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tulsi devi and krishna

I am the lead administrator for the Facebook Tulsi group. mor ei abhilash, bilas kunje dio vas When the breeze carrying the aroma of tulasi leaves and saffron from the lotus feet of the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead entered through the nostrils into the hearts of those sages [the Kumaras], THEY EXPERIENCED A CHANGE IN BOTH BODY AND MIND, EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE ATTACHED TO IMPERSONAL BRAHMAN UNDERSTANDING.. This time when I go to Hawaii I shall sit down in the forest of Tulasi plants and chant Hare Krishna. [25] Some pilgrims carry tulasi plants in their hands throughout their pilgrimage to Dvaraka, the legendary capital of Krishna and one of the seven most sacred Hindu cities. tani tani pranashyanti 75-05-31 Letter: Kirtanananda If one is fully absorbed in love and ecstasy, he need offer only a flower and a little water. If there is any impediment in growing Tulsi, that means that devotional service is defective. There is great spiritual merit accrued from caring for holy places. The Deity of Lord Caitanya is very nicely done so there is no need to change the color. [21], A ceremony known as Tulasi Vivaha is performed by the Hindus between Prabodhini Ekadashi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing moon of Kartika) to Kartik Poornima (full moon in Kartika), usually on the eleventh or the twelfth lunar day. devi if one has to make progress in the path of devotion. In TheNectar of Devotion, Srila Prabhupada quotes from the Skanda Purana: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. We promised Baba that a compound wall will be built around Vrinda Kunda and other improvements will be made. Then, with folded hands, Advaita Acarya would offer obeisances and prayers unto the Lord. So shall I take it from the soil near the water tank, and serve her and take her for serving krishna for bhoga and further offering or let it be there, letting it be there dosent seems nice. In answer to your questions; 1) TULASI IS ONE DEVOTEE WHO APPEARS WHEREVER THERE IS DEVOTION TO KRSNA. IF ONE IS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE SUCH HOLY PRASADAM THEN ALL SINFUL REACTIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY PURIFIED WITHIN THE HEART AND PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IS VERY EASILY OBTAINED. THIS IS NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT FOR ANYONE, AND THE PROCESS OF CHANTING THE HARE KRSNA MAHA-MANTRA WITH A VOW BEFORE THE TULASI PLANT HAS SUCH GREAT SPIRITUAL POTENCY THAT SIMPLY BY DOING THIS ONE CAN BECOME SPIRITUALLY STRONG.. rocih-pravaha-snapitayma- vrinde Please let me know how they are growing and how you are taking care of them. Letter: Gaura Hari The house where Tulasi Devi had grown had been lying vacant for many years and now the rent house is occupied and the house members have uprooted all of them. THE WORD TADIYA MEANS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD. Service to the Vaisnava, TULASI, GANGES AND YAMUNA ARE INCLUDED IN PADA-SEVANAM. 73-01-04 Letter: George "TADIYA MEANS THE TULASI LEAVES, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. He held one of the small pots in his hand for a long time, gazing at the seven-inch seedling, noting that she was indeed Srimati Tulasi Devi. Prabhupada talked on and on about the glories of Tulasi Devi, and he was in such joyful spirits! You can now abandon your body and come with me to Vaikuha to enjoy life as my wife. AND THE MANJARIS CAN BE PLANTED FOR GROWING NEW TULASI PLANTS. Vrinda Devi-ashtaka: The eight mantras glorifying Vrinda Devi (Tulsi) These Tulsi Mantras honour Tulsi or Basil, a plant sacred to Vishnu and his incarnations Krishna and Vittal. Vrishadhvaja and also his heir-son were dead and his grandchildrenDharmadhvaja and Kushadhvajawere now worshiping Lakshmi to gain her favor. We need to keep on reading Srila Prabhupadas books. 760314mw.may Conversations At the end of the churning, Dhanvantari rose from the ocean with amrita (the elixir of immortality). But she's not an ordinary tree. Yes, Krishna is providing everything. 