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romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because

Even though territorially it has comparatively little extension, the Italian language, associated with Italys great cultural heritage, is still popular with students. \text{$\quad$service department charges} && \$\hspace{9pt} 575,000 && \$\hspace{9pt} 289,000\\ Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding the Swahili language? According to biologist Quentin Atkinson, the world's languages originated in. What is the effect of a price ceiling D) the rise of folk culture and the decline of popular culture. C) art. C) Niger-Congo D) French and German The Spanish Speaking World The Portuguese Speaking World c) developing language. According to Colin Renfrew's research, Indo-European languages diffused across Europe C) promotes French as a standard language. D) Midlands English (MP). Franglais is In former times a writer's personality was of small importance. Ebonics represents an English dialect heavily influenced by African American, Haitian Creole represents a creolized language of, Cataln-Valencian-Balear represents a language and various dialects spoken in. Noah Webster's agenda sought to preserve the pronunciation of "proper" English. C) the increase in American students learning another language. 5-8: The Romance branch includes three of the world's 12 most widely spoken languages (Spanish, French, and Portuguese), as well as a number of smaller languages and dialects. D) Switzerland. A) Germanic and Danish influences. a) its role as the common language of a global economy and culture. How did the Romance languages get their name? e) isolation usually results in the differentiation of one language into dialects, followed eventually by two distinct languages. Which statement best describes the use of English on the Internet? Contrary to a popular belief that the Romance languages are so named because they are the languages of love, the word Romance indicates the connection of these languages with Rome. C) its role as the common language of a global economy and culture. C) a revived language. C) the Viking invaders did not remain long in England. cbd gummies shark tank reviews cbd gummy dose, is royal blend cbd gummies legit is cbd gummies legal in iowa 2021 cbd gummies for tinnitus scam.. Long Hao only felt a soft body on his back.He looked back, and saw a girl who was about the same height as him, with fair skin and black eyes, looking at him with worried eyes.Yuan er said softly Master, are you okay After finishing speaking, she . What is the value of this approach to you as a consumer? English has achieved unprecedented acceptance globally due to A) Celtic D) promotes French-language cultural values and unification with France. Italy e switzerland 20 romance branch languages have. The Flemings and Walloons speak languages belonging to different Which statement best describes the use of English on the Internet? b) alphabet a) Silk Road Trader Theory. &\textbf{Hitt Company}\\ A language that is unrelated to any other is a(n) The following tax rates are applicable: FICA 7.65%, state income taxes 3%, state unemployment taxes 5.4%, and federal unemployment 0.8%. The Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan language families are spoken by approximately ________ percent of the world's population.A) 25B) 50C) 33D) 66E) 90. c) Denmark. e) the extinction of the East Germanic group. Which is the most used West Slavic language? b) languages and branches developed before recorded history. D) a possible prehistoric superfamily. For the nonspecialist, the testimony of history is even more convincing than the linguistic evidence: Roman occupation of Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, and the Balkans accounts for the Roman character of the major Romance languages. The Infidel Pulpit This collection of weekly "Sermons" entitled, 'The Infidel Pulpit' was delivered by George Chainey, an X-Methodist Minister, and then an X-Unitarian Minister, and finally he became a Freethought Orator and delivered these Lectures on real subjects that improved public morals and refined public manners. E) requires immigrants to take a dictation test whereas the New Zealand test is written. E) Portugal disagrees with Brazil over some standardization because it favors Western Hemisphere Portuguese. 8. A) Kora Aka 15. c) English and the Romance languages both spread widely due in part to military and political domination. E) Catalan Latin. B) isodapane. AAVE represents an English dialect heavily influenced by African American B) Flemish C) Valencia a) an isolated language. E) Scandinavian and Greek. It decreases blood pressure by simultaneously dilating the peripheral arteries and increasing the body's loss of salt. Emotional intelligence. An example of sodium balance achieved by the coordinated actions of three hormones. All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. E) prohibitions against foreign languages. D) French Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because A) colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. As a multidisciplinary field that is still in its nascent . E) Flemish and English. D) Danish and French influences. B) Romance language. E) they alternate being the global lingua franca. e) It is spoken by a small group of people who are no longer teaching it to their children. D) they are the languages of governments. E) following the traders on the silk road. A) Madrid A) pidgin or a creole. 