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salt for discus

I have a lot of driftwood and a lot of hiding places We recommend a full quarantine protocol once you have received them. If not treated quickly it can cause blindness and death. The gravels in the tank should be immersed in warm water and cleaned up with a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the gunk. Similar like production of trout in northern hemisphere. Many customers ask us, Can I keep one discus? Technically, the answer is yes. No matter whether East African cichlids, cories or discus are involved, there are many facets to each individual species with its own unique physiology, coloring and social behavior. Cause: read more, When you are dealing with medications, you need to be aware that certain factors may reduce the effectiveness of read more, In this section, we list some of the more common stress-inducing conditions. Used in combination with medication, aquarium salt can help reduce stress while your fish heal from bacterial or parasitic infection. In order to mitigate this territorial aggression, buy10 to 12 juveniles all at the same time for your 75-gallon tank. Could you Top 10 Fish That Are Perfect for Planted Aquariums. How can we get it healed and what do I put in the water to help the process and ward off infection? Some discus keepers use salt to control external parasites. Here are read more, What is it like to buy fish through internet sources? Make sure that if youve got any kind of wood or rocks in your tank, clean very well around it because these things are breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria. Some Plecos (which we do not carry) can get agressive towards discus fish. Overdose is possible if you go over the recommended dose of 5ml per 10 U.S gallons. Make sure to keenly watch over your discus to make sure that there are no alterations in their behavior, fins, body, tails, and appetite. A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. The same thing applies with discus. These canister filters are your best bet to keep a 125-gallon fish tank clean: Fluval FX6 - Use this canister filter as a main filtration in the tank. It is believed to help the slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external protozoan parasites. These methods may not be the best, but it works for us. Dec 20, 2012. Keep an eye out for this on our website, as we are working on adding it to our selection soon. Use a small-sized container and have the salt dissolved in a small amount of water obtained from the aquarium. proof that the Discus benefited in any way, and it was messy. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. The Danville High girls and the host Storm boys team were able to win team titles. Follow this schedule when treating flukes with Prazi: According to Wikipedia, salt can also be used to kill parasites in aquariums. But 99.9% of the time if your discus show any signs of trouble its because you got lazy and the water is bad. All discus and angelfish will be fasted for 48 hrs. Is there a specific reason why you want to use salt? With these simple guidelines, youre on your way to having a successful, enjoyable discus tank for many years to come. When the heat is kept high, your discus become more active, their metabolisms run well, they grow faster, and they show off better colors. Treat with Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate - sold in grocery stores or drug stores as a foot soak for people). I always watch your videos and learn lot of thing from there i am very very helpful with that and happy as well , if i need any instant help how i contact with you . In most cases, a little bit of salt and a tiny stress coat from API that has Aloe Vera in it will help get this resolved and youll start to see it heal and the white circle will start to disappear. With a tablespoon of aquarium salt, you can help boost gill function of your fish while soothing them from their stress. Now, the second thing you need to do after the Epsom salt, if you get them to relieve themselves, is you want to add a mild treatment of metronidazole just in case some hexamita developed from the fishs excrement, so you dont end up with internal parasites. In general, yes, Aquarium Salt is very safe for your fish. They're just as colorful as any saltwater fish, and some of . But the larger one has been a phantom for a while Nano Tanks Australia has made a name for themselves in the discus market. That's exactly what I wanted to ask.Why do people still insist on using salt? I do not use it unless I have a reason but that is because I am cheap. The standard recommended dosage for Epsom Salts is 1 tsp/gallon, but recommendations can vary too. The same thing applies with water hardness; discus are usually fine with soft to medium hardness. Use one of the antifungal & fin rot medicine below (Blue Planets Tri-Sulfa Tablets, Aqua One Fungus & Fin Rot Remedy, and API Melafix for fin rot) to treat your hospital tank with the infected discus fishes, remember to read carefully the relevant medicine instructions.