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the treasure in the forest commonlit answer key

Summary of the Essay Humility by Yuval Noah Harari | Class 12 English, Human Rights and the Age of Inequality Exercise: Questions & Answers Class 12 English, Summary of Human Rights and the Age of Inequality by Samuel Moyn | Class 12 English, Humility by Yuval Noah Harari Exercise: Questions & Answers | Class 12 English, Marriage as a Social Institution Exercise: Questions & Answers | Class 12 English. This article contains related Questions and Answers to The Treasure in the Forest written by H.G. Ans: People can be changed war because its a really tough and strong thing to do. Ans: substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. Step 1 The teacher might have already created an account for you. So far we have discussed the updated answer key for every CommonLit topic. PART B: Which of the following quotations best reflects Mathildes attitude change? They murdered the Chinese man Chiang-hi brutally and they went in search of treasures with the help of the map. Q4. What is another book or movie that follows the Heros Journey? Test. Ans: to hurt or damage by cutting into, cutting off, or cutting out, Q. preacher Q4. Ans: relating to the study of God. After some time, there was silence. Each test should be administered in one sitting. Ans: A bowl-shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano around the central vent. Q3. Mlle latortue travaille dans une boutique de cosmetiques et parfums a port au prince avec un partenaire resumez sa matinee en completant les questions et en y repondant . CommonLit also holds an annual writing contest for students, the most recent winner is listed on their Student Stories page. Part A: What does the word compelling mean? Q2. Evans and Hooker. However, they also discover a corpse of a guy with several bruises next to the purple and bloated body, which they believe to be Chang-employee his who chose to take advantage after discovering the excavated pit and some riches. Mother to Son CommonLit Answer Key. Cite at least one example in your answer. Ans: the quality of being better than others, Q. prejudice / I am the darker brother. (Lines 1-2). Ans: Of, or pertaining to, God. e. What do the two treasure hunters see when they walk towards the island? Like; the curve and twisting line in the river. Evans was packing the gold when he was punctured by the metal. Evans attempted to forget about it, but the fatal puncture led him to die briefly. Ans: It is better to appreciate what you have. Q3. A. They lacked the necessary understanding regarding the pointed dots at the bottom of the map. Ans: (adj.) InThe Gold Bug, William Legrand goes on treasure hunting on a remote island in South Carolina while in The Treasure in the Forest, Evans and Hooker head to an unnamed tropical island in search of treasures. Ans: turned to one side; distorted, Q. parole They trembled in pain and died at last. Ans: a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so. PART A: Which of the following best describes a central theme of the text? Evans and Hookers greed increase as they come to know about the treasures. As Hooker is sailing the boat, Evans falls asleep and sees a little fire with three Chinese people sitting around it in his dream. Ans: Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group, Q. civillian Trauma and Loss. There is greed besides his thought of taking such a risk. Far beyond, dim and almost cloudlike in texture, rose the mountains, like suddenly frozen waves. The map looks like a rough map, creased and worn to the pitch of separation. Chang-hi reburied it in a secret and safe place. In this story, two men search for Spanish treasure, letting greed get the better of their awareness. Q1. Ans: to praise, express approval; to present as worthy of attention; to commit to the care of, Q. catalyst Wells The Treasures in the Forest is a mystery story involving two wastrels (neglected situation), the dead body of a Chinese man and thorns that draw blood in Hookers thumb. I always got my quarry. (Paragraph 94). However, none of them is aware of its purpose. Your email address will not be published. Ans: disobedience to authority. Ans: a tomb, grave, or burial place. Chang-hi grins at them when he gets murdered. Ans: The word game could mean multiple things for instance like Im finna play my PS4 (which is a game) or something like oh Im just playing with you and play us kinda the same meaning as the word game. Please post Commonlit answer keys in the comments below, to make it easier. Evans and Hooker get cold and fresh water in the middle of the forest and quench their thirst in the river whereas Sindbad drinks water in a huge spring. e. What do the two treasure hunters see when they walk towards the island? Q6. Evans saw a dream. Ans: to release a thing or an emotion, Q. posthumous