69-04-13. Later, in 1968, as I was cleaning Srila Prabhupadas room I found his Tulasi japa beads lying near his bead bag on his cushion. Tulsi symbolizes purity. I am giving you herewith three mantras for Tulasi Devi as follows: vrindaai tulasi devyai priyaai kesavasya ca Never cut down or pull up living Tulasi plants. So my feeling is that if you can actually organize a regular program of worship that you will actually strictly do every day for your Radha Krishna Deities then you should take Them out of the box and start worshiping Them. Please guide me what should be done? Tusta Krsna 7 November, 1973 vrinde namas te caranaravindam. Tulsi or Tulasi, also commonly referred to as Holy Basil, is one of the most sacred plants in Hindu belief. She is extremely merciful and, by serving her, our devotional service to Krishna will grow. SRIMATI TULSI DEVI IS VERY DEAR TO LORD KRISHNA, SO YOU MUST ALWAYS CARE FOR HER VERY LOVINGLY AND ATTENTIVELY, AND IN THIS WAY KRISHNA WILL BE PLEASED. Im praying to Srila Prabhupada to please show me the way to engage in Krishna Consciousness. Please reply soon Prabhu, or the plants may be disposed off by someone. But actually Lord Caitanya is Krishna and we know that and He knows that. Mahadev says it takes time to create hatred in someone's mind and he feels bad that Krishna has to face . IN THE EVENING A LAMP SHOULD BE OFFERED TO THE TULASI PLANT AND IN THE MORNING EACH DEVOTEE SHOULD OFFER A LITTLE WATER AND OFFER OBEISANCES. These days we can not depend on temples. We learned that the Lord would have a Tulasitree carried before him in His sankirtana party. I am never lost, I am never alone, and if sometimes I dont know what to do I just keep on chanting Hare Krishna and reading Srila Prabhupadas books until I do know what to do. And Tulasi Devi is growing so nicely there. Advaita Acarya was a contemporary of Lord Caitanyas father. In this period, when a hot summer reigns, one who offers cool water to tulasi, or an umbrella to shelter it from the intense heat is believed to be cleansed of all sin. It was a soft and gentle kirtana, penetratingly sweet and melodious. PS: Vana Tulasi is also bogus. THERE IS NO QUESTION OF PRUNING IN THE MANNER OF GARDENERS JUST TO MAKE NICE BEAUTIFUL PLANT FOR ORNAMENTAL PURPOSES. Regarding your questions, generally tulsi beads ARE REQUIRED FOR INITIATION, BUT IF IT IS NOT AVAILABLE, ORDINARY BEADS CAN BE USED. Since Mlat is regarded to be "deceptive" (As she stems from Lakm, who is already Vishnu's shakti), she is condemned. (1) gangeya-campeya-tadid-vinindi- The name Tulasi is also believed to literally translate as "immeasurable". In the Skanda Purana there is another statement about tulasi, as follows: Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. KB 30 Srila Prabhupada had told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi. Because of your order, the groves where Lord Madhava performs His pastimes appear very splendid, decorated with blossoming flowers, bumblebees, deer, and other auspicious animals, flowers, and birds. Advaita Prabhu has a full white beard. Both the bride and the groom are ritually worshipped and then married as per traditional Hindu wedding rituals. Kilimanjaro. But really I am no expert on these things and I can not give you an actual authoritative answer on this. (3) samasta-vaikuntha-shiromanau shri- Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world.. In his books, too, Srila Prabhupada called attention to the exalted position of Tulasi Devi. And yes. In the Vedas, Tulasi ("matchless") is known as Vaishnavi ("belonging to Vishnu"), Vishnu Vallabha ("beloved of Vishnu"),[3] Haripriya ("beloved of Vishnu"), Vishnu Tulasi. So please advise prabhuji, what to do? Traditionally, the tulasi is planted in the center of the central courtyard of Hindu houses. ), namo namah tulasi! I should cut them? CHANTING SIXTEEN ROUNDS DOES NOT TAKE MUCH TIME, NOR IS OFFERING RESPECTS TO THE TULASI PLANT DIFFICULT. Then the mantra FOR CIRCUMAMBULATING the Tulasi tree. I have not read all of Srila Prabhupadas. THE BEST THING IS TO SIMPLY DAILY WATER TULASI DEVI AND KEEP HER CLEAN. The stream of water also conveys wishes for a good monsoon. Letter: Vamanadeva A similar statement is in the Skanda Purana, which says, Persons who are decorated with tilaka or gopi-candana [a kind of clay resembling fullers earth which is produced in certain quarters of Vrndavana], and who mark their bodies all over with the holy names of the Lord, and on whose necks and breasts there are tulasi beads, ARE NEVER APPROACHED BY THE YAMADUTAS. The Yamadutas are the constables of King Yama (the lord of death), who punishes all sinful men. I AM ALWAYS THINKING OF THEM and you. There is one verse, you may know it, This age of Kali is an ocean of faults, but there is one great boon [benefit, benediction] that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one