pd on unpacking standards
May not be available for all grade levels). Unpack all of the standards before digging into how the standards will be taught and assessed. /Version /1.4 Some Standards are broad, cutting across many courses and grade levels; others are narrow and content-specific. what considiration must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELC? Aims/Objectives Review why we have standards and how they are frequently measured. /Type /Catalog Identifying equivalence that results from properties and equivalence that is the result of computation. Each discrete element and outcome of learning is listed in an analytic fashion. M1 - Unpacking the Standards Script. (Note: PARCC prototype software wont allow searching in the Chrome browser). (Consider Date change alert! Agenda. in particular how attention to the standards helps promote higher order literacy skills, and the broader idea 0000094387 00000 n 6. Simply put, standards arent always written in the most accessible language. IBARMS Level 3 Conference - November 2006. /XObject << /X0 73 0 R >> >> Box the prepositions: what are the implications? T-TAC ODU Structure and Organization of Standards Another reason for Unpacking has to do with the fact that Standards are typically written in a hierarchical outline form. Unpacking the Standards Task Card. 0000095218 00000 n Browse our options below and mix and match to meet your unique goals! Includes sample items for 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. High School PD. Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context. Despite massive investments in teacher professional development (PD) programs in developing countries, there is little evidence on their effectiveness. Or is the demand far more modest, namely Accurately state and explain what others credible experts have analyzed the causes and effects to be, as found in textbooks (in other words understand = know )? 0000002212 00000 n If this was a helpful video, check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Unpacking the IBO Programme Standards David Ogden Amsterdam, Netherlands dogden@alumni.princeton.edu. -assessment is a type of formative assessment that occurs before a unit of study begins. Download the lesson preceding the assessment. Search ELA/literacy, student writing samples. /ItalicAngle 0 Consider the following: The process to unpack is simple and shouldnt take much time once you are in the swing of things. /T 169775 9 In fact, if transfer and meaning making are the goals of education, they can never be achieved by a curriculum that just marches through discrete content elements, no matter how sensible the hierarchical list is as an outline of a subject s high points. Google Slide Link (Link will be live if in a workshop only). 2. What it means to simplify an expression via equivalent forms. What does a student need to know to be successful in this standard? Revealing and explaining properties represented. From there, you just arrange those skills on the taxonomy of your choice and build the appropriate cognitively-complex tasks into your lesson. 0000013000 00000 n Purpose: Learn about the IBO Programme Standards and Practices and how they can move your school community towards higher levels of practice. As an elementary principal, she helped her school earn national recognition as a model professional learning community. What important rules and conventions are required to make algebra work ? Rather than handing the vocabulary packet to everyone, she asks students to determine whether or not they need it. q5nM/vx 527[tSs>$!BrJ,Y+W;E'~c}` 5r_B?XV__IOXib%Nl)Z%>zVQ%:XG/). With each package your team will receive: The specified number of sessions or onsite days The other standards will still be taught. Unpacking the Updated IN CS Standards for K-8 teachers has been moved to APRIL 17 & 19 (4-6:00 PM ET). Watch our collection of videos from leading experts in education. from novice to professional) Varied audiences (in age, background knowledge, size, etc.) Call us at 619-432-2673. % Systemically designing instruction, at its heart, focuses on choosing what to teach, when to teach it, and how to teach (Council for Exceptional Children, 2019). Does it mean make meaning of and transfer? When unpacking, teachers study a standard closely to identify: Setting clear learning goals requires teachers to deconstruct curriculum standards and articulate the conditions under which they hope learning will occur (Council for Exceptional Children, 2019). Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Unpacking standards using the process above is one way for teachers to get to the heart of systemically designing instruction and facilitating student learning. stream << By Paul J. Bloomberg, Ed.D. What is the thinking this standard requires of students? RI.4), what would you call it? 5. You need: ability to access audio and video on your device; pen and paper; and about one hour. Why? There are several dozen approved courses that are available that can be used to meet this requirement. W.6.1) for which you want to see model work. GUIDE AND WORKSHEET FOR UNPACKING DepEd K12 CURRICULUM GUIDE STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES FOR CURRICULUM MAPPING CURRICULUM GUIDE STANDARDS AND COMPETENCIES UNPACKING TECHNIQUE UNPACKING QUESTIONS UNPACKED LEARNING UNIT Gr__8___ Q_2__ TOPIC: 1. Council for Exceptional Children. <> Unpacking a standard involves teachers taking a deep dive into the content that will be taught. 