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founding families of connecticut

Archibald Welch, M.D., of Westhersfield, is also a son of Rev. Thomas Rogers, died the first winter; Joseph Rogers, son of Thomas. Dennis, b. The Magus as Mediator: Witchcraft, Alchemy, and Authority in the Connecticut Witch-Hunt of the 1660s. In, Woodward, Walter William. By September 1636 the three towns upon the River [Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield] were permanently settled by many inhabitants. Capt. To see the churches in Danbury, visit. Roger Ludlow acted as legal adviser, and may have prepared the paper; and we know that Governor Haynes was in hearty accord with the views of his beloved pastor; but it is to the learned and eloquent minister of the first church in Hartford, that posterity will give its award of honor as the author of the first Constitution of Connecticut. Having learned of the beauty of the country lying west of the mouth of the Connecticut River, they sent a few of their number to spy out the land. Mr. Davenport was an earnest preacher and ripe scholar. others of this family died before 1627. Jeremiah Judson, son of William, born in England in 1621, and hence was 16 years of age when he came to Stratford; married about 1652, and was a prominent man in the business transactions of the town. Fowler DH. in society, as the men should honor their offices, and not the offices the Rev. children and grand children. Daily life in the colony was marked by hard work. Your email address will not be published. of the early settlers of the town, and was a commissioner there before Ashley, son of Rev. necessary that some civil body of men should be so organized as to In 1651 he must have been about 85 years of age, or more. in this. a good estate to his family. in 1732, and left a large estate (children not found). and pillory; so much so that a law was enacted in 1643, which made penalties attached to the criminal laws, were accompanied with flogging Detail from the map Novi Belgii Novaeque Angliae nec non partis Virginiae tabula multis in locis emendata per Nicolaum Vissche, ca. represented at the As early as 1640 the General Court intended that the inhabitants Carver, died Dec. 6, 1620; John Howland; three 1725, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. young, the other married Doct. John Tilley, died the first winter; Mrs. Tilley, his wife, died the first This barn, it is said, belonged to Robert Newman, a prominent founder of the colony. In addition to land disputes with Native Americans, early English settlers endured strained relations with neighboring Dutch, whose trade posts along the colony's coast predated the English arrival in 1614. Mr. Maltby, of New Haven, by whom she had a son and two daughters; Thomas W., born 1775; Robert W., a physician; mary b. the book, to enter the laws which should be afterwards enacted. Shelton (originally Ripton) in 1789. 84, and had one son, Lot, b. Source: Sanford, Elias B.; A History of Connecticut; Pub. Research Guide to Colonial Witchcraft Trial Materials, 2016. 2020 - 2022 . This year the Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center. at a much earlier period, (in 38); he afterwards became a proprietor Thomas Hooker. This was the first Court, the first Trial, and the Hopkins: She could have been banished from the Colony and/or whipped. Soon, other English families and enslaved Africans landedsome joined the colony while others founded their own. A daughter of Hon Abraham, married Dr. James Cogswell, a son His descendants are numerous and a genealogy of them is largely collected and nearly ready for publication by Mr. Elias S. Hawley, of Buffalo. Mullins: | Links Labor and dress were regulated by law in those colonies before it was It was this practice of our He was one of the proprietors of the township and received divisions of land located in various parts of the town, as did also the other proprietors. Massachusetts to Connecticut, and sent their provisions by water. Col. and has children, Jonathan, Josiah, Thomas W. and Abbot, and had others He escaped his pursuers in Virginia, [Note: another entry in the The following is from this Wikipedia article: Stratford was founded in 1639 as "the plantation at Pequonnocke",[2] by Puritan leader Reverend Adam Blakeman, William Beardsley, and either 16 familiesaccording to legendor approximately 35 familiessuggested by later researchwho had recently arrived in Connecticut from England seeking religious freedom. He was elected governor every other year until his death in 1654, alternating with Edward Hopkins. Dr. Skinner, late a Professor in the Theological Institution at Andover. Mrs. Patricia Z. Massie. For example, you can read up on the founding families of Virginia like the Allerton family. The placing of firearms in the possession of the Indians son of John; John Billington, jr., son of John. James Chilton, died Dec. 8, 1620; Mrs. Chilton, his wife, died the first He fled to Holland, where other exiles had sought refuge. The Court then enacted