lake keowee shoreline stabilization
Difficulty: Moderate to difficult, depending on slope preparation necessary and site characteristics. ],,"H7ofq18Zx~qR~d7>I]2W8I,3|6K:Gi@ s4B(pb&asHGJ%h>xf_")_Yl={ [y'(%nAWpjrC4^ba|\.%?^Vh_Q-;1!m6,`JU(o"5g;QAgx4ka7. $Dcd5p It includes information for native plants that can be used . Of course, having all of this work done involves various heavy machinery and a team of skilled installers to do it right. They can also block the sunlight needed for healthy vegetation. 0000016028 00000 n 0 Space the stakes 2 to 3 feet apart and make sure there are at least 2 to 3 inches of the stake sticking out of the top of the bundle. For website corrections, write to, An official website of the United States government, Jurisdictional Determinations and Delineations, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Supplement grass with deeply rooted woody vegetation. 1. /Rotate 0 Basic idea: This method involves re-planting native vegetation that will naturally stabilize the shoreline. Difficulty: Moderate. The trenches should match the width of your bundles and their depth should be about half the diameter of the bundle, ie, 3-4 inches. /C2_0 10 0 R /TT0 18 0 R /C2_1 22 0 R /TT1 29 0 R /C2_2 32 0 R >> >> 2. Docks . Where it works: Re-vegetation works in the case of lawns or bare shorelines with low to moderate erosion. All these methods will require a permit from the Department. ># 7'Vqf|"L4'a6RCL#V/7;T%\Z/2SILBQ_{txwNp 2+Mc%smH`C%Z!c-X9Fhmw?_u,pX:&&JF#osZOUsbz f"bb5hy__l.A!-d@I~J$ 5EstWM'{D.pcN bg`q@IKD,PB~5kdBRe3[fT3(eo@LN I,tXQn&myTq }?v;5)F &Xk\A@9 c=3/6 (LF(y 3. Shoreline Stabilization Ecological Importance of Natural Shorelines and Proper Shoreline Stabilization. Do I need to contact Duke Energy Lake Services or does my dock manufacturer?As a courtesy your dock manufacturer or you should contact Duke Energy Lake Services to inform them that the dock has been installed so that the final dock inspection can be performed. Spread the seeds Consequently, their use is not encouraged. Simply cut and lay the fabric over the area prior to driving any stakes. The use of this stone is also allowed in all design-regulated communities. /Length 13113 Do I need insurance on my dock?Yes, get it in writing, and continuously check for the presence of its coverage in renewal policies! Changes or disruptions to riparian areas can threaten the survival of species that rely on this kind of habitat during their various life stages. This guide addresses the problems with some of these common practices and offers alternative methods. This natural wearing away of soil and rock can result in benefits such as creation and replenishment of natural beaches. Modification of docks to reach deeper water. Lots subdivided and recorded before June 1, 1996, that have less than 75 ft of shoreline are also eligible for 10 square ft of dock for every linear foot of developable shoreline. permanent shoreline stabilization, such as rip-rap, retaining walls, is located at the full-pond contour, the buffer may begin at . The existing structure, and all fill in the intervening areas, should be removed and the exposed bed restored. Basic idea: A layer of stones is laid along a slope face or bank and prevents erosion caused by wave action. Rip rap stabilization designs should include appropriate bank slope and rock size to protect from wave and current action and to prolong the life of the embankment. The Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. If the wall fails, you may find the accompanying structure going down with it. Prepare the live stakes !HB$"ka.X"8c2tPue*~w%9C#Yp3vY0kp$|;~eKM6oh}fic_ A total of two PWC docks are allowed in addition to this maximum. dock drawing- We can provide this when you submit your application to us. Basic idea: A sheet of special three-dimensional biodegradable erosion-control geotextile fabric is laid down over the exposed slope of the shoreline. It consists of three different parks: 155 acres Mile Creek Park, 40 acres South Cove Park, and the 44 acres High Falls Park. What do I need to do? Once Duke Energy receives your application, its usually around 3-4 weeks until they notify you of their decision. A professional contractor, heavy equipment and engineer are required. Make sure the soil is loose enough for the mattress to take root. 0000044429 00000 n Try to prune trees and shrubs back instead of removing them altogether. I have less than 100ft of shoreline. View 61 homes for sale in Six Mile, SC at a median listing home price of $299,000. Lake Keowee Shoreline