity, and so forthis present, but much of the systems application functionality is not. 4. 5.7 For Further Reading Much of the material in this chapter is adapted from Deployment and Operations for Software Engineers by Len Bass and John Klein [Bass 19] and from [Kazman 20b]. For example, you might (1) select a security tactic of authenticating actors and instantiate it through a custom-coded solution that you weave into your preexisting login process; or (2) adopt a security pattern that includes actor authentication; or (3) integrate an externally developed component such as a security framework that authenticates actors. The interface le is the entry point for other system elements to use the service or resource. [Schmerl 06] B. Schmerl, J. Aldrich, D. Garlan, R. Kazman, and H. Yan. Table 9.1 Performance General Scenario Figure 9.1 gives an example concrete performance scenario: Five hundred users initiate 2,000 requests in a 30-second interval, under normal operations. The image on the right shows a C&C view of the same system. Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns. Testers and integrators are stakeholders for whom the architecture speci es the correct black-box behavior of the pieces that must t together. A software (or system) architecture should be the product of a single architect or a small group of architects with an identi ed technical leader. They called their approach structured programming, but arguably this was the debut of software architecture [Dijkstra 72]. 11.1 Security General Scenario From these considerations, we can now describe the individual portions of a security general scenario, which is summarized in Table 11.1., 2014. If observers neglect to de-register, then their memory is never freed, which e ectively results in a memory leak. If this process is fully automatedthat is, if there is no human interventionthen it is called continuous deployment. Under what circumstances is accumulating debt a reasonable strategy? The aircraft crashed into the ocean because of software designed to keep it safe. When you purchase a Pearson+ subscription, it will last 4 months. Applications such as route determination and pattern recognition can be performed partly by the mobile system itself where the sensors are locatedand partly from portions of the application that are resident on the cloudwhere more data storage and more powerful processors are available. Performance Solutions: A Practical Guide to Creating Responsive, Scalable Software. The environment in such a view varies; it might be the hardware, the operating environment in which the software is executed, the le systems supporting development or deployment, or the development organization(s). The Simian Army re ected a determination by Net ix that the targeted faults were the most serious in terms of their impacts. The following are examples of some typical properties and their uses: Reliability. The pool of service instances can be sized to accommodate some number of simultaneous service instance failures while still providing enough overall service capacity to handle the required volume of client requests within the desired latency. Would you use the uses structure? Defer Binding Because the work of people is almost always more expensive error-prone than the work of computers, letting computers handle a change as much as possible will almost always reduce the cost of making that change. [Hofmeister 07] Christine Hofmeister, Philippe Kruchten, Robert L. Nord, Henk Obbink, Alexander Ran, and Pierre America. Depending on what is de ned in a standard, it may also address syntactic, data semantic, behavioral semantic, and temporal dimensions of distance. 6.3 Tactics-Based E ciency Questionnaire for Energy As described in Chapter 3, this tactics-based questionnaire is intended to very quickly understand the degree to which an architecture employs speci c tactics to manage energy e ciency. The key is to elicit su cient architectural information to establish some link between the architectural decisions that have been made and the quality attribute requirements that need to be satis ed. Smartphone displays must be large enough for a human to read; automobiles are constrained by weight limits on roads; trains are constrained by track width; and so forth. The general problem is to solve the equation Ax = b, where A is an N N matrix, x is a set of N unknowns, and b is a set of N known values. 1.1 What Software Architecture Is and What It Isnt 1.2 Architectural Structures and Views 1.3 What Makes a Good Architecture? Given this view, schema evolution is a form of interface evolution. Which Structures to Choose? In addition, a modules name may re ect its position in a decomposition hierarchy; the name A.B.C, for example, refers to a module C that is a submodule of a module B, which is itself a submodule of A. PCC (Adapted from [Clements 01b]) 21.6 Lightweight Architecture Evaluation The Lightweight Architecture Evaluation (LAE) method is intended to be used in a project-internal context where the reviewing is carried out by peers on a regular basis. We can either reduce demand for resources (control resource demand) or make the resources we have available handle the demand more e ectively (manage resources). If a fault is present in a system, then we want it to fail during testing as quickly as possible. REST comprises a set of six constraints imposed on the interactions between elements: Uniform interface. During the session, I dutifully walked through the security tacticsbased questionnaire, asking each question in turn (as you may recall, in these questionnaires each tactic is transformed into a question). Use of a dynamic discovery capability sets the expectation that the system will clearly advertise both the services available for integration with future components and the minimal information that will be available for each service. 