when will primers be available
Please let me know what I need to do or if you can help, thanks. Thank you folks at Powder Valley for taking the time to give a detailed explanation of what is going on. Primers finally coming back in stock near me. How many times have we seen this since 1992? We still have products were receiving from orders placed in February and March and most of those items are only being received in partial quantities. Four hundred jobs expected by next year when they ramp up to full-scale production. I have cut back my consumption of all feeds to my gunning activities, shooting less and enjoying it less. RELATED - Supreme Court Gun Cases 2022: Concealed Carry in the Spotlight Ephesians 6:10-18 It will be the right man! Taking full advantage of the times we are in to make 400% profit. Its hoarders more than any single factor. CCI and Federal were both on the shelf and a limit of 1 each. I dont care if they work in a Dillon tube or not just so they work in the cartridges. That will effectively end businesses like Powder Valley. Exactly. And not a single primer will be out there doors until late 2023 at best. Now Seeking. 1. My last purchase of 5,000 CCI small pistol primers was in March 2020. Like any other product in a market economy, primers are subject to the whims of supply and demand. Has the up arming of the Military had an effect on the availability of primers ? The amendment doesnt need supporting or the illusion of some patriotic hero defending it. I believe part of the shortage is artificial. Thanks for the insight. Let them sit there, the prices will fall. Not resonable to pay shipping and hazmat on 2000 primers. I love to reload, Thank you for info. Well, we are in a proverbial monsoon downpour right now. The price went up 30-40% and stayed there. And one of those slips one in sideways occasionally -3-5 per 100 in the hand primer. They have openly stated they are hell bent on stopping the purchase of firearms and all firearm related items through interstate commerce. Im fortunate that I cast all my own Bullets . However, I disagree. This seems like a very good time to add a third producer and more capacity. Cost Range. Thats a great idea Tom. Are you actually getting and selling any at all? Refine by Primer Style: #11 Magnum Percussion Cap 209 In-Line. Elections have consequences. Unfortunately, many of those reloaders entered the market anticipating that it would be easier to make their own ammo since readily available ammunition was so difficult to find. The pros seem to still have a bottomless supply but the rest of us will have to cut down or eliminate live fire practice. This is why many online retailers have now chosen to limit the purchase quantities to an extreme low level in an effort to reduce this. Sheeple never learn in all arenas of life. In the U.S., only four companies (Winchester, Remington, Federal, and CCI) manufacture primers for civilian use, law enforcement, and the military. Id like to do more business with you guys. They may have projectiles, brass, and powder on hand but no primers," Felde explained to Pew Pew Tactical in an email in 2020. Like any other product in a market economy, primers are subject to the whims of supply and demand. and to finish I would offer this: We know and understand that while anti 2nd amendment liberals are blithering idiots about many, many things it would be wise to clearly understand that this fact does NOT make them stupid . Sure would save a lot of time for us shoppers. Since youre out of so many items , why not add a filter for in stock only?? Defend your opinion with solid logic. If I remove my firing pin and drill out my primer pocket, could cannon fuse be used in place of primers? GM150M. Thanks for the article, can you set up to let people know when you get primers ? Not holding my breath until I see the outcome / output of the company. Keep up the good work you all are greatly appreciated. Obama, Trump, Biden doesnt seem to matter. Any chance of Powder Valley starting a back order list so it isnt just by chance of looking at your site when you have a supply? This led to an increase in ammunition production, which used up most of the primers in production. $12.99. We all know home land and the other armed forces have put in orders for ammo that will keep all manufacturers tied up for 3 to 4 years in the wake there might be a round 2 of a civil war to speek. They work for us and need to be reminded of that. Keep the guns, they may be good as clubs in a self-defense situation. Rio G-1000 209 Shotshell Primers $ 35. , Recently went on a roadtrip to find primersstopped in a small reloading supply shop,and found shelves stocked with everything from primers to powder to bullets I wish left wingers would relocate to one of the 100 other countries that practice their desired form of government and leave the USA to patriots. A Third Primer Manufacturer Now Tooling Up For Production in Texas in Maryland Democrats Moving Toward a Ghost Gun Ban to Stop Violent Crime, SHOT Show: A 53-Round Fat Magazine AR-15 And A Bullpup 10/22 Stock From Desert Tech, Houston: Four Armed Robbers Attempt Gas Station Heist, An Armed Customer Shoots Three, Happy Ending: Rena Got Her Gun Back After Springfield, IL Police Confiscated It, Illinois Gun Owners Survived Day One of New Gun Ban that Outlaws Carrying Popular Defensive Firearms in Public. They wont flow down the Dillon primer tube. When there is a primer shortage the first thing people normally point to is consumer hoarding. Havent manufacturers realized this isnt a temporary bump but a new level of demand? His reply, a republic, if you can keep it. It would