can be very easily liberated. So the point is in Kali-yuga we can not follow all the strict rules and regulations that may be mentioned in the various parts of the sastras. In the Western countries, while engaged in propagating the Krsna consciousness movement, WE WERE BROUGHT GREAT UNHAPPINESS BECAUSE WE COULD NOT FIND TULASI LEAVES. Shri Vasishthaji said that what I have heard in ancient times from Lord Brahma about the marriage of Tulasi I will now describe according to what is written in the Narada-pancaratra. And of all holy places, Vrinda Kunda is one of the most auspicious. We pleaded that name and fame would come after he had left this world. ACTUALLY, ONE SHOULD NOT CIRCUMAMBULATE WHEN THE DEITY IS OPEN. BOTH ARE THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD. 71-07-09. The Nayars of Malabar offer tulasi plants to pacify evil spirits.[26]. And we should not pluck the leaves on sundays. One who puts into his mouth or on his head Tulasi leaves that have been offered to Lord Krishna attains Lord Krishnas abode. Prabhu, some people in my family including my father do not like a large number of Tulasi plants outside my house. Later, I came across the following purport by Srila Prabhupada in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (4.8.55): It is specifically mentioned herein that tulasi leaves are very dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and devotees should take particular care to have tulasi leaves in every temple and center of worship. Her leaves and flowers decorate the Deity of Krishna in the temple and are placed on food offered to Him. She worshiped the tulasi plant, following in the footsteps of her spiritual master. A traditional prayer narrates that the creator-god Brahma resides in its branches, all Hindu pilgrimage centres reside in its roots, the Ganges flows within its roots, all deities are in its stem and its leaves, and that the most sacred Hindu texts, the Vedas are found in the upper part of the holy basil's branches. She appears as a delicate tree in this world to serve the Lord and uplift human society. It means forest of Tulasi., Baba explained, This Vrindavana-dhama belongs to Sri Krishna. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. It signifies the traits of devotion and love in women, and is the only herb worshiped as a devi, or goddess. Devi Tulsi arrives and tells Radha that her sacrificial act is meaningless. Sri Tulasi Pranama But one thing is that NO SPRAYS CAN BE USED, NOT AT ALL. By grace of Tulasi Devi now Im able to follow the basic rules and regulations of Krishna Consciousness. Thank you to the following individuals for keeping alive and vibrant: Amit Singh, Sandip Bhatt, Renu Brennan, Bhavin Thakker, Dev Mani, Roshan Chagan, Alfred Fitch, Monesh G. Ahuja, Binta Patel, Robert Goettler, Ghiridhar Sri Iyer, Sumit Patel, Ian Lubsey, Gary Sund, Arun Athithan, Francisco Picazo, Gary Mark, Margot Cordua, Stanley Sikora Jr, Tarish Mehta, Timothy Burleson, Marina Hansen Russo, Anand Chaturvedi, Sandhya Rajput, Rosa Wallace, Rumeet Saluja, Sam Clements, Seema Chauhan, Sharon Standley, Cameron LaBrecque, Anand, Kathryn dePoo, Marlon Brock, Saranagati McGlinn, Skylab Gupta, Mireya Pourchot, Susan Faries-Lewis, Bhaskar Gurram, Narendra Kumar, Prinul Gunputh, Sunilkumar Patel, Shri Dhanpaul, Vijay Varanasi, Annop Brijmohun, Birendra Singh, Bob Hargreaves, Joseph Milosch, Ludgero Ferreira, Tyler Feduccia, Anindya Sen, Hemant Nerurkar, Amanda Stefenelli, Veronica Lindsay, Ramesh Comondoor, Chirag Mahyavanshi, Amanda Kumar, Kirk Walker, Muralikrishna Krishnamoorthy, Venkata Manotej Swami, Santosh Krishna, Bala Murali Krishna Polisetti, Hannah Rogers, Thirumalesh Bhat, Joshua Norton, Haydn Roberts, Colleen Turner, . That was the beginning. They are never going to listen anything on spiritual knowledge. He knows also that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and I think if you offer Him bhoga with tulsi leaves on it He will accept it. First I couldnt realize that its tulasI devi, I thought its something else like any other small plant, but its leaves put me in doubt and when I rubbed my finger on the leaf and smelt it, I realised its tulasi devi, now shes also having manjris. It gives the impression that you do not believe that the reader has the intelligence to get the message without your forcing into their attention. seva-adhikara diye koro nija dasi vrindavanadhisha-padabja- bhringah Namaste. SB 5.3.6 Remember ONLY ocimum sanctum is Tulasi Maharani, and any plant that would be rejected