5-8: The Romance branch includes three of the world's 12 most widely spoken languages (Spanish, French, and Portuguese), as well as a number of smaller languages and dialects. B) Oregon. Which process is most likely to result in the extinction of a language? Romance Branch of Indo-European Fig. E) vigorous language or a developing language. 4) English is part of which language branch?A) Germanic B) Northern C) Western D) Indo-European E) Austronesian, 5) English is part of which language family?A) Germanic B) North Germanic C) West Germanic D) Indo-European E) Romance, 6) Unlike the Slavic languages which split into three branches, Romance languages form one branch becauseA) there was limited migration in this part of Europe. B) Cordoba The Flemings and Walloons live in A) California. b) In many places, speakers of different languages are tolerant of one another and inter-marry. A) Dutch and French Dialects developed within England primarily because e) isobar. A) Belgium. Scandinavian languages such as Norwegian and Swedish all derive from which Indo-European language branch? The geographic study of the distribution of languages provides a good example of. a) English. Which of the following is NOT taking place? D) standard language or a scheduled language. on the quantity supplied? D) the extinction of the East Germanic group. B) English; French Of all the so-called families of languages, the Romance group is perhaps the simplest to identify and the easiest to account for historically. D) The British and Americans meet regularly to standardize pronunciation and spelling. The disease was transferred through contaminated drinking water, because there was no way to adequately dispose of sewage, which contaminated the water. The line which demarcates the pronunciation of "about" and "a-boot" is called an, Gumbo and jazz are terms that originated in the English dialects of. C) spoke languages derived from Latin. resources between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan Explain how Carmel O'Shannessy, a linguist from the University of Michigan, recorded this new language in Australia's Northern Territory. Hebrew is an example of colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. D) Portuguese & Spanish 11) Institutional language A) an important part of culture creating a system of communication through speech FeesearnedOperatingexpensesNetincome2012$937,500612,500$325,0002011$750,000500,000$250,000. English is part of which language branch? B) a Latin alphabet. 11) Institutional language A) an important part of culture creating a system of communication through speech12) Literary tradition B) a collection of languages within a branch sharing a common origin in the relatively recent past with similarities in gra, 11) E) an official language used by a government for laws, reports, and public objects, like road signs and money.12)D) an institutional language13)C) a language spoken daily by people of all ages, but it has a literary tradition but not widely distribu, Which language is NOT a romance language?A) Romanian B) Italian C) French D) Greek E) Spanish, While Hindi is India's official language, this language is a secondary official language.A) Dravidian B) Urdu C) Devangari D) English E) French. 12. \hline & \textbf{2012} & \textbf{2011} \\ E) phonemes. E) the infusion of English into French, German and Spanish and subsequent development of new words. Warlpiri rampaku is a(n) Differences have crept into S. Slovic languages Bosnian Muslims introduced Arabic words Croats replaced words having a Serbian origin In the future the language spoken by the 3 could be different enough to classify as 3 distinct languages 4. E) the diffusion of religion to industrialized nations. Parathyroid disease is caused by a parathyroid tumor, and it needs to be removed by surgery. Which of the following is NOT taking place? The following additional information is available: PassengerCargoDivisionDivisionTotalNumberofpersonneltrained350150500Numberofflights8001,2002,000Numberofreservationsrequested20,000020,000\begin{array}{lrrr} Slide 12 d) Myaamia a) continuous exchange with Norway and Sweden. c) a language used by French colonial administrations. The fact that the Romance languages share features not found in contemporary Latin textbooks suggests, however, that the version of Latin they continue is not identical with that of Classical Latin as known from literature. a) Jewish immigrants to the United States. diffusion of popular culture, science, and international trade. Romance languages are also used formally in some countries where one or more non-Romance languages are used by most speakers for everyday purposes. E) Austronesian. Definition. e) the non-Romance branches of Indo-European languages. e) logograms. a)Austronesian D) Dravidian a. Romanian: Term. c) Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian D) has virtually no indigenous language speakers remaining. C) New York. Published: 15:09 EDT, 17 April 2023 | Updated: 15:13 EDT, 17 April 2023. Colin Renfrew's research is most closely associated with the The loving . d) they are the languages of governments. d) Indo-European. Romance Language Dialects - France Distinct Romance languages did not suddenly appear. The major languages of the family include French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian. Boletn 13024. Romance Branch o Evolved from Latin language spoken by Romans 2000 yrs. For high blood pressure (hypertension), a new class of drug, called a vasopeptidase blocker (inhibitor), has been developed. Ch. E) Spanish. recently in time the languages were once the same. c) Recognizing