Stabilization Phase 2 These methods are much easier on the environment; imitate natural systems, can interact naturally within the ecosystem, as well as save you a significant amount of money. % 1. A final slope ratio of at least 1:2 (vertical to horizontal) is recommended, and a more stable 1:3 slope should be used where possible. Staple the blanket down 0000051727 00000 n We offer a variety of products from steel or aluminum docks, lifts & more and can ensure your dream dock adheres to the local permits. Biologists and engineers now realize that in addition to creating a physical barrier, these hardened vertical or near-vertical structures reflect wave energy rather than absorb it, thereby worsening turbulence and increasing erosion in front of, under and adjacent to the "fix". Every shoreline is different and erosion can result in property loss, tree and ground cover loss, stained (muddy) water, and eventual structural failure. %PDF-1.5 % 1 0 obj <> endobj 3 0 obj <> stream Where it works: Moderate slopes to resist wave action, ice and surface erosion. Pickens, SC 29671 . >> Water depth and minimum boat lift operation depths are two main factors to consider when requesting a walkway length. A buffer zone is a strip of vegetation at the water's edge. Lake Keowee is renowned for its clean, emerald green water that provides a fun and safe place to play. The lake is popular for fishing, boating, swimming, sailing and watersports. Some of the benefits of soft stabilization approaches include: maintaining natural shoreline dynamics and healthy sand movement across a coastal cell; trapping sand to rebuild eroded shorelines or maintain current shoreline form; providing or enhancing important shoreline habitat; reducing wave energy impacts at or seaward of the shoreline; Refrain from using rounded field stones because they will slide down the slope. The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences is committed to making its websites accessible to all users, and welcomes comments or suggestions on access improvements. Make sure your septic system is maintained and the tank is pumped out on a regular basis. 0000092214 00000 n 2. Starting at the top, roll each blanket down the slope. In all cases, the proposed stabilization method should follow the natural contour of the shoreline. Master Docks closely monitors dock and lift regulation changes for the lakes we service. When damage does occur to a natural shoreline, native plants can easily re-establish. The fabric should run under the bundles, with the bundles staked into the fabric. How long does it take to get my permit back once I submit all my information? 5. In cases where the shoreline is bare, you will have to plant the vegetation yourself. Geese are attracted to lawns, and their waste can add to this runoff. Retaining walls are not encouraged and generally are not approved. 0000001187 00000 n When do I need to apply for a permit?Anytime you are wishing to build a new dock, reconfigure, relocate, modify, expand or maintain an existing dock, you will need to apply for a permit. Native vegetation should then begin to return in this area. /Type /Page Shoreline erosion results in loss of property, loss of trees, undercutting, slumped banks, and reduced water quality due to sediment pollution. These can modify the rate of erosion and increase levels of nutrients in streams and lakes. This level and gently sloping lot boasts multiple build sites and is very convenient to town. 5RV$gw_~7)jTc: 40 0 obj 1. Some landowners also prefer these methods because they help the shoreline blend in with its natural surroundings. Docks with any portion of the structure on the cove side wider than 6ft will be required to be shortened an additional 10ft (1/3 of the cove 10ft) to allow for mooring a watercraft. My focus for this project is shoreline stabilization on the islands and effects on wildlife. A boat lift is allowed within a slip of the dock without a permit. bTkq6p+yl.1Ym{KYB"B Typically this is best to do in early spring or late winter. Lay mulch or straw 0000043508 00000 n Duke Energy manages the dams, the lake and shoreline around the lake. The littoral zone lies just past shoreline area towards the water. We have seen circumstances where customers were told the dock was included in the policy, but to the surprise of the insurance agent and customer, the dock was excluded in a renewal policy and subsequently was not covered when significant storm damaged occurred. The wider the buffer zone the better, but a buffer extending at least 50 feet back should be enough, although for cold water lakes, at least 100 feet will be necessary. 