help if powdervalley would upgrade website to allow for pre-purchase backorder with ETA pv gets from the big 4. Hogden sources some of their range from Mulwex (owned now by Thales) in Australia. If I could find a Cap Gun, I would get one! COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. The ammo and primer shortage is real, and it's here to stay well into 2021. Winchester's primer production is independent of Federal and CCI. BUT.there is NO shortage of primers in Canada. (Cue, Joe Piscapo in Johnny Dangerously). I had really cut back on shotgun for a while. The use has a implied negative connotation. The only hangup was that these products were available for export. Thanks for this information. I realize Im not alone in my frustration but it sure feels like it sitting here in my basement with thousands of brass, bullets, and pounds of powder but no way to set them off??? 99. I hate to say this, but American people better come together and realize that there is a push to divide us and drive us into a dark war against ourselves. Ill be glad when this BS is over. The facility will specialize in the production of primers, a key component in ammunition manufacturing, for the small arms industry. It's no secret that the demand for firearms and ammunition has reached record levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the civil unrest in cities around the United States, and the prospect of an anti-gun president on the horizon. Together Winchester, CCI, and Federal Premium currently account for most of the ammunition primers produced and sold in the US. You literally vote for xxxxxxxxx who promise to take them away or institute bans. Gun lobbyists saw to their unbridled sale and the Xbox Call of Duty generation is filling their pockets in return. WSL. I just started shooting skeet again and far it is about a 1000 shells a month. My $.02 , as long as Biden wins and the conservatives don't go all postal . Positive test results do not mean a clinical infection, he says. Great! Left or Right may not matter soon. Buckle up, its gonna be a bumpy 2 years till Congress goes Rep. First you call people Hoarders, then you tell them to Stock up in times of plentiful supply. Vince, you absolutely correct!! The warts never came back but I never did that again. Big primer flash equaled faster powder burn which resulted in pressure signs. What do you think a realistic time frame might be that primers will become available? They all went bang so far. About one-fifth of these buyers were first-time purchasers, and the gun purchase trend continued until the end of 2021. Because we have a level 7 FFL we have options. I liked the smell of the smoke of those old caps. 2 No, our employees do not share information and get the primers to all their buddies. What you said is absolute nonsense. 1000 at a time isnt worth the shipping and hazmat. Its frustrating and actually sometimes infuriating to see out of stock hundreds of times a day. I check PV everyday for a glimmer of hope for 1,000 Primers. With God back in charge of our lives we can not fail! Thanks Ryan for update, I feel your grief as I am in the tire business and they are shortages there also, parts for cars, lumber,etc I think the whole country is scared and rightfully so! Did I leave anything out? I generally buy 50-60k of primers at once because I shoot that much in one year. Now, if somebody would do the same for powder. thank you for this report. Wow that sounds like a Kommie line. My concern is the Biden far left Gun grabbers will try to control/ limit access to reloading components. Over the last several years, I have purchasing a sleeve (5,000) primers a year, whether I needed them or not. Very helpful to have some insight into whats going on behind the scenes in the primer world. Great civilizations, societies, empires, etc. That being said I would like to thank you for taking the time and making the effort for writing this informative article. Amen!!! Available funds never allowed me to stock up so I didnt. As it takes about a minute per round to reload, you're looking at spending at least 16 hours to produce . If the traitors would quit attacking the Constitution, we would not have this problem. Probably pre-covid stock being sold at replacement cost price plus markup. Thank fully we forsaw this coming. Get a set of Federal Playing Cards for $1 with ammo purchase. Thanks for nothing Nanook!!!! And gals. We have a source for 9 million small pistol and 3 million rifle primers. Once. I think the shortage is made up to impact the American market. What I take away form this is the a small group of folks have taken what supplies there are and pushed them into the secondary market, just like what occurred with powder. So the single large order buys up production for about 90 days. We may have a market at that price. Overpriced, but at least available. I believe most of us old timers have done this and the issue now is partially from a large influx of new loaders. We never had this problem with assault weapon mass shootings in my past. Great article. A$20 hazmat fee is not worth it when your competitors have 5k limits. Good, now lets hope Olin doesnt try to coerce a duopoly by threatening retaliation to any retailer that sells this new brand of components. Thanks for the information. Primer. Hopefully this is for real and they can produce some quality primers. He will prevail and the Spiritual Battle will be Won!!! Picked up a 300 Blackout AR upper a few months ago. I mostly shoot rimfire around the house, anyway. Expansion Industries is planning to hire hundreds of people at their new facility, just east of Hooks. Probably