as the Maharani in our FB group IS NOT OCIMUM SANCTUM. shri-radha-govinda-preme sada jena bhasi. When we told Srila Prabhupada that people had to bend down when passing through the Tulasi archway on the way into the temple, he was delighted. SIMPLY BY OFFERING OBEISANCES TO AND POURING WATER ON THE TULASI TREE, ONE CAN BECOME FREED FROM THE FEAR OF BEING SENT TO THE COURT OF YAMARAJA [THE KING OF DEATH, WHO PUNISHES THE SINFUL]. Shes Tulasi Devi, Krishnas favorite plant. The Tulasi with dark green or purple leaves and purple stem is called Shyama-Tulasi ("dark Tulasi") or Krishna-Tulsi ("dark Tulasi"); Krishna is also a prominent avatar of Vishnu. The whole room was filled with a golden glow. Na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah: rascals and fools, the lowest of men, who engage in sinful activities, cannot suddenly surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna. We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. SPL Govinda Dasi, 7 April, 1970 Honolulu Letter: Sarada Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi her role as queen of Vrindavana. Mythology. What to do with dead Tulasi plants? Avoid letting them go to seed, which takes much energy from the plant that can be used to make more leaves and flowers for Krishnas service. So far as touching the Deity is concerned, that can be done only by the priest. YOU SHOULD ALSO GO OUT FOR STREET SANKIRTANA AND DISTRIBUTE MY LITERATURE FOR THE CRIPPLE MINDED MASSES, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify. Kalanemi was a demon who was the ruler of Mathura and had a beautiful daughter named Vrinda. While Bael leaves are often offered to Shiva, some authors note that Tulasi may also be offered to him while others say Tulasi cannot be offered to him at all. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. There are quite a lot now outside my house as in the winter season all but one of them dried. Never use Tulasi leaves or flowers to make teas or juices, even after theyve been offered to Krishna. [15] The tulasi plant is regarded as a threshold point between heaven and earth. So I can not give you the real authoritative answer to this Prabhu. That is the only consideration. You are bathed in your own splendor, which defeats the effulgence of lightning and the golden campaka flower. Yes. Put at least one leaf on each preparation. Ys Please accept my blessings. Letter: Ekayani Somehow, by the divine arrangement of the Lord, he ended up at ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple. My desire is that you will also grant me a residence in the pleasure groves of Sri Vrindavana-dhama. Every day provide Tulasi fresh air, water (as neededbe careful not to water too much), and sunshine (or plant lights). His last audible words were Krishna! satyavatyai namo namah, I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vrinda, Srimati Tulasi Devi, who is very dear to Lord Keshava [Krishna]. Although these four saintly persons were always absorbed in the thought of impersonal Brahman, FROM ASSOCIATION WITH THE LORD AND FROM SMELLING THE TULASI LEAVES THE HAIRS ON THEIR BODIES IMMEDIATELY STOOD UP. (Letter LA 9 July 1971) Learning Respect for Tulasi Tulasi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she should be treated with the same respect given to all Krishna's pure devotees. My second question is,I have Deities of Krsna and Visnu but I am not fixed up in devotional service. She is highly worshipped in Hindu households, by both young and old. Hence, Tulasi could also mean the one who cannot be measured or compared. It is said in the Brahma-samhita that the Lord is always served by many hundreds of thousands of goddesses of fortune in His Vaikuntha planet, yet because of His attitude of renunciation of all opulences, He is not attached to any one of them. Devi Tulsi Curses KrishnaS4 E12412 Apr 2021. Sri Advaita Prabhu would also place a flower garland around the Lords neck and TULASI FLOWERS [MANJARIS] ON HIS HEAD. That was enough. This is a great offense. It is also makes you appear to be fanatical, that you become overwhelmed by emotion, exasperated, and unreasonable. He was reluctant. vrindayai tulasi-devyai TulasiDevi: The Sacred Tree Compiled by Stephen Knapp The Tulasi tree is a most important plant, and is often seen at numerous Vedic temples, especially those dedicated to Vishnu and Krishna. Every morning we pray to Vrinda-devi. I didnt had tulasI devi, so I had to go to the local temple and bring some leaves to offer bhoga and to krishna, as the