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discusrescue_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',149,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-leader-2-0'); When putting medicine into the tank or aquarium, make sure to use either an air pump or an airstone. Draw out the gravel at the bottom of the tank so you can get rid of any waste or debris that may have built up over time. In this case, we need to use Oxytetracycline. But crazy me really wants a breeding pair since none of my others want to give me babies. I received in the shipment of the purchase #10880 an extra package of a yellow powder that medicine is and how they are used. To my horror tonight showed himself with his rib cage showing and a lot of his tail missing There is no need. Do you always have pairs? We hinted at this previously, but tank conditions must be pristine for breeding and raising fry. In reality, only a small percentage of people are able to follow those rules, and the rest of the world uses more low maintenance methods. This is generally referred to as 'Discus plague' and can be treated, although not always successfully, using salt dips/formalin and malachite green/acraflavin. Discus Fish Facts. We usually try to keep things simple. It may not display this or other websites correctly. i use salt when change water in my 42G discus just ok with it, I have always used solar salt super cheap and no ill effects with either my rays or discus. While common table salt is okay, it should have no additives and must be non-iodized in form. So if you want to successfully care for discus, be willing to make this necessary change, which may differ from your normal fish keeping habits. Very rarely do Discus fish get tape worms or capillaria, which are other forms of internal parasites. Water temperature must be between 80 86 Fahrenheit (around 29 34c). I also try to get as much oxygen in the water as possible. Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish relieves itself. Yes. If disease or parasites are not suspected, quarantine your discus in a smaller tank and add a tablespoon of aquarium salt to the tank. Discus fish are one of the most beautiful freshwater fish in the hobby, known for their spectacular colors and large, circular shape. You are using an out of date browser. Sorry to hear you're having problems. Instead, consider starting with a discus only tank where they are the centerpiece fish. Stress treatment In this case, measure 1 tsp salt for every gallon of water that is there inside the tank. Can you treat Epsom salt and metro at the same time or is it recommended to treat Epsom then metro separately, need help please message me thanks wana save these discus, Dear Gabriel. Here at Wattley Discus we like to take it up 10 days rather than three days every eight hours to be on the safe side and ensure no parasites return. The level of nitrates should be no more than 40ppm. I have tropical fish farm in north Queensland/ Australia producing tropical aquarium fish (about 1 000 000 / year). Free Shipping Available. YOU CAN BUY ONE DISCUS Join our friendly community of discus collectors! Dec 20, 2012. Discus are very easily infected with parasites (wasting away and white feces.) To see if the disease has been treated. Fin rot can even be a secondary disease brought on by another disease. We havent kept German-bred discus yet, but theyre known for tolerating higher pH and harder water. The concentration should be 4 teaspoons per Gallon and the duration of the bath about 30 minutes. Standard salt treatment is an aquarium fluke treatment that mainly takes care of the pathogen, but not the fluke. Any ideas? Most people in the fish keeping hobby start out with a betta fish from PetSmart. Use one of the below antibiotics (API Erythromycin, Maracyn I and II, Chloramphenicol, and Tetracycline) to clean your tank and discus eventually from infections during the treatment period. Use one or two teaspoons of Epsom Salt per 10 gallons of water. Its very time- and labor-intensive work, especially since discus take longer to reach full adult size compared to other cheaper fish like guppies. Sign Up or Log In. However, 20-30 gallons is better for your first saltwater tank. That water is about 20 TDS and a low ph. In most cases anytime I have had trouble with hith or an external parasite or bacterial infection I use epsom and do wc's every other day until the problem is gone. I have heard that some people put a little bit into their tanks to help prevent illness on top of quality water conditions. Discus fish have four primary jewel-like colors and the fish display a variety of markings and patterns, which enthusiasts highly prize. Some of the medicines used to treat fin rot include erythromycin, tetracycline, and Maracyn I and II. Join our friendly community of discus collectors! We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. It seems to be good As long as not large Amounts. A tank for discus. So don't dump salt, measure out what you need based on your tank size. FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Add some water and store in a cool, dark place. In this article we'll provide what you need to read more. We will also be looking at some of the symptoms and side effects of each ailment so that you can better identify and determine what it has, and how to treat it. (This medicine treats intestinal cestodes, NOT nematodes) Long tapeworms are sometimes found on the bottom of the treatment tank. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you. Since I have never had a breeding pair then what should my water perimeters be? They only require salt when dealing with a bacterial infection. Injuries arising from improper handling of the Discus. Excellent the fish shipped although 2 of the 4 Altums 2 of them were not the expected size 3 but very healthy and beautiful fish the super excellent and punctual packaging under the adverse weather conditions to send. Add 4 tsp salt into a clean bucket, and then gradually add a gallon of water from the tank. I'm not a fan of salt either but not sure how discus can handle it either way their all 0, I have 7 dicus all around 2-4. This level of salt is like using Neosporin topical ointment for a small cut (in other words, it's not very strong). quit using it and the fish did not miss it at all. Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. So, I do not recommend using Epson salt for your DiscusGuy Our Products We have the largest selection of Discus fish, Discus Fish Tank Mates, Live Aquarium Plants, Premium Discus Food and Aquarium Supplies. Subsequently, we'll read more, Buying an aquarium is a commitment which should be approached with careful thought and consideration. Live plants should be immersed in moderately warm water after which you can take them out of the water to allow them dry. Add 1 tablespoon (Tbsp) of salt per 3 gallons of water. Is it ok if i put a little bit of aquarium salt in my discus tank? Read More: How to Treat White Spots on Discus Fish, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Mac's Discus, Do Discus Fish Need Salt in Their Aquarium. Also, dont put their aquarium right next to the TV with lots of loud noises and flashing lights. You can do a 55-gallon tank, but then youre forced to do a lot of water changes. Put aquarium salt for both the main and the hospital aquarium, this will aid the treatment and kill and harmful bacteria.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'discusrescue_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-leader-1-0'); Treat the hospital tank with the malachite green by following the instructions in its box. Check out this thread and go to #4 post. At, you will find some of the rarest and most sought-after strains of vintage and original discus bloodlines available in the hobby. You can mix it into a cup of water outside of the fish tank, and then pour it right in. Hopefully you are maintaining your tank and youre never going to see any of these, but if you do, reference this article for some quick remedies. Epsom salt for fish will relieve swelling in the abdominal area and allow the shell to return to its normal position. Works within 24 hrs. Add one large cup of tank water into each bucket every five minutes for the next thirty to forty minutes. This of course is only if you keep adding salt to your tank and not do water changes. While aquarium keeping is read more, Receiving your first shipment of fish is very exciting but also a bit worrisome. The only prevention we use are garlic in beef heart mix for internal parasites (hexamita, etc.) I have tried this several times over the years and have never We highly recommend 85 to 86F. Tuberculosis Weve spent many years keeping discus personally at home, caring for them in our fish store, and helping customers be successful with them. When you are ready just let us know. I was watching all your videos with great interest. Make sure that the tank is not overcrowded as this will encourage the build-up of waste at a fast rate as well as nipping among the fishes. Salt will not hurt discus at all. 2 sponge filters in tank and a canister filter. It's probably cheaper than aquarium salt. Salt is also a powerful remedy against a few parasites. Check the water conditions daily. Were not going to get that technical. Once the salt has been dissolved fully, put the fish inside the bucket for anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes. 1 Tbsp Salt per 3 Gallons of Water Add 1 tablespoon (Tbsp) of salt per 3 gallons of water. Hi Gabe, this is Sheila Demorrow again. These fish are extremely sensitive to diseases and water conditions. To administer this treatment, we use one gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Can salt clear the gills of mucus which builds up when fish suffer from parasites or poisoning? If theres an external bacterial infection, the first thing thats going to be affected are the extremities, your fingers, hands, etc. Epsom salt can also act as a buffering agent, which . I live in Texas also. Plus, you can get a large container of Aquarium Salt for very little, that will last you a very long time. prior to shipping. Obviously, youre not going to swallow an oxydoxycycline to cure a headache, so we want to give you the right information and medications so that you get it done properly and everything works right the first time. Q: What do discus fish like to eat? It is believed to help the slime coat of fish, acting as prophylactic protection against external protozoan parasites. Our discus and angelfish are kept in reconstituted RO water here at our facility. Closely monitor the fish and check whether it exhibits any sign of distress. NOT USE TABLE SALT, OR IODIZED TABLE SALT IN YOUR AQUARIUM. We all get stressed out, but stress can be very bad for your discus, leading to disease or death. All Rights Reserved. Anytime you receive new fish, it is wise to quarantine them in their own tank for two to four weeks. The amount of salt can vary, depending on what it will be used for and how it would be used. While 15 inches deep is a minimum, a more humane tank would be a 36in by 18in. Used for treatment for Leaning on Side: API SALTWATER MASTER TEST KIT 550Test Saltwater Aquarium Water Test Kit Check Price on Amazon. I have 2 and 3 discus in a 56 gallon tank. The easiest way to add peat moss to your tank is to add it to your aquarium filter. Increase aeration and add one tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons of tank water. #2. saltwater is a lot of work but can be very rewarding from what I hear, I am currently setting up a discus tank as I find them very beautiful and interesting. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to one tablespoon per 10 gallons. Some read more, I receive a lot of emails from customers stating that their discus are getting big and they need to read more, Introduction Thank you very much in advance. Use dechlorinated water, because most municipals add chlorine to their water to make it clean. It is believed to help the Copyright 2013-2023 Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you dont need to replace it unless you do a water change. When the condition worsens, it might be best to give in to euthanasia, so the discus does not have to swim or do anything more stressful. by Wattley Discus Admin | Feb 10, 2019 | 37 comments. Raise the heat, keep the water clean and stable, and feed them correctly. Aquarium salt or rock Feed your fish antibacterial fish food. this will be useful in killing microbes. Salt does not hurt discus in the least. Open the shipping bags and empty the entire contents into the bucket, with up to eight discus per container. Luckily, the eye has a protective layer that will take the burden so the entire eye is not lost. im new to owning discus and I wasnt sure. I know there are people that say water softener salt is finenever tried that either. After softening use RO/DI for salt rejection to get the tds down. Discus are fresh water fish. 3-5 discus should be doable in a 55gal aquarium as long as water changes are kept up with. Is it Contagious to other fish: No All hoses and nets should be kept separate or soaked in a Clorox solution, making sure to rinse thoroughly. CATLIN With the top local track teams in the area, it was no surprise that local teams would be on top at the Salt Fork Invite on Tuesday. The only way youre truly going to be able to determine this is with a microscope, and for somebody to analyze your water. Injuries arising from fights with other fishes in the same tank (nipping among fishes). Remove any uneaten food after one hour. What temperature do discus fish like? You can also add a tablespoon of aquarium salt to help with stress your discus may be experiencing. If you like having discus fishes in your aquarium or willing to make a business out of it, then you may be interested in breeding them. I don't know how to help other than asking what are the water parimeters for. Allow Necessary Cookies & Continue For a 75 gallon aquarium, we are looking to house 6 adult sized discus fish. SulfaPlex is a general sulfathiazole-based antibiotic meant to treat bacterial, fungal, and protozoan-related illnesses. Whether caught in the wild or bred in captivity, failure to maintain a suitable temperature could be detrimental to their health. It is in the areas where these waters "mix" that Discus are found. In all cases, the level of stress read more, Symptom: White film on discus eyes. The main takeaway from this care guide is to reduce stress. If you're new to the hobby or even been in it for read more. If imported, how long did lfs had it before purchasing? this video may help you. According to what I have read, learned, and experienced over the past years and also my personal opinion, the standard and the most effective dosage for the metronidazole, especially in a discus tank is 250 mg per 10 gallons of water every other day for up to 4 days with at least 50% . Normally 2 heaping tablespoons of rock salt per 10 gallons of water for 10 days will cure most illinesses. AlanGreene. YOU CAN BUY ONE DISCUS However, if the fin rot disease has not affected most of the fin but has yet to get to the fin base, proper care and treatment should see the discus to good health in a few months. To figure out how often you need to do water changes on your aquarium, get an aquarium water test kit and download our free infographic that guides you step-by-step through the process. Make sure that the species of fish you put in a particular tank are those that are friendly because if those species dont relate, there will be fighting and fin nipping. Rinse thoroughly afterward. You can catch these with a net to feed your fish. Swirl the water to have the salt dissolved thoroughly. Click to enter! Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. There should be zero amounts of nitrites. I dont want it to suffer Treatment: Perform large water changes read more, Let's put this intestinal worm business in perspective. This is because saltwater holds less oxygen than freshwater, which reduces the number of fish that can live within. Following these symptoms is a loss of appetite, less action, or movement as discus begins to sit at the bottom of the tank, not making any attempts to swim or do anything. Keep in mind that some fish and plant species cannot tolerate the use of salt. I have a 75 gallon with 7 discus and a 60 gallon with 5 large discus. Finally, dont forget to reduce your own stress! To protect your discus fish from having fin rot, the major thing you should do is keep the water in the tank clean and the tank in the best possible condition. We usually use 1 Tablespoon/10 gallon. How To Acclimate New Discus When You Bring Them Home, Discus Fish Disease, Symptoms and Treatment Guide, Discus Fish Breeding Guide ( What You Should Know Before Starting ), Best Discus Fish Food for Growth, Breeding and Health. This will be the bath that treats the whole tank. You can also use kosher or rock salt. It has been around since the beginning of tropical fish keeping, it's all natural and proven to work. Make sure to feed them a wide variety of small foods to cover all the nutrients they need. If you want a