The fundamental theme of The Treasure in the Forest is to avoid taking risks when we are unprepared. Evan and Hooker are more interested in receiving treasures and becoming rich and powerful in a short time. Like; the curve and twisting line in the river and starts his voyage to find the place as shown on the map. Ans: At first, the speaker is amused by the raven, but after many negative answers from the bird, he believes it is a demon. f. Ans: to move making the sound of an engine running slowly, Q. inflammatory The more they desire for greed and power, the more they become selfish is the moral of the story The Treasure in the Forest. Q2. Which of the following best describes the central idea of the text? After Evanss fall, Hooker rearranges the ingots on the jacket and feels a thorn puncture in his own flesh. The multiple choice questions are automatically graded. The story opens with Evans and Hooker, two men who had traveled all night from the mainland, paddling a canoe towards a coral island in the heat of the midday sun. How does the following passage contribute to readers understanding of Maggie? (what was the liquid). Each CommonLit lesson includes 5-10 text-dependent questions. They follow the map and soon discover a forest, then a pile of stones just like the map. Ans: The poems use of repetition namely the tapping, the narrators calls for Lenore, and the ravens catchphrase of Nevermore contributes to the overall suspenseful, eerie mood. 2. In this narrative, two Englishmen heard of riches on an island and received a map from a Chinese. Each Assessment is designed to assess students' general reading. At the last end, though, Sindbad calls his pals and carefully removes the wealth. Thus, many instances in the story state that the narrator of the story looks like a racist. This also tells us that Maggie sees past the object and cares more Then click on the login with Google option. Discussion Questions with answer (The Raven). Q. admittance Consider Mathildes motives throughout the text. Wells In this clever short story from H.G. The sky blazed. Q1. Ans: having the ability to do what is needed, Q. contentious The treasure hunters found the dead man lying in a clear space among the trees with a puffed and purple neck and swollen hands and ankles. Want to level-up your instruction with CommonLit? PART B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A? Ans: in a very unhappy or unfortunate state, Q. ignorant b. Q4. Why do you think Mama is closer with Maggie than she is with Dee? We must prepare before going anywhere. In fact, a racist is a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people based on their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A? Ans: She realizes that Maggie never gets what she deserves. Ans: Humans use the environment to their advantage, but sometimes the environment becomes a trap. What do you think hed want to see change? Chang-hi struggles to get the gold back. In The Most Dangerous Game, humans are described as the one animal that can reason, but humans fall for obvious tricks and are hunted like animals. A. Q. diabetes Ans: These allusions make the raven seem otherworldly and inform his symbolic nature as a possible messenger from the afterlife. A tropical island is a region that is hot and surrounded by water and an ever-growing jungle of vines, trees, and darkness. H.G. Responde las preguntas que el alcalde le hace a su secretario. They were discussing the Spanish treasure that a Chinese guy named Chang-hi had discovered on an island after being shipwrecked and wished to remove. Though CommonLit is doing well so far, they are currently working to expand even further and better prepare children for the future. PART A: What does the phrase sporting proposition most closely mean as it is used in paragraph 95? The Treasure in the Forest was written by H.G. How does the poets word choice contribute to the hopeful tone of the poem? causing excitement or anger; leading to violence or disorder, Q. condemn Q2. forest showed its course down the distant hill-slope. This was Maggies portion. Cite evidence from the story in your response. Q 3. Treasure in the Forest. Reread paragraphs 1 -5 pp. Q4. This story excels in presenting the terrifying scenario when they faced the danger, and the result of taking the risk will bring attention to others. Ans: Germanic people seen as the master race. Remember a treasure hunting story you read in your childhood and compare and contrast it with The Treasure in the Forest.. The deceased guy was discovered by the treasure seekers laying in a clear space between the woods, his hands and ankles bloated, his neck puffy and purple. Q. Slav Why does the speaker react poorly to the ravens response of Nevermore in stanzas 15-16? He laughs at them as Chang-hi is killed. Hooker murder Chang-hi, a Chinese man to steal the treasure map. Ans: Since they are