the status of languages can encourage diversity and the learning of multiple languages. A) colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. How do the landforms and location of the Maldives ensure that its economy is different from other South Asian countries? d) a dialect of French. E) groups form multiple dialects. C) Romansh It is estimated that after the Oscars, Daniel is unlikely to accept their interview again, does gnc carry male enhancement pills penis girth study so Manager Chen and others simply prepared all the follow up report materials, which is quite prescient.Look at titanium 18k male enhancement pill can men take dhea the last question with a serious . What constitutes a language, as distinct from a dialect, is a vexing question, and opinion varies on just how many Romance languages are spoken today. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Language/dialect. 20. Emotional intelligence ( EI) is most often defined as the ability to perceive, use, understand, manage, and handle emotions. encouragement of teaching and use of these languages. B) They are still spoken by people in France. The first speakers of the language that evolved into English were tribes that lived in present-day. 15. While other influences continue today, English has its primary roots in, A regional variation of a language including a distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation of words is called a(n), Dialects developed within England primarily because. e) English and Romance languages both diffused when the French established the first successful colonies in North America. c) Liechtenstein. Use Figure 5-1, the second most widely spoken language family in Europe is a) South Africa. A) English has become less dominant but is still the leading Internet language. 50. English is part of which language family? b) a revived language. C) isolation usually results in the differentiation of one language into dialects, followed eventually by two distinct languages. d) The continent of Europe has more official languages than any other continent in the world. E) a line that separates literary traditions. D) French The predominant language branch of Russia and Central Europe is A) Finno-Ugric. A) the refusal to use English in colonial and imperial expansion. Homework Clinic is a free homework helpline for anyone who signs-up. B) promotes French as a vigorous language. A) an English word that has entered the French language. c) isogloss. a) they immediately develop a literary tradition. D) they are the languages of governments. E) extinct language. B) they are more frequently taught in middle schools today. AT the present time, the interest which a writer's work may have lies greatly in the study of those first impulses which gave it birth, of the surroundings amid which it was elaborated, and of the connection between the end pursued and the achievement.. Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because. 90% of Spanish and Portuguese speakers live outside of Europe. D) the use of English in the French language. Company officials said that the firm had only $5.5 million in assets against liabilities of$32.9 million. Sebastien Bowen is the husband of the late Dame Deborah James who passed away from bowel cancer in June 2022. 10) The two most important languages in South America are A) Dutch and English. If you are having trouble understanding that, imagine that the modern Romance languages are all siblings. a) a legacy of colonization by the English. 322 million 1st and 66 million 2nd language speakers. Signs in Brussels, Belgium, are bilingual with ________ on them. In England, its standard language is known as E) lingua franca. C) Vulgar Latin. Spanish istheofficial language of18 Latin American states, and less than10percent ofthespeakersofSpanish liveinSpain. B) Celtic. d) the collapse of the Roman Empire caused communication to decline. B) English is the official language of the United States. The most widely spoken Romance languages are Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, and Catalan. 41) Unlike the Slavic languages which split into three branches, Romance languages form one branch becauseA) there was limited migration in this part of Europe.B) there was no literary tradition of the language.C) Romance languages derive from a single. C) they closely approximate Engl A) colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. D) French and Dutch. Nonetheless, although it is sometimes claimed that the other Italic languages (the Indo-European language group to which Latin belonged, spoken in Italy) did contribute features to Romance, it is fairly certain that it is specifically Latin itself, perhaps in a popular form, that is the precursor of the Romance languages. British and American English differ in all but which of the following? ago b) Iceland's close contact with speakers of other languages. e) language groups. c) elimination of other languages as lingua francas worldwide B) Denmark. A) Members of the Spanish Royal Academy produce and update an official dictionary of Spanish words. B) they immediately develop a literary tradition. B) Italian c) they alternate being the global lingua franca. Using the above map, observe that the word "Coke" is more common in 13. In most models of phonology, they therefore receive identical treatment. C) Received Pronunciation (RP). While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. D) isoline. A) the non-Romance branches of Indo-European languages. \\ e) Romance. b) Sino-Caucasian and Nostratic An isogloss is A) the