short-term remedy, 1 tablespoon of salt for 1 gallon of water would suffice for a 10-minute bath. After bath treatments have started, do not add extra amount of salt. The magnesium ion is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the sulfate ion helps to reduce water hardness. Your email address will not be published. The medications are readily read more, Symptoms: Eyeball looks cloudy and swollen and is protruding. Manage Settings Do you want to take high-quality photos that capture the grandeur of your discus aquarium? Gabe, this isnt about illness but I tried to contact you about getting a pair but not until mid-February. Although this species of fish is so 21 Steps On How To Breed Discus Fish - Complete Guide. This will clean them out and it will prevent any hatchlings, or anything being born that is immune to the medication while its in the reproduction stages. If you have any questions, just keep them coming the way you have been! HINT: Remember, we are talking about 1-2 or 3 future generations of flukes. 3. Fish of the Month, Pet of the Month. Thank you Sheila Demorrow. In a couple of weeks, the decomposed or rotten fins will begin to grow back, and then you will know that the treatment worked.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'discusrescue_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-discusrescue_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); If you found after the treatment plan that your sick discus fish with fin rote did not cure properly, the next and final step is to visit a specialized vet and ask for their advice for an alternative solution. Today, most Discus available to the hobby are captive bred and are typically kept in water temperatures that range from 85 to 86F (29 to 30C ). Aquarium plants and tank mates for discus aquariums are possible, but they must be able to handle the mandatory hot water temperatures. Dont use table salt. Frozen bloodworms are an excellent first choice. Discus Fish Care Today we are going to talk about five of the most common ailments a discus can get and how to cure them. Is it necessary to use salt to enhance the slime coat of a fish that is having no problem doing it himself? Sometimes they may have caused the problem. Ten days continue one gram each day in twenty gallons water change. As they get bigger, youll be able to identify the rowdy males and rehome them back to the fish store. If not can I send 100.00 dollars and the rest on Feb 14th? For a Discus couple to spawn, there is a need to have a depth of at least 15 inches. Raising bloodworms from eggs is the easy bit. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. We are lucky in that discus plague has not been a problem (knock on wood). Is that ok please. A tablespoon of Aquarium Salt will help your discus with gill function improving their ability to process oxygen and expel toxins. Based on our experiences, this care guide offers practical advice and useful tips for beginners starting their first discus tank. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to It is caused by a number of things which include poor water conditions in the tank, waste build-up, and more. I've used it on a lot of cichlids including discus. Reducing the male population reduces the aggressiveness. I think most people avoid table salt because it's often iodized. Your email address will not be published. Brown discus have nine vertical stripes, while blue and green discus have red dots. I am sure its fine but I have always been the kind of guy not to mess with it. Some read more, We'll explain your options and what you can expect when buying different quantities of discus. Epsom salts do not go away once added to the tank and will stay in the water until you change it, so you don't need to replace it unless you do a water change. Discus Buffer will lower pH and keep it lowered. rock salt dosage. They are all over 2 yrs old but I do have to work hard to keep there water good. The ratio should be 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of water. In the wild or bred in captivity, failure to maintain a suitable temperature could be to... Nano Tanks Australia has made a name for themselves in the finest discus and discus-related.! Is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the Sulfate helps... Here at our facility aggression, buy10 to 12 juveniles all at the same thing with! Outside of the fish keeping hobby start out with a net to feed your while... 20 TDS and a low pH get agressive towards discus fish get tape or..., Symptom: white film on discus eyes from this care guide practical... 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On discus eyes lower pH and keep it lowered another dose mandatory hot water.. Be 1 tablespoon ( Tbsp ) of salt per 3 gallons of water protocol once you have!! Are talking about 1-2 or 3 teaspoons per 5 gallons of tank water into each bucket five. 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt in my discus tank for many years to come be doable in 56... Most illinesses not miss it at all raise the heat, keep the water as possible get the down! Another dose thirty to forty minutes treatment for Leaning on Side: API saltwater MASTER TEST KIT check on! Cup of water outside of the Month, Pet of the Month, Pet of the time if discus. Be the bath about 30 minutes agressive towards discus fish, acting as protection... 1 000 000 / year ) forget to reduce stress while your fish heal from or... Have red dots caught in the areas where these waters & quot ; that discus very.

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