so old, the new generations ideas are incredibly different from what they were taught to believe and as of such, they think that its different in a bad way. The treasure hunters. Q4. I always got my quarry. (Paragraph 95) The Treasure in the Forest is an ominous adventure story. The books cover a wide variety of topics and the website has over 800 downloads in over 50 subjects. B : Elle travaille depuis neuf heures, Le directeur lui annonce une bonne nouvelle . Im going to compare and contrast the tale of Sindbad with The Treasure in the Forest by H.G. c. Do you think the narrator of the story is racist? A Devoted Son Exercise: Questions Answers | PDF, PDF-The Half-closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly, The Treasure in the Forest | H G. Wells | Summary, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Questions Answers-PDF. Ans: In my opinion Dee is not being true to her heritage because she changed her name. A : Depuis quand est ce que Mlle Latortue travaille aujourd hui ? Ans: in an offensively obvious, unashamed manner, Q. In order to do so, CommonLit creates original free ebooks and classroom guides for grades 3-12. ALCALDE: Por quno le pediste el nmero a Javier? Far beyond, dim and almost cloudlike in texture, rose the mountains, like suddenly frozen waves. After falling asleep aboard the boat, they paddled a canoe to the island. Ans: hit or attack. Ans: (v.) to jeer at, mock; (n.) an insulting or mocking remark, Q. academic This is the most profound form of conformity and is likely to stay with people for a long time, it proves that internalization is a type of conformity where a group of people adopts the same concept or behavior in a true way, without any, or with little influence from one member on the other, and without individuals being faking the behavior just to fit in. What role does greed play in this story? Q1. Ans: a cruel and oppressive dictator, Q. reap Select one quotation for each character. Ans: The color of your skin doesnt determine whether or not youre American. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in The Thing in the Forest, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. Q5. Q10. McBirney claims that the Heros Journey is so popular because people aspire to be like the hero and can relate to them. Ans: Intelligent, experienced & level-headed, Rainsford uses his wits and physical prowess to outwit General Zaroff. -> Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer/Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor. (Lines 79-80) Why do you think Evan and Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island? Q. contract Explain what type of conformity the subjects in Muzafer Sherifs moving light experiment were most likely experiencing, using evidence from the text to justify your answer. a. Q2. g. How did the treasure hunters try to carry gold ingots to the canoe? This benefits both employers and employees equally. Ans: to put an idea into a form that can be seen, Q. legacy In the dream, they were in the forest and saw a little fire where three Chinamen sat around it and talked in quiet voices in English. Ans: n. a large group of wild or angry people, Q. presume This you can do by entering Google or even the clever login credentials. Chang-hi Summary: The Treasure in the Forest This is a suspenseful story. They are carried for forced compliance and self-defense by law-enforcement officers, correctional staff, security-industry employees and (less often) military personnel. Ans: preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience, Q. Anti-Semantic Ans: a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy, Q. traverse Ans: And, clad like a poor woman, she went to the fruiterer, to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling, insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money. (Paragraph 91), Discussion Questions with answer (The Necklace). Both employers and employees will gain equally from this. necklace? Ans: (n.) a narrative of heroic exploits; a long, detailed account, Q. Protagonist Ans: any member of the people of eastern Europe or Asian Russia who speak a Slavonic language, Q. Genocide Ans: travel across or through, Q. CommonLit is used in nearly 200 classrooms across America and Canada and also provides online teaching advice to teachers. There is no sign of poverty or trouble in their life. a. Explain. Evans begins to help them get back into the canoe as soon as they spot the gold, but both of them are in excruciating pain. One who makes it out alive just because. She fastened it round her neck, upon her high dress, and remained in ecstasy at sight of herself. Ans: Some examples are WWII, Civil War, Revolutionary War, Hundred Years War and the French Revolution. Ans: to encourage authors to move away from the structure of the Heros Journey. Get a quote for your school. St. Therese helps me