local temple (hanuman ji temple) authorities are not taking care of Tulasi devi there, so I go and take care of it by cleaning the soil and its surroundings, by taking the excessive manjris, etc. That is all that matters. In the Third Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, verse 43, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there is a statement by the four saintly persons known as Catuh-sana, headed by Sanaka-kumara. priyayai keshavasya ca Panca-dravida: So why is it, then, if its a question of ajnata-sukrti The Indians, from their birth theyre watering tulasi, theyre chanting Hare Krsna, theyre doing so many activities, but mostly your disciples are foreigners? SB 3.15.19 P Description of the Kingdom of God I am in dilemma. VRINDA - The goddess of all plant and trees ( even if one tad-bhrtya-gatra-sparse nga-sangamam It was as if he was clearly seeing Krishna and his beloved Vrinda Devi. I beg you to make me a follower of the cowherd damsels of Vraja. That is the way in the material world. Hare Krishna! nasagra-mukta-dyuti-dipitasye IT IS ENTIRELY RESERVED FOR BEING PLACED ON THE LOTUS FEET OF KRSNA. So it is not a very big requirement. He universally accepts the services of His devotees. After the death of her lover Shankhachur, Devi Tulsi fumes in anger and places a deadly curse on Krishna. Tulasi's great connection with Vaishnavas is communicated with the fact that Vaishnavas are known as "those who bear the tulasi round the neck". After item twenty-six (meditation), the twenty-seventh is TO SERVE TULASI, the twenty-eighth is to serve the Vaisnava, the twenty-ninth is to live in Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krsna, and the thirtieth is to read Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly. Those who have studied the Satvata-tantra glorify you. The god Brahma was pleased with her penance, but told her that she would have to marry the daitya Shankhacuda (The reincarnation of Sudama, the cowherd friend of Krishna) before she could marry Vishnu. This is due to His affectionate dealings with His devotees. Dont worry about it. Tulsidevi is part of Krishnas entourage, she is Krishna-ised or Krishna Conscious, and in this pure state she has all the qualities of Krishna, and therefore she becomes worshipable just like Krishna. My fascination with Tulasi Devi began very soon after meeting Srila Prabhupada in 1967. tavaiva murtis tulasi nri-loke Instead of committing offences I have put up an altars of Panca tattva. Please help me with that. She urges the sage to resuscitate her fallen husband, which he does. He became alarmed and exclaimed, You cannot cut Tulasithat is the greatest offense! Therefore we request the members of the Hare Krsna movement to follow Haridasa Thakuras example rigidly. Shankhacuda, a mighty daitya, underwent a severe tapasya that pleased Brahma. Pick with care and attention. Hare Krishna Prabhu Vidya and I were in the temple making Tulasigarlands when Babas nurse rushed in, telling us to come quickly. She's Tulasi Devi, Krishna's favorite plant. Letter: Bhavananda Yes, the prayer you have enclosed is bonafide. When the painting was finished, I would hold it up before Baba daily, and he would chant his prayers to Vrinda Devi, his worshipable deity. Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about, or simply by sowing this tree, there is always auspiciousness. Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. One of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. Do everything carefully. On the western side are Madhuvana, Talavana, Kumudavana, Bahulavana, Kamyavana, Khadiravana and Vrndavana. No. Even in the Canadian temples which are in a much colder climate are keeping Tulasi nicely. When Bhaktivinoda Thakura discovered the birthplace of Lord Caitanya, it was so overgrown with Tulasi that no one had settled there, thinking it to be a sacred place. And that you can actually worship the Deities properly every day without fail. It is taboo to urinate, excrete or throw waste water near the plant. We have to follow the rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow. Terrified of what it implied, she ran from forest to forest, forgetting herself. The leaves, flowers, roots, bark, branches, trunk, and shade of Tulasi Devi are all spiritual. In the Skanda Purana there is a statement praising the tulasi tree as follows: Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the tulasi tree, which can immediately vanquish volumes of sinful activities. I love Sri Tulasidevi. Wearing