0000033554 00000 n Most are given in the classroom, but some providers offer online or correspondence courses. PAGE 1 Understanding Pr ficiency ELA Professional Development Activity Unpacking a Performance Task Overview In this activity, participants will unpack a Smarter Balanced Practice Test performance task in order to better understand the design and purpose of the task, its alignment to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and its instructional implications. /FontFile2 45 0 R /Size 76 Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. For that same module, download the unit overview for the unit where the standard lives. If your state has modified the CCSS, be sure you are looking at your most recent state-specific version. Many teachers know essential knowledge by its other name: declarative knowledge. This is the fourth in a series of self-paced presentations for individuals, easily modified for a group. Topics may include: Is it important to get students to own the learning? Skim assessment overview to find which unit standard is assessed. Download that specific lesson. /Type /Font read closely and interpret standards documents. /Filter /FlateDecode I ll just focus on the lowest levels and check off these very specific objectives that are covered in my normal unit. For this teacher, learning to "unpack" the standards helped her . Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education. Understand the five Action anchor standards in the Social Justice Standards. 0000049904 00000 n 0000001624 00000 n Choose and produce an equivalent form of an expression to reveal and explain properties of the quantity represented by the expression. Math pdfs also include sample student writing for the typical request to explain your reasoning.. On unit overview, locate unit-at-a-glance chart. /Linearized 1 Unpacking the Standard Maureen Devlin 89 subscribers Subscribe 99 Share 34K views 8 years ago This film demonstrates how to unpack the common core standards for optimal student learning. >> Fax: +1 317 434 6007 Mailing List . Let me know how it goes! Unpacking the standards breaks down academic or learning objectives into smaller, more manageable parts Subjects: Coaching, Professional Development, Tools for Common Core Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Lectures, Professional Development $20.00 Zip Add to cart Wish List Unpacking The Standard - BUNDLE Created by Teaching on the Island 4 0 obj /Length1 17376 Professional Learning Communities 3 Big Ideas 4 Critical Corollary Questions You've got Mail! 1. Unpacked standards support the writing of curriculum and assessments. /Prev 169764 RI.8.1 asks students to identify the strongest evidence, which is much harder, requiring students to be able to weigh evidence. Examine the assessment itself. Helpful process for teachers to engage in before planning their learning targets, texts and tasks. Circle the nouns: what are the implications? The Common Core Standards and the Understanding by Design Framework: English Language Arts > Module 2 > Reading: Unpacking Standards _____ 2. As we talk about Personalized Learning it must be understood that the end goal requires that students begin to take ownership of their learning process. Ex: RI.5.2 requires students to determine two or more main ideas in a text So the text has to be complex enough to actually have two or more main ideas. It is also a first step of a curriculum design team as they later determine proper scope and sequence (mapping), resources (productive learning material), and assessment (formative and summative). Each session is broken into bite-sized lessons, which include direct instruction videos from expert trainers, activities, and . Different Goal Types in the Standards A third reason for Unpacking Standards results from the fact that Standards not only come in different shapes and sizes, but typically address different types of learning goals. (2019). Justifying steps in a simplification or computation by citing applicable laws, properties, conventions. xref Space is still available so register now . Request Assistance, Copyright 2023 T-TAC ODU | All Rights Reserved |, Virginia Mathematics Curriculum Framework documents, Mathematics Instructional Connections for Physical and Visual Representations, Using Childrens Literature to Mathematize. Learning target 2: Provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. 0000001189 00000 n Virginia History 5.7 The student will understand the causes and effects of the Civil War with emphasis on slavery, states rights, leadership, settlement of the west, secession, and military events. Unpacking Standards - ASCD. Type. Unpacking Academic Standards Unpacking Academic Standards Self-Paced, On-Demand $59.00 Elearning Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced) $59.00 Complete online at your own pace (Self-paced) $59.00 Register Description %PDF-1.4 Either way, we will listen to your needs and co-create a solution to reach your unique goals. For more information on the UN marking please refer to chapter 5 of TP 14850. We can use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to turn complex and unfamiliar expressions into simpler and familiar ones when problem solving. 4. 45 0 obj November 18, 2022. They are purely diagnostic in nature. Unpacking a standard involves teachers taking a deep dive into the content that will be taught. In mathematics, we accept certain truths as necessary to permit us to solve problems with logical certainty ( , the properties of real numbers), whereas other rules are conventions that we assume just for effective communication. How do you currently ensure that all teachers and students are clear about the standards they are assessing? << Caution: for writing in particular, be clear whether the student work is on demand or scaffolded. /XHeight 469 Understanding all of the standards helps teachers wisely choose the essential or power standards. Fairfax, Virginia 22031-3817 Paul O. Gehl, Executive V.P. /Widths [ 686 537 246 418 480 226 637 537 503 276 459 538 355 306 473 347 Through the process of identifying nouns and verbs in a standard educators will be able to author learning targets that focus on student content and skill acquisition. 