5. We had never gotten a completely satisfactory architecture presentation from the architect. Any design, in any discipline, can be viewed as a sequence of decisions. Context diagrams, component-and-connector views, module decomposition or layered views, and the deployment view are useful in almost every evaluation, and the architect should be prepared to show them. Architects must identify ASRs, usually after doing a signi cant bit of work to uncover candidate ASRs. Security If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. Thats the signal for the system to begin handling the fault. How much information is transferred and at what rate? Element builders must be uent in the speci cations of their individual elements but they may not be aware of the architectural tradeo sthe architecture (or architect) simply constrains them in such a way as to meet the tradeo s. A classic example is when an architect assigns performance budgets to the pieces of software involved in some larger piece of functionality. In general, system performance and resource management are more di cult to reason about in publish-subscribe systems. In the next three sections we focus on how quality attributes can be speci ed, what architectural decisions will enable the achievement of particular quality attributes, and what questions about quality attributes will enable the architect to make the correct design decisions. Transparency. Another component might simply wait for access, or return immediately with an indication that it will complete its operation on its own the next time it does have access. Caching is applied to resources when applicable. INCOSE is trying to move the engineering eld from a documentbased mentality to a model-based mentality, where structural models, behavioral models, performance models, and more are all used consistently to build systems better, faster, and cheaper. Their job during an evaluation is to articulate the speci c quality attribute goals that the architecture should meet for the system to be considered a success. Documentation speaks for the architect. RFC 4443, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Speci cation, 2006. 26.6 Final Thoughts Quantum computers are currently in their infancy. Bandwidth. [Boehm 78] B. W. Boehm, J. R. Brown, J. R. Kaspar, M. L. Lipow, and G. MacCleod. Architecting for safety begins by identifying the systems safety-critical functions those functions that could cause harm as just outlinedusing techniques such as failure mode and e ects analysis (FMEA; also called hazard analysis) and fault tree analysis (FTA). However, a comparison may not always lead to a vote; another option is to simply shut down if outputs di er. There are meetups. Discuss some nonarchitectural means as well. You specify your message schema in a proto le, which is then compiled by a language-speci c protocol bu er compiler. The discussion and negotiation that result from this process create a far more accurate estimate than use of either approach by itself. When designing a system for a mobile platform, you must deal with a large number of domain-speci c requirements. See, for example, and The stakeholder representing the business concerns behind the system (typically a manager or management representative) spends about one hour presenting the systems business context, broad functional requirements, constraints, and known QA requirements. 19. Once it is determined that the new instances are working satisfactorily, then, and only then, are the N instances of the original Service A removed. Children nodes decompose the direct causes, and so forth. It takes on the order of 2128 iterations to calculate the inverse of a hash based on 256 bits. If you employ patterns in your design, as recommended in Chapter 20, these patterns should be identi ed in the documentation. Device. Every process should be written so that its assignment to a speci c processor can be easily changed, perhaps even at runtime. It is not useful to spend a lot of your time optimizing a portion of the system that is responsible for only a small percentage of the total time. [Nielsen 08] Jakob Nielsen. Write a concrete availability scenario for the software for a (hypothetical) driverless car. Tradeo s: If a large amount of data is being passed to the service, this pattern can be highly ine cient and can add a nontrivial amount of latency, as each lter makes a complete pass over the entire input. Why Is Software Architecture Important? Know how to design and analyze a secure computer system in general. This addresses the vocabulary problems we identi ed previously. [Bass 07] Len Bass, Robert Nord, William G. Wood, and David Zubrow. As an architect of a cloud-based service, you can set up a collection of rules for the autoscaler that govern its behavior. The rollback tactic permits the system to revert to a saved copy of a previous known good statethe rollback lineupon the detection of a failure. In addition, an architecture can enhance testability by making it easier both to replicate a bug and to narrow down the possible root causes of the bug. Why do we focus on tactics? They may also have one or more graphics processing units (GPUs), or other special-purpose processors, such as a tensor processing unit (TPU). Data. The estimated cost of a risk is the probability of that event occurring multiplied by the cost of the impact. Book: Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, Authors: William Stallings and Lawrie BrownWilliam Stallings Lawrie Brown Problem: 27.11 (12) - When you review the list of products evaluated against the Common Criteria, such as that found on the Common Criteria Portal website, very few products are evaluated to the higher EAL 6 The levels and boundaries between them may vary depending on the system, but they are implied in several reference processes and standards such as Automotive SPICE. 9. Third, these lists often purport to be taxonomiesthat is, lists with the special property that every member can be assigned to exactly one place. Both of these combine the limit access and limit exposure tacticsthe former with respect to information, the latter with respect to activities. One way to reduce work is to reduce the number of requests coming in to the system to do work. The end of life means support will be discontinued, which creates high risks in case of failures: There will be no trusted source from which to get answers or support with reasonable coststhat is, without having to dissect and reverse-engineer the component in question. Can the systems structure change as it executes and, if so, how? Some restrictions on port usage exist when using containers that do not exist when using VMs. Before the widespread adoption of cloud computing, procurement meant purchase: An organization had to purchase physical computers to perform the upgrade. That may be the same person (as noted in the quotation that opened this chapter) or it may be a replacement, but in either case the future architect is guaranteed to have an enormous stake in the documentation. [ Nielsen 08 ] will they interact by transferring control or data, or both is especially in... 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computer security: principles and practice 4th edition github