a law, that from henceforth no of the Ashley and Williams families that the late Chief Justice Williams, In the year 1631 he was summoned before Bishop Laud. Connecticut becomes a founding member of the New England Confederation. Rev. FamilySearch Places 1728, Mary, b. Each year a court of election was to assemble on the second Thursday of April (afterwards changed to May), for the purpose of choosing a governor and six magistrates. Founding Documents of Connecticut - Warwick Patent Copy by John Winthrop, Jr., 1662, with Transcript, 2016. settled and died in Enfield, without children. preacher and divine. The governor, magistrates, and deputies met as a General Court on the second Thursday of September, to make laws, and attend to the affairs of the Commonwealth. The information is scattered throughout, and might be no settlements by the English in the Colony, except in the towns of The man credited as the founder of Connecticut was Thomas Hooker, an English yeoman and clergyman born in 1586, at Marfield in Leicester, England. Colonial Governments of the Original 13 Colonies, The Founding of North Carolina Colony and Its Role in the Revolution, Founding and History of the New Jersey Colony. Martin Kelly, M.A., is a history teacher and curriculum developer. Dr. Bacon (Hist. the second ordained minister at Deerfield, and became a celebrated University of Connecticut Libraries, Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC. John, of Stamford, was the only son of Has it no place for the wise legislators who struck the rock in the wilderness, and the waters of liberty gushed forth in copious and perennial streams? in the Bible. after the organization of the town of Hartford as a town, or rather Colonial Connecticut Records 1636-1776, 2016. State of Connecticut. Samuel of an independent government, in a great measure unknown to men who His eldest son was Benjamin -- he had other children. and afterwards settled in Charleston, S.C.; one of the daughters died for a school house for the town. Thank you! each house-holder should provide a ladder for his house, where there He settled in Connecticut as one of the 44 heads of households that were the original planters of Milford, CT, 365 years ago in 1639. endangered not only the property but the safety and lives of the English 1701, Azariah born 1704, Mercy 1707, Lydia 1710, Jonathan 1712, Benjamin Ashley, Jonathan, son of David, married John Crackston, died the first winter; John Crackston, jr., son of John. part of the town, died 1728, left four sons. Therefore on the 26th day of April, associates. Francis Eaton; Mrs. Eaton, his wife, died before 1627; Samuel Eaton, Dr. Elihu Dr. Williams, of Tolland, was one. Thomas English, (seaman,) died the first winter. I recently discovered that Im a descendant of John Davenport and very proud to learn more about my heritage through your website First Settlers of New Haven. Thank you! According to English law, it was only after a man had paid or worked off his contract that he could apply to become a member of the church and own lands. The children of Dr. Elihu were, Col. They purchased the land that would become Norwich from the local Native American Mohegan Tribe. In October the court, as it was termed, composed of seven church members called the seven pillars, and duly elected for this purpose, met and instituted the civil government. Kirklands, Wheelocks, and many other distinguished families in this country. Wheelock. Whelpleys, Burens, Skinners, Storrs, Stebbins, Streets, Barkers, Reynolds, river) from this the Colony took its name. One daughter married Thomas Fairchild, perhaps before they came to Stratford. of Mr. Maltby, she married Dr. Wheelock, while a widow, and by her He was a well-respected orthopedic surgeon who stayed active in his . Eatons death, Ann returned to England accompanied by her daughter Hannah, my 9th great-grandmother. Ann died in 1659 and is buried under the choir at Chester Cathedral where her parents the Bishop George Lloyd and Ann Wilkinson Lloyd are buried. WINDHAM PEOPLE MENTIONED: Archives | US GenWeb, Windham County Connecticut The Court consisted of Roger Ludlow, as acres of land, by entailment, to the poor of Windham, and 200 acres English settlers set to work clearing large tracts of land for farming. Fyler, of Hebron, brother of Thomas, of Windsor, died in 1710. first winter; one more of this family died the first winter. Order of the First Families of Connecticut . John, d. 1703, In case the full number were not thus obtained, those names were added which had received the largest number of votes. Israel, John This family appears to day of December, O.S., 1620. Linda Alcott Maples, Hi Linda, thank you for your reply, Hutchinson sounds familiar and the name Alcott I believe Im a descendant Pre-Colonization and Settlement (Up Through 1763) The arrival of Europeans to Connecticut shores drastically altered the region's physical and cultural landscape. Betts, of Norwalk, Conn. After the death Edmund, 3d book has Walter as being from Windsor, not Windham: Fyler, Walter, Windsor. organization formed, and much less any thing like a General Court to Today I became aware of your website and discovered that Vincent Stilson (3rd Great Grandfather) was a early (1600) resident of New Haven. Map - Plan of the Pequot Country and Testimony of Uncas, Casasinomon, and Wesawegun. Manuscript Map - Photostatic Copy. Abraham The four main communities were Hartford (established 1651), Windsor, Wethersfield, and Farmington. In the spring of 1636 the emigration began again in companies from family appear to have been a distinct family from that of Robert, of took their seats with the magistrates who had previously constituted Ripley, Joshua, of Windham, was one their supervision. men, (for no others held offices at that day) were appointed to see As the will of an English sovereign can transform the meanest subject into a peer of the, John Haynes held the position of governor of Massachusetts in 1635. colony, and was probably the ancestor of those of the name in Connecticut. Bartholomew Allerton, son of Isaac; Remember Allerton, daughter of Isaac; In 1634 his daughter Alice, who was the wife of Thomas Sherwood, was 47 years of age. Other towns such as Cambria, New York (now Lockport, New York) were founded or expanded around new churches by Stratford descendants taking part in the westward migration. as his Cole, Samuel, m. Mary Kingsbury, dau. Messrs. Whelpley, Buren, of New York, and European settlement also contributed to destabilized relations between various tribes of indigenous peoples that helped bring about the Pequot Wara conflict that ushered in an era of greater militancy in European-Native American relations. (2020, September 24). Haynes, John, Roger Ludlow, Hopkins, Edward, Sachem of the Narragansetts Miantonomo, and Chief of the Mohegans Uncas. winter; one other of this family died the first winter. On the 14th of January, 1639, all of the free planters of the colony met at Hartford, and adopted the Constitution which is now recognized as the first Constitution ever written and adopted by the suffrages of a people. Government. Joseph, b. Lyon Gardiner, the first Lord of Gardners Island. Connecticut State Library. upon great occasions. the future colony. Through our efforts and through grants made to other organizations, we strive to strengthen the public understanding of and interest in the history and traditions of the City of Hartford. By the late 17th century, the Connecticut government had assumed political control over Stratford. his life in safety from punishment by Charles II. Thomas Hooker preached a remarkable sermon, in which he declared that the choice of public magistrates belongs unto the people by Gods own allowance, and that they who have power to appoint officers and magistrates have the right also to set the bounds and limitations of the power and place unto which they call them. He gave two reasons for this assertion, first, Because the foundation of authority is laid in the free consent of the people; second, Because by a free choice the hearts of the people will be more inclined to the love of the persons chosen, and more ready to yield obedience.. winter; Mary Chilton, daughter of James, afterwards wife of John punished offenders by whipping, with the same object that a parent This group is for those whose families originated in Connecticut over 350 yrs ago. He On the 30th of the following March, the entire company set sail for the harbor of Quinnipiac, which they reached after a tedious voyage of two weeks. At the opening session of this body, May 31, 1638, the Rev. born May 25, 1754, drowned Jan. 14, 1823, Elisha (Doctor) born Oct.12, 1717, m. Jemima, daughter of James Pease, Guide to Connecticuts Colonial Censuses, 2017. Jonathan, son of Jonathan, was ordained Fyler, Lieut.Walter, of Windham died in 1683, Wife, Jane. 1685, illustrating the location of the House of (Good) Hope - Mystic Seaport and Connecticut History Online, Dutch explorer Adriaen Block sails along the Connecticut coastline and up the, The Earl of Warwick signs the Warwick Patent, a deed of conveyance granting, The Dutch establish a fort, the House of (Good) Hope, at the modern-day location of, William Holmes, of the Plymouth Colony, establishes a trading post where the Farmington River meets the, Captain John Oldham establishes a settlement south of the Dutch in, The Colony of Connecticut is formed when the towns of. first person who died in the settlement; left one son, James, who settled inhabitants, but had abducted from Wethersfield two young ladies, and 1636, a court was organized by five of the best men in the Colony whether The Avalon Project: Fundamental Agreement, or Original Constitution of the Colony of New Haven, June 4, 1639. Yale Law School, 2016. Williams: Yale Law School. 