understand: "the splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not take away the perfume of the little violet or the delightful simplicity of the daisy.if all flowers wanted to be roses, nature would lose her springtime beauty . Her hands trembled as she lifted it. This non-profit education system wants all the students to graduate with excellent reading, writing, and various other splendid skills. Describe the expository scene of the story. The language used is perfect. Q3. Ans: Contrary to what is permitted by the constitution, Q. restructure Evan and Hooker as superior to that of the Chinese man in the story. Ans: school you graduated from, Q. influential Ans: Before paying off her debt she was very ungrateful and selfish. inception. Ans: the act of creating something (a medicine or drink or soup etc.) Q8. c. How did Evan and Hooker know about the treasure? According to the narrative, Evans and Hooker viciously murdered the Chinese man. Wells' "The Treasures in the Forest" is a mystery story involving two wastrels (neglected situation), the dead body of a Chinese man and thorns that draw blood in Hooker's thumb. How are people changed by war? Q2. But they dont pay much attention to the dotted line. As you grow older, you want to explore more as you are bored of everything. Ans: Which of the following best explains the relationship between compliance, identification, and internalization? and tells your family history. Q. doctorate arising naturally; not planned or engineered in advance, Q. unleash Ans: A baton (also called a nightstick or billy club) is a club of less than arms length made of wood, rubber, plastic or metal. A map is also available. Ans: a thought that comes beforehand, a prediction, Q. dungeon I have read a treasure hunting story named The Gold Bug by Edgar Allan Poe. Unlock 70+ trainings to support your team. Ans: Watership down. Both stories are related to treasure hunting and the sets of the stories are on islands. Ans: Based on the text, Internalization is when people have actually internalized a groups belief system and see it as truly their own, both publicly and privately. Both felt pain in their arms and necks. PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A? Text-dependent Questions Evidence-based Answers . Most lessons include 1-2 short answer writing questions that ask students to respond with an evidence-based paragraph. Q2. When he is killed, Chang-hi grinned at them. PART A: What does the phrase spiral of silence mean as it is used in paragraph 5? Ans: It emphasizes the unfair treatment the speaker receives. He wore a hat that didn't fit, He learned just how far he could spit, [75] He learned to wrestle and get tickled, Sucked his thumb, he belched and giggled. On a map, there is the outline of the island. His name was Henry, but they called him Stash. (Paragraph 52) They got this map by robbing and murdering a chinaman. Yes, the narrator is racist because he treated his character unfairly. Ans: the violent overthrow of a government by a small group; a victorious accomplishment, Q. decree Hooker and Evans reach the island the next day of their voyage whereas Sindbad reaches the island after three days and nights. (----- is answer to previous question it is not answer to this), iCEV Blue & Gold Basics: Career Development E, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, airway mechanical ventilation textbook recall. As the plot progresses, we see how power andgreedcorrupt people. ( 9 h00) Treasure Hunts help people develop new skills and strengthen and reinforce other skills such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving. The island is found marshy with thick myrtle shrubs etc. We're just an email away from helping you out! Why or why not? While collecting gold, a thorn is pricked in his hand and he also gets poisoned. Q2. Ans: Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated, Q. thrive Ans: To illustrate by being an example of, Q. taunt Ans: person who studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, Q. commentator PART B: Which TWO quotations best support each characters point of view? Following the map, they eventually come upon a forest and a group of stones that match the map exactly. When they went a little downstream, they find something blue. Q3. The end of greed is destructive. commonlit answer key CommonLit is a free collection of fiction and nonfiction for 3rd-12th grade classrooms. I think that her battle with greed is her ultimate struggle. Ans: Compliance occurs when people pretend to change their personal beliefs, while identification and internalization occur when people begin to believe others ideas. What role does greed play in this story? They accept the call and embark on the journey and are exiled from their land. Evans study the map by running his thumbnail over the chart for the notion of different symbols on the map. The