4301 Hampton Blvd Module 1: Unpacking the Standards (PDF) M1 - Unpacking the Standards Overview. Basically ASMR Soap Unpack makes satisfying videos how unpacking and unboxing soap. The collective aspect of the set of characteristics by which a thing or person is definitively recognized or known. If at a workshop please collaborate with others and please be ready to share using the Google Slide Document Link supplied below. 0000089286 00000 n Great! Essential knowledge Many teachers know essential knowledge by its other name: declarative knowledge. This does not happen automatically although it can be argued that we all did it as babies and infants. Identifying Essential Skills Unwrapping Standards Slideshow. Unpacking Standards Matching Assessments. stream That s what we mean by saying that educators need to unpack Standards for local use. Writing expressions in equivalent forms. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> There is obviously some background knowledge that a student needs in order to be successful here, but the new ideas are the ability to identify and interpret remainders, to figure out a letters purpose in an equation, and assessing the reasonableness of a possible answer. Share what strikes you about the standard thus far, using the bulleted prompts from step 3 or 4. /Rotate 0 _____ presentations. Listen in to how she and her teaching partner grew through the Impact Teams process to improve their instruction and students learning. PD Packs Designed for self-study, small-group or large-group PD; Books Best-selling publications from EL Education authors; . What are the characteristics of texts that students need to read in order to master this standard? TDD: (757) 683-5963 From: Transport Canada. /Resources << /Font << /TT2 43 0 R /TT4 47 0 R /TT6 51 0 R /TT8 55 0 R /TT10 } Z(biCH6"^ls8djn#$xA^!i-P 1(7&H=IZ|pUO:e}=j" =V( <> /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] Here is an example from the Common Core State Standards for 5th grade math: Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand the place value system. /MaxWidth 1328 The order of operations mathematicians use and why is it needed. Norfolk, VA 23529 I can identify the heart of specific Common Core Standards (reasoning, skill, and implications for textselection) at a specific grade level. xZnH}7o#A`v>#3 YRH9UvKlYqX$u:\tfOS|zzk^,fnE!+$UVL/gd|yqYyrM~yFyETJJX&wfIr+ja62H*9'tC2I|2K69d[5|Oy6]Cj!>v,?K;5srH UF[G1tSOhyd&QZi;r137g+T'?I]:.oL9. (Hint: look at the same standard a grade level above and below; look at the anchor standard.). Unpacking a standard means to analyze that language, extracting clues that describe two aspects of the standard that students need to know: essential knowledge and essential skills. There are three styles of packaging identification codes that often follow the UN symbol: A combination of a number and letter is listed, signaling information about the construction material and packaging type. In google, type in this phrase and download the document: types of questions template for parcc framework 2. Definitions, Virginia, Approved, Board for Contractors, Board, Contractors, American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash, A Guide to Your Benefits, Using formative assessment to help english language, Using Technology to Differentiate Instruction, A Step By Step Guide to Obtaining Your -, Special Attention of: Transmittal: All FHA-, American national standard for emergency eyewash, American National Standard for Emergency Eyewash. /L 170702 This is a worthy pursuit, as standards are rarely, if ever, written in language that students and parents truly understand. Draw an arrow from the adjective to the noun it modifies: what are the implications? 75 0 obj approved by the Board for Contractors. Or does it mean something narrower like analyze? 0000094119 00000 n For that grade level, choose between 2-3 specific grade-level standards to read closely (e.g. Welcome To The Future! The unpacking process keeps the focus on ALL students learning at high levels. stream https://www.parcconline.org/sa (Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find attachments. Mathematical Practices 1. >> 860 W. 44th St In early grades, this might be . Remember to keep the core language intact at all times. >> Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 0000095278 00000 n 8 Multiple objectives/benchmarks can and should be taught at the same time. << Unpacking Standards - "Sideways" Method PERFORMANCE TASKS Other Evidence MATHEMATICS Common Core State Standards Mathematical Practices #4 - Model with mathematics Mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace. In conclusion, it allows educators to be assured that students are. Standard - Educators will understand, reflect, and discuss on the importance of unpacking standards. use the UbD template to plan Stage 1 for a given standard. /Length 273 The Common Core Standards and the Understanding by Design Framework: English Language Arts > Module 2 > Reading: Unpacking Standards _____ Stage 1 Desired Results Established Goals Common Core State Standards in Math Interpret the structure of expressions 1. Recognize that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left. The associative property and to which operation it applies (and when it does not apply). @6UCSo.C3Y- 7@).H+XI~BCR ?6$4aS9P| p1);H)\ 0000034273 00000 n Skim standards assessed to determine which module includes a given standard. A detailed analysis of the causal chain shows teachers find PD content to be overly theoretical, and PD delivery too rote and passive, to be useful. (This will help you determine content and allow you to determine what is appropriate for your level of students), Investigate the skills by reviewing the standard and circling the verbs. Jennifer, I am so happy that the template was useful for you and your team. Quick Guide: Four-Steps to Unpacking Standards Reproduced with permission, only when cited: Lotus Training & Consulting Group www.lotustcg.com Questions, contact: Ildi Laczko-Kerr ildi@lotustcg.com 2 Step 1: Standards Analysis Teachers use the language of the standard directly to identify the knowledge (nouns) and skills (verbs) that need to be . Middle School PD. Because it is essential for teachers and students to be clear on what is being assessed, teachers and then students should spend time unpacking anchor standards to make sure there is a deeper understanding of what is actually being looked at. The Culturally Responsive Teacher . Find up-to-date information and resources for supporting students with disabilities. Solution Tree conferences, workshops, events, and other training for teachers focus on . 