interplay between globalization and local diversity. C) the Pyrenees Mountains. a) The British and Americans meet regularly to standardize pronunciation and spelling. b) cultural change that makes language use more equal. c) English is the official language of the United States. Get started for free! A) Khoisan How did the mountainous terrain and the landlocked location of Nepal and Bhutan affect their development? d) France. a) a legacy of colonization by the English. a) its role as the common language of a global economy and culture. B) isogloss. D) Romanian c) The language is seldom used due to the isolation of the cultural group that speaks it. D) official government policy. c) Uralic. physical and human systems interact to shape a place. C) Standard language. A) Illinois. Historically black colleges and universities. different Germanic and Danish invaders settled in different regions. B) migration by German tribes. E) isogloss. A) the decline of other national languages. c) New Englanders. A) it is a lingua franca. Haitian Creole represents a creolized language of e) expansion diffusion. By the beginning of the 21st century, some 920 million people claimed a Romance language as their mother tongue, 300 million people as a second language. D) preserved Basque in present-day Spain. Ebonics represents an English dialect heavily influenced by African American c) like most African languages, it has no literary tradition B) African Americans. Franglais is Several efforts globally are being carried out to standardize languages. B) Mississippi. a) a language understood by people who have different native languages. C) logograms. Spanish. Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because of the colonial activities of their European speakers. C) an extinct language that has been revived. For several years, Never Flake had been very successful, but in 2013, the company suddenly declared bankruptcy. Which of the following is NOT true? a. Spain, Andorra, and the islands of Majorca and Ibiza. c) Brazil, Portugal, and several Portuguese speaking nations in Africa agreed to standardize Portuguese written form. \hspace{20pt} Cargo Division}\\ C) isohyet. D) English. describes the language used in education, work and mass media. D) British Received Pronunciation became the standard dialect. a) Warlpiri rampaku D) require all media to broadcast in that language. The Statute of Pleading was enacted by the British Parliament in 1362 in order to adopt English as the official language of court proceedings instead of which language? 3. The language spoken by soldiers stationed throughout the Roman Empire was known as \text{$\quad$Training} & \$125,000 && \$125,000\\ E) Liechtenstein. The contemporary distribution of languages around the globe is largely a result of Migration When it comes to languages, an example of a centripetal force would be A group of people who share the same language The main difference between languages in the same family, branch, or group is how recently in time the languages were once the same d) Switzerland and the Alsace region. B) pronunciation Your summary should reference the ways a) isopleth. the subregion. \text{Fees earned} & \$ 937,500& \$ 750,000 \\ a) Spain, Andorra, and the islands of Majorca and Ibiza. 14. d) endangered language. 1. - Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because of the colonial activities of their European speakers. Deep learning (DL) is revolutionizing evidence-based decision-making techniques that can be applied across various sectors. Catalan: Term. A) vigorous language. Omissions? d) isoline. D) they are the languages of governments. e) Regional differences in vocabulary continue to exist, as evidenced by the various terms that refer to soft drinks in various regions of the country. 13. Although its influence has waned before the growing popularity of English as an international language, French is still widely used today as a second language in many parts of the world. The language family encompassing the languages of the People's Republic of China is Sino-Tibetan. C) it is an Indo-European language. Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because B) a language understood by people who have different native languages. a mix of indigenous and colonial languages. b) colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. Which of the following is not a structure of E) No one seems to be able to spell English correctly anymore. d) they are the languages of governments. \end{array} C) Mississippi. Using the above map, observe that the word "pop" is more common in C) South Africa. a) lingua franca. c) Written Korean has a letter for each sound. According to biologist Quentin Atkinson, the world's languages originated inA) North America.B) South America.C) Europe.D) Asia.E) Africa. Franglais, Denglish, and Spanglish represent. B) the increase in American students learning another language. D) global lingua. The most widely spoken Indo-European language is Sincethe origin oflanguage families predates recorded history the evidence that, Individual Indo-Europeanlanguagessharecommon, Individual Indo-Europeanlanguagesshare wordsfor. 42) Romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because A) colonial and imperial activity distributed these languages to far reaching territories. Globally are being carried out to standardize Portuguese written form invaders settled in different regions isolation of following... 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romance branch languages have achieved worldwide importance because