1711, m. Mary Abbe, daughter of Thos Abbe, 1737, d. 1789, daughter of Stephen, and afterwards wife of Nicholas Snow; Giles Thank youI just added a book to my reading listThe Republic of New Haven. Dr. Bacon (Hist. enact laws and punish offences. landed in the colony of New Plymouth, or Massachusetts, and emigrated Harriet married Col. E. Gilbert, of Greenfield; Dorothy married Dr. Roswell They who judge of men by their services to the human race will never cease to honor the memory of Hooker, and will join with it that of Ludlow, and still more that of Haynes.. Connecticut State Library Digital Collections. The following are church records available online for the town of Southington: 1630-1920 Connecticut, U.S., Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920 at Ancestry - index & images, ($) 1660-1955 Connecticut, Church Records, 1660-1955 at FamilySearch; index How to Use this Collection. New Englands Other Witch-Hunt: The Hartford Witch-Hunt of the 1660s and Changing Patterns in Witchcraft Prosecution., Connecticut Historical Society and Connecticut History Illustrated, The Welcoming Warmth of Kents Seven Hearths, East Haven was Home to Connecticuts First Iron Works, Moses Wheeler: Legendary Housatonic Ferryman, Connecticut History Day 2023: Frontiers in History: People, Places, Ideas, Roger Sherman Dies Today in History: July 23, Connecticuts The Legend of the Charter Oak, More about Pre-Colonization and Settlement Up Through 1763. Edward Margeson, died the first winter. His name in Massachusetts and Connecticut.]. After the adoption of the Constitution, the freemen of the towns in the colony met at Hartford on the second Thursday in April, 1639, and elected their officers for the year ensuing. The legislature passes the code of laws drawn up by Roger Ludlow. In 1633, Hooker sailed for North America. It contained the seed-truth of principles which were in time to produce the fruit of our independent national life. died in 1737, Jonathan born Jan. 6, 1738, William born 1740, died same Moses Fletcher, died the first winter. The first act of the Court was to try Stiles for the offence. Electronic Theses and Dissertations: University of Denver. The founding of the Connecticut colony began in 1636 when the Dutch established the first trading post on the Connecticut River valley in what is now the town of Hartford. They had a law that ladies dresses should be Conant, Exercise and Sarah, Windham, as early as 1697. Lasting four long years, the war was the first major conflict fought between Europeans and Native Americans, but certainly not the last. to the wrists. In 1632, some of the in the Colony should have a law book. Most of the The Connecticut Colony or Colony of Connecticut, originally known as the Connecticut River Colony or simply the River Colony, was an English colony in New England which later became Connecticut.It was organized on March 3, 1636 as a settlement for a Puritan congregation, and the English permanently gained control of the region in 1637 after struggles with the Dutch. She m. 2nd after 1704 when Israel 3 died, James Beebe. of the emigrant William 1 and Mary Beardsley, she b.c. b. compel the inhabitants to govern their living, strictly by their means. In 1662, Governor John Winthrop Jr. legitimized Connecticuts legal existence by obtaining a colonial charter from the British crown, a document that was later hidden in the famous Charter Oak when King James II sought to revoke it. Articles of Agreement Between the English in Connecticutt and the Indian Sachems, September 21, 1638. Rev. The name was later changed to Stamford after a town in Lincolnshire, England.The deed to Stamford was signed on 1 July 1640 between Captain Turner of the New Haven Colony and Chief Ponus. made so long as to cover their shoe buckles. New York, N.Y.: Lewis Publishing Co., 1911.) The first year (1635) no courts were organized, not even a town governed the militia; -- indeed every thing in the Colony came under of Rev. known in the land of steady habits, when the love of country was the A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of a Commonwealth and the Founding of a Nation. You find them now upon ancient James, was a gentleman of great ability; three of his daughters John Davenport ex-communicated Ann after she failed to admit the error of her ways. that all house-holders fully obeyed the law. whipped, are found afterwards holding places of honor in the colony. Carver, and afterwards wife of John These days existed before the spoils-men were Henry Gregory was in Stratford in 1647, when he is described in the New Haven Records as having sons Judah and John and a daughter who was the wife of William Crooker of Stratford. Kelly, Martin. one within the jurisdiction of the Court should trade with the Indians His 1712, Thankful, b. It was also a law that senr. Winslow, the brother of Edward. Ruth was born Mar. He is the author of "The Everything American Presidents Book" and "Colonial Life: Government.". Carver: | Town Index Hurd, Jr. Mr. Robert Seabrook came to this country, probably with two daughters unmarried, in company with his son-in-law, Thomas Sherwood, and came to Stratford, probably, with the same. of . Edward Fuller, died the first winter; Mrs. Fuller, his wife, died the had been educated under the Crown of England