wont get to use it until I can get more primers. More importantly, primers are not something you can simply "add another production line" to instantly increase production. Even if youre financially stable, reloading and shooting are great socially distant activities you can do while the movie theaters, bowling alleys, and bars are shut down. I agree limitations must be in place. i just inherited from my brother 9 boxes 209 primers Winchesters ,, 2 boxes NSI 209 and 4 boxes of Remington sts 209 along with 8 bags #9 shot and tons of shells for reloading. CCI Standard Primers $ 56. Democrats are Anti-American and Anti-Constitutional scum. https://www.brighteon.com/3b58b1dc-107d-4341-b9da-3955499d8281, https://www.bullseyenorth.com/reloading-primers/browse/page/2. Our government now is corrupted until we get a new president things will stay the same. He is gonna correct his people and it might not be pretty, as Christians the lies and corruption we see is troubling, we cant believe the news, I believe a lot of people are uninformed about the agenda of elected officials,its almost like they want to create fights between all of us!! They want to curtail your right to keep and bear arms, so when they control the ammo, they control your firearms. Still cheaper than $2-300 on Gunbroker per 1000. The manufacturer need to add to their production lines because everytime a Democrat farts there is a run on ammo. Biden has openly stated he is coming after certain guns. dave jones, Long time PV customer, I whole heartedly agree with your explanation. Raw materials are not being mined/ processed in this country. What do you read into, Stacking the Supreme Court? (Edited) Primers were not in short supply in Pennsylvania until about November of 2019. So far the only new 209 primer supply for last 8 months have been Noble. I wish Powder Valley would devise a backorder system where we could have an order in place when primers and other items become available. I agree 100%. Non-corrosive, all weather primers deliver fast, dependable ignition under any shooting condition. Wonder why guys have been hoarding up the primers?? 400 new jobs in Texas and not the anti-gun northeast. He said the site at the former Lone Star Army Ammunition plant is uniquely situated for what they will be doing. As Americans We all support the Second Amendment. Im tempted to go through the exercise of disassembling loaded 62 grain 5.56, resizing and reforming at least 500 rounds to 300 Blackout. Me and my best friend at the ripe old age of 6 got all the caps we could and cut them open and put the powder into a pile. Social unrest led to a huge uptick in gun and ammunition purchases, leading to gun and ammo shortages. The best news coming out of this is for Barnes fans. Along with addressing the shortage issues, Hodgdon explains the challenges involved in increasing production in the USA and/or increasing imports from overseas. Category. Capitalism is a great thing till people start putting it above a states choice and using the profits from it to buy laws to contradict them. The Remington bankruptcy has had a large impact on the shortage of ammo and primers. The Texarkana Gazette wrote about the new employer . That was a very comprehensive report on the primer situation. Any magazine that mentions the trigger recall will lose their advertising. Rise up put God first! You didnt hear? I understand why you limit a 1000 primers per person when you have the primers in stock. I have actually started researching reloading primers. With primer prices approaching U$.10 cent each, they now cost the same as most 9mm bullets. A single large buyer placed an order for 400 Million primers in early September. Lets see I need shotgun, small and larger rifle and pistol. And most of all thanks for the reminder to pray. Details. To God be the Glory!! Mostly its the 209s for shotshells Im wanting. We are slowly facing a bad mojo and there seems to be no slowdown or stoppage. Recently, they also have begun a recruiting drive, advertising an on-site job fair they have coming up Jan. 29. AKA tin horn dictators Bwhaha bwhaha bwhaha, Great explanation of the circumstances. Our founding fathers formed this nation with God, foremost in their minds. People said it could never happen in California and it did. So,,,,,AMERICA FIRST!!!!!!!!!!! Soon there will be someone from the government coming around with a supply to try to pull over your eyes. keep up the good work and thank you. Are you guys planning on raising maximum order back to 5000 at some point? When so, they could ship automatically or maybe trigger an automatically generated email notice that would need to be responded to within X amount of time to complete the sale and shipment. Amazing how a virus with a 99% survival rate has brought our economy to its knees. They told me theyd be retired if they could sell to US customers online. Nice article and well-written but I would just add that when primers hit the desired price point, they will suddenly become available again, just like .22 cal did two years ago. I will conserve those primers. With the recent purchase of Remington by Vista, there is a good chance that Vista will be diverting CCI and Federal primers that would typically go to reloaders to Remington ammunition production. I reckoned. John Richardson over at No Lawyers Only Guns & Money blog put it all together in a report thats great news for Americas gun owners and reloaders. Its also limiting the production of many popular types of ammunition. After 40 years in LE I retired to do two things I love! I understand a little better now. Please give us any updates as they become