864-878-5800 . This is the same shoreline, after a considerable amount of erosion: Although this may not exactly reflect your shoreline, this picture represents the general effects of erosion. stream Basic idea: Lay live bundles of stems and branches in trenches on the shoreline, and cover them with soil. Currentpermitting process for Duke Energy on Lake Keowee. Shoreline erosion is a natural process caused by wind, frost action and gravity, as well as precipitation and wave and ice action. Drawbacks for living shorelines include: Earth 107: Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society. Prepare the slope, $300 check payable to Duke Energy for docks and/or $50 check for riprap (shoreline stabilization), $500 check payable to Habitat Enhancement Fund (for both docks and riprap), plat of property with shoreline pins, legend, surveyors stamp, and dock location ***Surveyors Seal must read Registered/Professional Land Surveyor AND must be signed by the Surveyor***, GPS coordinates for intended dock location. When a site requires the use of "harder" structures, steps should be taken to reduce potential adverse effects by limiting the project area to the smallest possible footprint necessary; by protecting the toe or base of vertical structures with rip rap or stone; and, if appropriate, by incorporating passage areas to facilitate movement of wildlife to and from the water. Whenever possible, replacement structures should be installed above the mean high water elevation or behind or on the same footprint as the existing structure; not by encroaching into the water. LAKE KEOWEE and LAKE JOCASSEE. What is the maximum square footage for a dock on Lake Keowee?The maximum square footage for a private dock on Lake Keowee is 1,000 sq. 5 0 obj Boatlifts installed on the outside of the dock will require a permit. The proposal must be reasonable and NECESSARY (i.e., it will resolve a problem). They may be roofed and designed to allow second story use (sundeck); however, the second story must not be roofed creating a two story roofed structure. Printable Version of this web page (PDF) (1.6 mB) The shoreline is a valuable and important area. The square footage is calculated by the dock and walkway size. Drive them into the slope in rows, spaced 18 inches apart, running from the bottom to the top of the slope (see diagram). 162 Greystone Place . Steps Steps Steps can be incorporated into the stabilization project to provide a place to easily enter the lake. All components of the old dock must be removed. xc```b``Ab,?5006(eMN!L"30103(?cV20 Dig the first bench 2. /Size 41 With bare shorelines: /StructParents 0 The users agreement is also available on that same page. "The Shoreline Stabilization Handbook" Northwest Regional Planning Commission. Duke Energy Lake Services can be reached at 1-800-443-5193. If the frame for the dock box changes the original foot print of the dock then it will be counted as square footage and a new permit will be required. This level and gently sloping lot boasts multiple build sites and is very convenient to town. When done uphill of a shoreline, it can result in increased stormwater runoff, resulting in increased sediment loads to the water body. e%7(Z2l>a)qY\\};0(o"0_t ,TYpll# Cb}>5i. startxref If using wire, use 16 gauge. trailer Place the cuttings Alternative soft stabilization approaches can offer many benefits over typical hard stabilization structures. Vegetation provides nesting spots for birds and food for insects, waterfowl and aquatic mammals. The plants cover the rocks, providing shade for fish and wildlife and eventually making for a very nice spot to fish. Docks with any portion of the structure on the cove side wider than 6ft will be required to be shortened an additional 10ft (1/3 of the cove 10ft) to allow for mooring a watercraft. /Tabs /S 0000092395 00000 n 2503) consists of two reservoirs: Lake Keowee and Lake Jocassee. 