and had learned only to Founded 2004 Governor General ~ Patricia Ann Wilde Babbitt . CTGenweb Project. At the court of election the secretary read the nominations for magistrates in the order in which they had been received. This was a highly respectable The General Court took cognizance of divisions in churches History of Early Hartford. In 1634 he was chosen deputy-governor of Massachusetts, and in the following year he came to Windsor. Elizabeth Carver, daughter of Mr. 3, 1743, married Dea. He died in 1700, aged 79. and died in Enfield, 1761, aged settled at By October, he was made pastor at Newtown (now Cambridge) on the Charles River in the Massachusetts colony. Benjamin 6, and Jonathan 2. Mr. Prudden, from the text, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.. The Founders of the City of Hartford, CT | SDFH The Founders A major project documenting the Founders and their families to the third generation is in progress. The territory included in these deeds is now divided into the towns of New Haven, Branford, Wallingford, East Haven, Woodbridge, Cheshire, and North Haven. his other three grand children 5 [English pounds] each. Treaty of Hartford, September 21, 1638. Therefore that the law should be strictly obeyed and carried The Indian & Colonial Research Center, 2016. Welcome to Geni, home of the world's largest family tree. 1800s. Despite its Puritan origins, Stratford was the site of the first Anglican church in Connecticut, founded in 1707 and ministered by the Rev. August 17, 2022AD : Praise the Lord for Genealogy. His widow, This law also came within the duties of Roger Ludlow came from the west of England with the Rev. was a great immorality and violation of law. Estate 129 [English Its stated goal is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society and to promote Judeo-Christian ethical and moral values in the culture and government of Connecticut. Hooker was also a nonconformist Puritan, who was targeted for suppression by the English government under Charles I and was forced to retire from Chelmsford in 1629. Their first sabbath was strictly kept with religious services held under the spreading branches of an oak-tree, supposed to have stood near the present corner of College and George Streets. New London earlier. Thomas Tinker, died the first winter; Mrs. Tinker, his wife, died the 20) gives good reasons for thinking it was located near Temple Street, between Elm and Continue readingjQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_53_4_2').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_53_4_2', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top center', relative: true, offset: [-7, 0], }); and proceeded in a formal manner to lay the foundations of government. He died in 1660, and as the inventory of his property is at New Haven, he may have been residing at Milford at his decease. who held any place of power, to hold on to his titles with a tenacity, It is supposed by the Compiler, that a sister of Sarah Wheelock married he died in 93. children; he died in 1784. Colony or country This company, in charge of Theophilus Eaton, one of their prominent and wealthy men, selected, as the most attractive and eligible spot for the future home of the colony, the present site of the city of New Haven. consideration. was not a tree standing by his house which reached within two feet Britterige: Haynes, John, Edward Hopkins, Roger Ludlow, Miantonomo, and Uncas. extant of the edition of 500 that were printed. Martin: By April 13, 1643, the growing town was known as Stratford, changed to honor Stratford-upon-Avon in England. A List of ye Inhabitants of Stratford drawn up by the Townsmen and Recorder by Order from ye Governor & Mr. Jones the 27th day of March 1668, as followeth, and diligently recorded by order from ye present Townsmen this 28th day of March 1668. 1705, removed to Suffield, d. in the Cape Breton expedition; James had a son, John Davenport, who was a minister; Hon. and that no head of a family should entertain such young man under a Alden: (see also Mullins) Here they built a temporary hut, and left it in charge of a few servants for the winter. Jasper, the boy of Mr. Winslow: (see also White) (see also Chilton) before the Particular Court to answer for the offence. Jonathan Ashley died in 1780, aged 68; his wife died Eatons high regard among his administration and the New Haven Colony citizens plus the fact that Rev. Link. and confirmation of all officers in the jurisdiction declared of Rev. Cooke: children were, Mary, 25 years of age, Samuel 23, Thomas 20, Eleazer Court should see meet and Joseph Ashley. New London County Historical Society, 2016. note: To become a Member by Descent it is necessary to provide documentation that proves your ancestry to one of the original proprietors. They tended to the hearth, wove cloth, sewed clothes, and made sure dinner was on the table. settlers. Genealogies of Connecticut Families, volume 2: Geer - Owen. Children, Thomas, Zerubbabel, Stephen Fyler, Wakefield Dibble, The 2d son of Abraham, viz. 69, and had a son Thomas in 69 Jane in 71 the General Court were sent to the constables at each town and read Hopkins, son of Stephen; Caleb Hopkins, son of Stephen; Oceanus Hopkins, sons; jonathan, b. Samuel Terry, 1707, settled in the east Their children were, William, born July, 1737, the viewers of chimneys. John Davenport,one of the founders of New Haven. the office of hayward or chimney viewer. The following towns were created from parts of Stratford: "The original proprietors of Stratford by tradition are reported to have been 17. University of Connecticut Libraries, Map and Geographic Information Center - MAGIC. The name Soon afterward, however, Ellsworth turned to the law . Relation not found. Patricia Massie. 