available. To believe its cheaper today, especially to a serious reloader is hardly true. CCI Primers, Remington Primers, Winchester Primers, Federal Primers, Cheddite Primers . I read your comprehensive summary about primer shortages. : r/reloading. Thank you ! Our President said that He was told We have no ammunition . Im still wondering why not. However, I did find your comment stating the possibility of an anti-Second Amendment President and Senate concerning. Toilet paper was also in high demand but modern manufacturing made it more availability. STOP! Sometimes even the Catholic Nuns would join in. This only works if Olin can meet the demand. We the people, the voters on either side, are all in the same boat. Overall a good article. Thanks for posting! No limit,happy to help and friendliest people youll ever meet! I really enjoy your company, and use it almost exclusively. The places stocking and selling primers albeit at a higher cost from $70 to $100 (more than in the old time) have been Brownells, Midway, and Powder Valley. I guess its a good thing I started stocking up back in 2001. Ive had 2 different European primers that caused me to get a hand primer. Its a wonderful life. . Expect prices to go up and quantities to go down. This all started when Obama put a limit on the amount of lead a business can either store or order. This is the best news Im a reloader and like the rest primers we need. So I load for almost nothing if I can get primers. So, if all the primers that would normally be be available for reloaders are being diverted for factory ammo, where is all the the factory ammo!?!? Now Im lucky to find several hundred primers at once. Being in the commercial ammunition business for over ten years, Ive met hundreds it not thousands of shooters and reloaders. Sorry if your profits cant include California but hiding that loss behind a statement of effectively end businesses is unfounded. There are too many people wanting their way and not Gods way and God is tired of the disrespect and is letting it be known!! Remember the Clinton primer shortage where they wanted primers that degrade over time so people wouldnt want to stockpile ammunition and the shortage of military ammo cans? The number of profiteers seems pretty high. We all know that water attracts golf balls and he has contributed greatly to the soon to be felt shortage. As demand for primers by ammunition manufacturers shot through the roof, less were available for reloaders. Thats the best news Ive heard in a month of Sundays. Even under perfect circumstances, theres only so much they can produce at once, and needless to say, circumstances have not been perfect during the pandemic. Expansion purchased the old Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant located 12 miles west of Texarkana, Texas that made all sorts of things that go boom for the military from World War II through the Vietnam War. Hope its just a matter of time before supply returns. It implies selfish or self-serving behavior. Winchester works to make sure all primers are reliable, instant and precise. If they feel the government is trying to track them than have someone in here that took up knitting make you a tin yarn cap. With Sierras purchase of Barnes we anticipate the availability of Barnes bullets to increase substantially in a very short period of time. As a first time buyer of several week back I must say I am impressed with your company. I don't see any federal legislation on ammo or components so that should ease some minds . Seriously do not live out of the gun shop. We have seen the cost of our practice ammunition go up 3-4X over the past few years and now cant even find any. We are not seeing that this time as the Murom Apparatus Producing plant is only producing at partial capacity due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Casting aspersions of being anti-gun and pigeon holing those who disagree with that interpretation is groundless. Obviously that has nothing to do with centerfire cartridge primers, but its a real problem. NO GOD, NO HOPE. Learn how to throw the knitting needleslol, If youre going to approach knitting as youd approach reloading youre going to need some sheep. If Powder Valley is going to restrict primer purchases to 1k, I think you shouldnt charge a hazmat fee. Prospects of anti 2nd amendment president? You cant be a Democrat and a gun supporter. Remember the Obama primer shortage? They claim to have already invested $100 Million??? If theyre afraid to register a militarized weapon they have something to hide. Texas made primers. Thank you, guys. Back in the 70s those caps were powerful! There is nothing common sense about banning firearms. Heard on the street is that there will soon be a shortage of golf balls since our lame duck president is finding time to play much more golf. only take what you need, If you have 20K rounds and 20K primers, I think you are more than good for a war. Well, no use getting too tense. When I had a black powder revolver I found the harder the hammer hit the primer the more velocity I gained, and thats using the same primer. It was nice to read your article on the shortage of reloading supplies. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Most important statement of this article is the last words. In the interest of fairness, an allocation method should be devised using a civilian wait list, so that we can get in line to purchase to purchase a primers when and if they become available. Thank you, Bryan R., for this very informative and comprehensive message. Unlike primers you use toilet paper every day. So it will take about 90 days to fill the one big US gov. In fact, theyre holding a job fair to staff the facility at the end of this month. Ive talked to Canadian sporting goods companies who have reloading supplies falling off their shelves TODAY, and for great prices. Manufacturers are not suppling them in any sizable amounts to distributors and the distributors (when they get them) cannot keep them in stock for more than a few hours. There you have it. The article is informative. The platform Biden-Harris ran on openly stated they have the desire to shut down interstate commerce for firearms and firearm related purchases. I suggest the rest of the reloaders reading this forum quietly build up their own stock pile when the current shortage is over. If not for today, then for tomorrow. Full Member. Details. The standard No4 firing pin was hitting the primers over a large area and causing them to flash like Magnum primers. People go crazy every time a democrat gets in office. 5.0 (38) Hodgdon Copper Fouling Eraser Pistol Powder $ 39 99 39 dollars 99 cents. Raw materials and manufacturing have also been limited. Thanks for all of the hard work you folks do. Even if they sell exclusively to manufacturers, that means more stock will be available from Olin and Vista. The facility will specialize in the production of primers, a key component in ammunition manufacturing, for the small arms industry. A Massive Increase in Demand. Refine by Primer Style: 209 In-Line 209M. What Happened To All The Primers & Ammo 2021? Keep checking your trusted online distributor Powder Valley for new arrivals of primers from all four manufacturers. I wasnt up to speed on Remingtons negative impact to the market. I havent set up my reloading equipment since I moved, but I really could use some large rifle primers. Thank you, Thank you so much for the information about the primer shortage and other reloading supplies . Wait, um. There was a surplus of AR-15s last year at $800. Type: Large Pistol Match. I dont understand why we the people here in the USA cant get primers, yet you go to gun store website in Canada and they have them in stock. HRC made a statement in 1998 that the 2nd amendment doesnt mention ammo or components. They have already done it in California and hope to make it nationwide. B. Bullspotter Private. No disrespect to ammo buyers, but if he big four are diverting the components to ammo manufacturing at the expense of the personal ammo makers, thats wrong. Thanks Bryan. Yeah but the yarn is made in China.so, Praying it will get better. There you have it. John M. Muller Sometimes can find a random bag in a Bass Pro/Cabelas in the Florida-North Carolina stretch but I have only seen 2 of them in 3 years. Manufacturers are trying to raise prices by not meeting demand. For notbeing aware and ignorance. Now, should you save every one of those 9mm brass casings, the rest of the components - bullets, powder and primers - would still run around $295, which means you'd save only about $65 to do the reloading. The employees are under threat of firing if they talk about work there. All the years of letting God be taken out of society has caught up to us but its not too late to put Him back in charge. we dont see things getting better anytime soon. Read on as the experts from Powder Valley delve deeper into the primer shortage of 2020. Knitting? Lucky Gunner's Jake Felde said the lack of primers had the greatest impact on small ammo makers and reloaders. ]". The . A mix of the Covid-19 pandemic, civil unrest, and the possibility of an anti-2nd amendment President and Senate has caused demand to skyrocket. The use of stockpile does not lend itself to a negative implication. At least Im getting 209as for $40 now. As an individual, as of right now, theres little you can do in the face of the reloading equipment supplies shortage. Without God we are nothing! Enough that even with hazmat shipping it was under 3 cents a primer. Hell, they can just send a semi full to a regional gun show . To make more money. Thank you Powder Valley Inc. for explaining and bringing clarity to the primer shortage. I passed on your in stock primers last week for this reason. I have a large supply of miscellaneous CCI and Remington primers that are from 20 to 30 years old and have not had a misfire yet. Now you pay twice that if you can find one. A: While Hodgdon will continue to ship powder as rapidly as possible, we have a significant backlog in demand. As with previous surges in ammunition sales, primers are the current weak link in the . Asking for a friend. While lots of calibers of ammunition are slowly returning to many store shelves, primers havent really reappeared in any meaningful numbers since The Time Before. They will do their best to take out the 2nd Amendment and a couple other amendments they dont like i.e. You know that. thank you for the incite of what is going on in the reloading problem (primers) , this is a year to remember . This sounds good. Especially the last paragraph. Finally a thorough, realistic explanation. Democrats are now raving Communists hell bent on disarming the people to continue their run of corruption and selling out our country to a globalist cabal. They work in the production of many popular types of ammunition a 300 Blackout with!??? when will primers be available?????????????... Worth it when your competitors have 5k limits not meeting demand being anti-gun and holing. Of effectively end businesses is unfounded be out there doors until late 2023 at.... 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Just Be A Man About It,
Baby Tilting Head To Shoulder Ear Infection,
Articles W
when will primers be available