0000051205 00000 n Rip Rap at the toe is optional. Since native species vary in different areas across the state, we recommend that you check with your local Soil and Water Conservation Service for suggestions. Using a combination of grading, erosion fabrics, rocks, and in some cases native plantings, we will repair and protect your shoreline from this phenomenon. Vegetative stabilization methods are preferred on flatter slopes and that the use of stone rip-rap should generally be limited to slopes greater than one vertical to three horizontal, where vegetative stabilization methods are not as effective. What is the maximum size dock I can have installed?If the lot was subdivided and recorded prior to September 1, 2006, new permit applicants may be allowed to construct up to 10 square ft of pier/dock for every linear foot of developable shoreline so long as the lot has at least 75 linear feet of shoreline. Shoreline stabilization, erosion control, and riprap all refer to the various treatments used to prevent the lakefront property from eroding and you from losing value on your investment. The property owner must provide: Where can I apply for a permit?You can click on the following link for Duke Energy Lake Services at and click on the link for Construction Application. Remove all soil clumps and rocks. If you chose to include a live fascine, the stakes at the bottom of the rows should be staked right through the fascine. Basic idea: This is a combination of live stalking and rip-rap. Difficulty: High. The use of this stone is also very cost-effective. There is a list of things on the permit that you must haveto send inwith the permit. Now lay your branches between the rows of stakes, creating a layer 2 to 4 inches thick. This information was developed to increase awareness of the ecological importance of natural shorelines, and to promote more enlightened approaches to shoreline stabilization. 0000095954 00000 n My dock just got installed. /H [ 1272 227 ] Lay your bundles in the trenches. Not only are retaining walls the most expensive and environmentally harmful option, but when it eventually collapses you'll be left with a staggering repair bill. Collect and prepare stakes /Interpolate true Some large live black willow stakes can be placed along with the dead stakes to secure the bundle, helping to re-vegetate the slope. How long does it take to get my permit back once I submit all my information?Certain times of the year the dock permitting process may take longer than others because of demand. Lake Keowee: Does Duke Energy have a 50-foot buffer at Lake Keowee? Printable Version of this web page (PDF) (1.6 mB). The site editor may also be contacted with questions or comments about this Open Educational Resource. Island 1C is located at 34.723961N, 82.933541W, Seneca Quadrangle, Island 1E is located at Brush mattresses are made of any woody plant that will sprout roots from its stem. Keowee-Toxaway Shoreline Management Plan Keeping our shoreline beautiful We've developed a Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) to assist in guiding responsible construction, shoreline stabilization and excavation activities within the lake boundaries of Lake Keowee (SC) and Lake Jocassee (NC and SC). Gabion baskets provide marginal habitat, and, when exposed to the elements, their durability is questionable. It is important to retain the natural substrate composition. The following types of alterations and shoreline protection lead to increased erosion, structural damage and the destruction of the shoreline ecosystem: Normally a natural, gradual slope will absorb the energy of the wave. 8 0 obj If you are submitting an application . The gradual slope of the natural shoreline area has developed to absorb the energy of waves. Anytime you are wishing to build a new dock, reconfigure, relocate, modify, expand or maintain an existing dock, you will need to apply for a permit. Lake Keowee, along with Lake Jocassee, was built by Duke Energy in the 1970's for the purpose of generating electricity and providing public recreation. If you need to fill the area, use a fill with stones smaller than 6 inches. The Dock is permitted for a fixed roof option, the Shoreline stabilization is in place, and a septic permit is on file. December 1996. partially located within the boundaries of the Lake Keowee/Jocassee Overlay shall be subject to a Special Exception hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals. 4. Where it works: Waterways or inland lakes where underlying soil is stable. Note: If there are live trees or other significant native vegetation on the eroded slope, we highly recommend that these be left in place and the rip rap be laid around them taking care not to damage the bark or vegetation. What is the maximum square footage for a dock on Lake Keowee? Duke Energy has a goal of trying to issue permits in about 20- 30 days of receiving the permit application; however, some circumstances may increase the turnaround time. The growing tips should face upward, protruding through and above the rocks. This lot is located in a peaceful cove with minimal boat traffic, ideal for swimming around your dock and hanging with your friends/family by the water. Learning Designer: April Millet, The Pennsylvania State University. 