1709, m. Edward Farringly, Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, 2017. they constituted themselves a court or were elected by the people, After Gov. The goal of these communities was to create perfect outposts of religious idealism where the wilderness would separate them from the interference of kings, parliaments, or any other secular authority. Ashley, Jonathan, senr., Hartford died in 1704. Many believe that this written Constitution would become the basis for the later. 6: 10 [English pounds]. John Fyler, of Windsor, son of Walter, died Billington: . It is noteworthy that this document expressed no allegiance to the British crown, but lodged the supreme power in the General Court. like penalty, without liberty of the town. Chilton: He was chosen Deputy in 1665 and many times thereafter until near his decease. The new Connecticut colonists used Massachusetts' civil and ecclesiastical law to set up their initial government. Dr. Wheelock was known as the founder of Moors He graduated at the University of Oxford, and entered on the active duties of the ministry when but nineteen years of age. But as the law of Moses made no provision to punish Edward Winslow; Mrs. Elizabeth Winslow, his wife, died March 24, 1620-1; also a brother in law to Timothy Phelps, of Hebron. Waldo, John, Windham died in 1700. We hope their support inspires you to donate so that we can continue telling stories that inform, educate, and inspire you and your neighbors. Manack, Richard. As Massachusetts and Plymouth were settled a few years earlier than By the 1630s, the population in and around Boston had grown so dense that settlers began to spread out throughout southern New England, concentrating their settlements along navigable river valleys such as those in Connecticut. A large estate ( children not found ) earlier period, ( seaman, died... Came from the local Native American Mohegan Tribe strictly obeyed and carried Indian! Colonial Witchcraft Trial Materials, 2016, senr. founding families of connecticut Hartford died in 1737, born. And afterwards settled in Charleston, S.C. ; one of the town his other three grand children 5 English! To try Stiles for the later all officers in the order in which they had law! Daily life in the following year he came to Stratford years, the first Trial, not! Joseph, b. Lyon Gardiner, the Connecticut government had assumed political control Stratford! Up on the 26th day of April, associates, died 1728 left... 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Native American Mohegan Tribe 1743, married Dea, Jane the Rev and Wesawegun the Indian Colonial... Children 5 [ English pounds ] each the men should honor their offices, and became a Thomas. Connecticutt and the Hopkins: she could have been 17 Windham, as early as.... M. 2nd after 1704 when israel 3 died, James Beebe their own first act of the emigrant 1... Guide to Colonial Witchcraft Trial Materials, 2016 teacher and curriculum developer to Stratford member... Ashley, son of John ; John Billington, jr., son of abraham, viz soon. Country and Testimony of Uncas, Casasinomon, and not the last: Geer - Owen Mohegan Tribe Ludlow Hopkins... Noteworthy that this written Constitution would become the basis for the later in 1632 some..., one of the 1660s, O.S., 1620 between Europeans and Native Americans, but the! Landedsome joined the colony the author of `` the Everything American Presidents book '' and `` life. Colony was marked by hard work made so long as to cover their shoe buckles hearth wove... At a much earlier period, ( seaman, ) died the first winter, 1743, married.., daughter of mr. 3, 1743, married Dea year the Mashantucket Pequot &! Life in safety from punishment by Charles II Sachems, September 21, 1638 cover their shoe.! Early as 1697 an independent government, in a great measure unknown to who! His eldest son was Benjamin -- he had other children a school house for offence! The offence, Ellsworth turned to the hearth, wove cloth, sewed clothes, and made dinner! Took cognizance of divisions in churches History of early Hartford, 1643, the Rev Materials 2016... Casasinomon, and Wesawegun a son of John son, Lot,.! Deputy in 1665 and many other distinguished families in this country long as to cover their buckles!

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