atmosphere, ecosystems, lusher forest, freshwater stream coastal forest, palm trees, prickly shrubs, seagrass, and depth of the sea all serve to inform the reader that the novel is place on a tropical island. Which of the following describes the authors main purpose in the text? So, please do share as well if it helps you. d. What do you think is the moral of the story? Q5. Q. bidden (past bad) Q2. In this article, weve listed all the question answers as well as the summary of The Treasure in the Forest exercise as part of the class 12 English curriculum. Marks spot for treasure on the map. Ans: (n.) an order having the force of law; (v.) to issue such an order; to command firmly or forcefully, Q. Aryans Based on these factors, do you think hard work changed her character? How does this tension contribute to the moral stakes of the story? How does the authors discussion of The Hobbit and The Hunger Games contribute to the development of ideas in the text? SECRETARIO: _______________ porque ________________, In each blank, insert the most appropriate word, Patrick Henry's _____ rests on a speech ending "Give me liberty, or give me death!". a. I prefer one who works hard to achieve their goals in selfless acts. Dylan Thomas. We find the search for water in both of the stories. The sea was still save for an almost imperceptible swell. Discussion Questions with answer (The Most Dangerous Game). I believe Evans and Hooker accepted the risk of discovering the hidden wealth on a barren island because of the following factors:. For instance, you can read The Giver. The poisonous thorns started showing their reactions. Chang-hi was brutally murdered by them after a battle. Q9. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? Do you think your heritage is something you can control or alter? Here is the table of contents: Listed below are all the questions and answers for The Treasure in the Forest exercise for Class 12 English. Ans: a person who lives in a city, Q. Unconstitutional In the text, the author claims that the Heros Journey requires the main character who is the hero. Q3. Ans: The younger you are the more innocent you have, and everything seems new. Describe the expository scene of the story. "It should be somewhere here," he said. Another reason why I think Dee isnt being true to her heritage is because she sees the family legacy as just mere objects.the last reason why I think Dee isnt being true to her heritage is because she changed the way she is. Get Started For Free. Ans: to take advantage of something; to make the most of something, Q. saga Ans: having excessive or compulsive concern with something, Q. superiority Your heritage is as important as your life is important to you and your heritage is as important as your family is to you. And also the body pose of chinaman was unmistakable. (----- is answer to previous question it is not answer to this) Evans and Hooker. Q4. Q1. If YES, no look further, check out below for the revised key answers you are looking for. deeply about the people who made them. The man with the carved paddle stopped. There is a blue star just where it cuts the river where we have to go. Ans: n. a document giving an official instruction or command / v. make mandatory, Q. inherent Q1. Ans: Entrance, or the right or permission to enter. There is no sound of an insect, bird, or reptile, no call of a human voice, only the steady rhythmical lap of the sea. It was his secret. Evan and Hooker kill the chinaman and robbed the map of treasure because of his desire to live like a king. why did Hooker spit out the water instead of drinking it. who set up the ----- that killed the treasure hunters. This statement also displays Hookers domineering behavior with Ivan. He wants help to return and exhume () it back.Suddenly the Evans dream shifted to a moment where he had Chang-his pigtail in his hand. Do humans control nature, or does nature eventually triumph? -> And his eyes have all the seeming of a demons that is dreaming, / And the lamp-light oer him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; / And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor / Shall be lifted nevermore! (Lines 105-108). The treasure hunters tried to carry gold ingots to the canoe with the help of the Coat of which one end of the collar catching by the hand of Hooker and the other collar by Evan. 30 terms . Q. predominantly Ans: (adj) never before known or seen, without having happened previously, Q. mandate Suddenly, Chang-hi opened his eyes and laughed. for teachers, students, & families. Yes, I find some sort of racist feelings in the narrator of the story The Treasure in the Forest when he presents. Ans: A group of sheep or poultry, Q. ripening Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But then they find a man corpse of the Chinese man. Ans: doing arduous or unpleasant work, Q. gaunt In The Treasure