0000092035 00000 n If a sandy surface is desired, it should be placed well away from the zone affected by wave action, with a wide vegetated buffer strip. The man-made body of water built 50 years ago has grown into one of the most popular recreation attractions in the Upstate, offering waterfront properties, boating, skiing, tubing and a few dining options along the shore. If its hard to picture all of this, have a look at the riprap gallery for more examples of each one. /Filter /JPXDecode Some landowners also prefer the look of a more natural shoreline. of phosphorus = 300 to 500 lbs. 2. /Width 249 0000015643 00000 n 1. 2. The roots from the vegetation hold the shore together and provide food and shelter for aquatic mammals, birds, turtles and insects. Thats why having it installed by barge is far better. 0000015414 00000 n I want to install a new dock in place of my existing dock. The end of the mattress will be tucked in here. Then cover the bundles with soil, but leave a small portion of the top of the bundle exposed. How long do I have to put my dock in place?Permits are valid for one year from the date on the approval letter and the dock must be installed within that time frame. Deliver vital engineering solutions, in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce disaster risk. >> If you prefer to contact through email, their email is The diameter of the branches should be to 1 inches. _('c Tq(|VM1.Sp`Mm_MTz 1. 0000001272 00000 n The slope you will lay the mattress on must be flat to make sure every part of the mattress is in contact with the soil. << They are held in place with both wooden and live stakes. Mostly people use the willow, but some species of dogwood and viburnum will work as well. 0000051043 00000 n document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Master Docks is a custom builder of aluminum boat docks and steel floating boat docks and dealer of FloatAir boat lifts, Hewitt Standalone boat lifts, Sunstream hydraulic boat lifts and PWC lifts. This may be the best lot on Keowee for the money. photo of shoreline- Must be taken from the water looking back onto the property. With twine, use machine bristle coir that's about 1/5 to inch thick with a breaking strength of 70 to 100 pounds. 2503) 1.0 Overview of t he Shoreline Management Guidelines The purpose of these Shoreline Management Guidelines (SMG) is to provide detailed procedures and criteria to regulate activities within y at Lake Jocassee and Lake the Project Boundar Keowee. They should be straight, 6 to 8 inches in diameter and 5 to 30 feet in length depending on the site conditions. Dock owners are also allowed up to two PWC lifts along the side of a dock without a permit. SidP0;:Nci 0=Kk?1znpgt[e0k l| fwUZ-B lH>X+6e9 _.Cyuca "m\dnZ)s?xiFaFjq*^&R4'_H/]gdj yMVG\VP]Bo'w(^|N{A"YFu/js5VNhG(+^Bn"xdL`)s_q9a][s y~9;9|_m:[z}k>QCTBl'_ySX9j1cH?GGUFDsKXYn*wjYcvK /NyV/0[{ ^C>{vtoR2Un:a=YazJ\&9,=hA3(^ How long do I have to put my dock in place? There is a list of things on the permit that you must have to send in with the permit. This allows natural vegetation to grow or become re-established. 3. Any infringement of this rule requires an Encroachment Agreement signed by you and the neighbor. Difficulty: Easy, can be done by landowner. Lake Resources > Lake Keowee and Jocassee Permitting. Some commonly practiced shoreline modifications and erosion control methods can actually increase the rate of erosion as well, resulting in costly structural damage as well as property loss. /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Provides protect to geomembranes on ponds and in stormwater and . Document with signatures must be originals, photocopies are not accepted. : Easy, can be used the bottom of the rows should removed. 2503 ) consists of two reservoirs: lake Keowee and lake Jocassee o... Lakes We service in length depending on slope preparation necessary and site characteristics ) consists of reservoirs! Geese are attracted to lawns, and a septic permit is on.... Xc `` ` B `` Ab,? 5006 ( eMN! L '' 30103 ( cV20! Is bare, you may find the accompanying structure going down with it two! Area towards the water looking back onto the property prefer the look of more! Exposed to the elements, their use is not encouraged making for a very nice spot fish... 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lake keowee shoreline stabilization