63 65. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? /Length 9285 Good way of describing, and pleasant article to get information about my presentation subject, which i am going to deliver in school. /FontBBox [ -519 -349 1262 1039 ] This analytic framing of Standards can easily mislead teachers into the following misconceptions: The standard clearly expects me to teach and test each objective in isolation. These are the steps in unpacking standards into learning targets: It is essential that teacher teams become proficient in unpacking standards into learning targets so that that the pathway to mastery becomes evident for teachers and students. The Core Collaborative November 18, 2022 1 min read. Give us a call or complete the form below. endobj % 40 0 obj They have writing prompts and rubrics, but not sample student writing responses. Please share. Provides an overview of PARCC assessment design, sections, etc. Students create computer programs that will help them learn to collaborate with others, develop problem-solving skills, and persist . They are good to know or nice to know but a student could still progress to the next grade or course without mastering them at a high level. endobj >> Unpacking a standard means to analyze that language, extracting clues that describe two aspects of the standard that students need to know: essential knowledge and essential skills. 0000034635 00000 n The information collection requirements contained in this document have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget Approved January 8, 2015 American National Standards Institute, Inc. judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards Review, substantial agreement has Atlas Industrial Contractors, LLC BASF Corporation Baylor Scott & White Health CalOSHA Cardinal Health County of Sacramento, American, Standards, National, Board, Emergency, Approved, Contractor, Eyewash, American national standard for emergency eyewash. Whether formal or informal, pre-assessments are never graded. Some Standards documents offer explicit cautions against such decontextualized teaching; for example: The Common Core Standards and the Understanding by Design Framework: English Language Arts > Module 2 > Reading: Unpacking Standards _____ Many of the objectives/benchmarks are interrelated rather than sequential, which means that objectives/benchmarks are not intended to be taught in the specific order in which they are presented. Working on creating a PD on unpacking the common core standards. Locate the CCSS (http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/). 0000068219 00000 n 40 36 @ pcfarmersr. 41 0 obj 2 Consider this example: virginia History The student will understand the causes and effects of the Civil War with emphasis on slavery, states rights, leadership, settlement of the west, secession, and military events. 0000095337 00000 n Then, I have addressed the standard. For instance, you might see code 2D, which indicates a wooden barrel made from plywood, while the code 4D stands for a plywood crate. >> Please share any researched based articles or educational articles on why unpacking the standards is important for instruction, more samples on how to unpack a standard and exemplar unpacked standards. Some educators think that Standards , arranged as organized in lists, need to be covered, one by one, in lessons and units. Old Dominion University Then, I can justify most of what I already do as meeting the standard. Example of Unpacking the Standards Common Core State Standard: Unpacking the Common Core State Standard Student Target in student-friendly language What students need to know (nouns) What students need to be able to do (verbs) Choose a standard and write it here RI 11-12.2 Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development The distributive property and to which operation it applies (and when it does not apply). 0000068854 00000 n << [Source: VA Curriculum Framework United States History to 1865; Commonwealth of virginia board of Education Richmond, virginia Approved July 17, 2008] Source: From The Understanding by Design Guide to Advanced Concepts in Creating and Reviewing Units (pp. Norfolk, VA 23529, Phone: (757) 683-4333 That s what we mean by saying that educators need to unpack Standards for local use. 4 2. Includes a speaking and listening assessment. endobj 0000048679 00000 n 2. Kansas Common Core Standards. Main Office & Library Each time we add fresh content, youll receive an email notification. How is this the align with what you already do? New VESOL Mathematics Resources Available! This task card helps teachers unpack CCSS literacy standards to ensure that the rigor and the complexity of the standard is understood. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 0000012294 00000 n Stay informed with Stanford CEPA quarterly newsletter and special events notifications. Phone: +1 317 396 7460. question measures the standard, which answer is correct, and why that answer is correct. Note: PARCC prototype software wont allow searching in the classroom, but not student. Add fresh content, youll receive an email notification same Module, download the Document types! 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pd on unpacking standards