in the Forest, the explanatory scene begins with Evans and Hooker in a tiny canoe in the ocean, but Sinbad and the Treasure Island begins with Sinbads horse-mounted journey in the desert. Before going to read this article, read the fullsummaryof The Treasure in the Forest written by HG Wells to understand the exercise (Questions and Answers) of this chapter. An ideal fictional hero would be one who has relatable qualities and isnt a dues ex machina. The lesson of the fable The Treasure in the Forest is that people tend to grow more selfish as they pursue greed and power. I think Evan and Hooker took such a risk of finding the buried treasure on a desert island because of the following reasons: c. Do you think the narrator of the story is racist? Ans: something that blocks the way; an obstacle. Their lives are lost. Is warlike hunting? Guiding Questions . Q. distress You can click on login with the Google option or even on the Login with Clever option. Q2. Ans: They will see his beauty and be ashamed for as he claims, I, too, am America. for the situation Hughes describes in the poem reflects a common that he too can sing America, meaning that he is claiming his right to feel. But at the end of the story when her debt has been paid off, she was no longer a materialistic person and she no longer cared about her appearance. (Paragraph 116) For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Q7. d. What do you think is the moral of the story? Then if you want to log in, you can easily do that by typing your CommonLit created password as well as the correct user name. Evans initially became poisoned within the pit while touching gold bars. Which sentence best illustrates a theme in the text? This tells us the difference between her and Dee which shows Maggie as tenderhearted towards the past and the history of her family. One of them, Evans took his Jacket off and spread it on the ground, and flung ingots into it. Due to their avarice, they took this risk. in both of the stories. Later, he builds his own sails for his boat. Ans: The speaker is confident that things will change for the better. Let us brings you with few unknown words and their meaning that you may find in the above passages shared with answers: Q. pave Wells The Treasures in the Forest is a mystery story involving two wastrels (neglected situation), the dead body of a Chinese man and thorns that draw blood in Hookers thumb. It carries many suspenseful instances such as: b. Treasure hunting is a favorable subject of childrens story. I have read a treasure hunting story named The Gold Bug by Edgar Allan Poe. It carries many suspenseful instances such as: The story is about two treasure hunters, Evans and Hooker who seek to find the hidden treasures in the forest. Ans: Monsieur Loisel: Everyone wants one; its very select, and very few go to the clerks. (Paragraph 12), Q5. Q. exterminate The Treasure in the Forest. Q. foreshadow And when Evan fell ill, the corner of the jacket on which the gold is; left from his hand scattered on the ground. Q10. Ans: An inheritance; something handed down from an ancestor or from the past, Q. alma mater Hooker suddenly understands Chang-actual his smiles significance. Tropical islands are known for having a variety of ecosystems that are naturally unique to them, including tropical rainforests, open woodlands and grass savannahs, freshwater lakes and streams, salt marshes and mudflats (wetland), mangrove and coastal forests, sefis, fringing and offshore coral reefs, and deep sea. Commonlit answer key quizlet commonlit answers quizlet what makes good . In this story, we also see that two English men robbed and killed the chinaman which shows the English man is more powerful and superior than chinaman. It cultivates the capacity to handle any challenging situations. Evan and Hooker interpret it by running a thumbnail over the chart for the notion of different symbols on the map. The more they desire for greed and power, the more they become selfish is the moral of the story The Treasure in the Forest. Ans: account or study of myths, Q. nectar Ans: The conversation shows the different ways each character believes the party will demonstrate their social status. And then they both took each end of the collar of the coat in his hands to carry gold ingots to the canoe. In the final line of the poem, the speaker states, I, too, am America. What does it mean to be American? It is said that Gold makes people crazy to do something new. They see a little river running into the sea, a denser and deeper green forest, a sloppy hill, and the sea. Ans: beginning; forming of an idea; fertilization; V. conceive: form an idea in the mind; devise; become pregnant; CF. Email away from helping you out well if it helps you discovering the hidden wealth a. 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the treasure in the forest commonlit answer key