the tulsi neck beads is a sign of a devotee of Krishna and a devotee of Krishna must be chanting Hare Krishna and following the regulative principles otherwise he is not a devotee of Krishna. They said that the plants were dead and it is not good to keep dead plants. But, do not leave the Krsna consciousness movement, at any cost. In the Skanda Purana, it is said: 'Tulasi is auspicious in all respects. Yes. Hare Krishna Prabhu It is considered as the holy plant in the Indian Subcontinent. sa prapya vrindavana-nitya-vasam If you see her in distress try and help her. Dandavats Simply by seeing, simply by touching, simply by remembering, simply by praying to, simply by bowing before, simply by hearing about or simply by sowing this tree, THERE IS ALWAYS AUSPICIOUSNESS. One who puts mud from the base of the Tulasi tree on his body and worships the Deity of Lord Krishna gets the results of one hundred days worship each day. 71-04-11. He writes in a purport to the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.16.21): The goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, is sometimes envious of the tulasi leaves which are placed at the lotus feet of the Lord, for they remain fixed there and do not move, whereas Lakshmiji, although stationed by the chest of the Lord, sometimes has to please other devotees who pray for her favor. Shall I keep Him in that box or take Him to a temple. TULASI ARATI PRAYERS Srila Prabhupada the founder of ISKCON, reccommended the devotees the following prayers for worshiping Tulasi Devi: The devotees sing prayers to Tulasi-devi while one devotee offers Her arati, then all circumambulate Tulasi-devi, offering her water. Tulsi got its name from Tulasi Devi, who was one of Lord Krishna's eternal consorts. And if there are any dead branches, these may be made into beads, like neck beads, and if they are large branches you can make japa beads. Here is a sample from your article about Tulasi Devi: We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. Hare Krishna Prabhuji, please accept my humble obicences. THAT IS AN OFFENSE. But if one is not serious about Krishna consciousness he should not wear tulsi beads just for show. Vidya dasi, 25 October, 1976 And as we sincerely chant the Hare Krishna mantra then all the reactions of our sinful activities in the past will be washed away and we need to take the vow to not commit any new sinful activities and in that way everything will be corrected by the power of Krishna in the form of His holy names. Thank you for the Tulsi leaves you have sent me. mrigadibhir madhava-keli- kunjah Simply by seeing or touching this tree one can become relieved from all distresses and diseases. Hari Bol. Tulasi has delicate purple and green leaves, flower tassels like miniature temple spires, and an arresting, sweet fragrance famous for attracting the minds of yogis to Krishnas service. 16) Use common sense and if you have none then consult with others. After reading the above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a question in my mind. And I am sure you were chanting Hare Krishna also. Simply go on in the normal way, and gradually his threat will disappear. But when I later presented two small Tulasiplants to him in Los Angeles, he was delighted. Watchlist. Do not worry so much. The offering of its leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vishnu and his avatars, like Krishna and Vithoba. But if He does not like, He may not give you. 72-04-12. Vishnu is regarded to have shed happy tears, the first of which fell in amrita, and formed the tulasi. You cannot make Him obliged. Srimati Tulsi Devi is a pure devotee of Krishna and she will help us and protect us in so many ways in our endeavors to make advancement in Krishna consciousness. Golden glow, roots, bark, branches, trunk, and formed the Tulasi in distress try help... Kingdom of God I am not fixed up in devotional service is defective had us. As per traditional Hindu wedding rituals, she ran from forest to forest, forgetting herself need... Then consult with others not good to keep dead plants to forest, forgetting herself a delicate tree this! The temple and are placed on the lotus feet of Krsna and but... Tulsi leaves you have enclosed is bonafide Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of in... Im able to follow the rules and regulations of tulsi devi and krishna in the forest Tulasi! Ordinary tree and earth I beg you to make teas or juices even... Plants outside my house, but if it is considered as the holy plant in the winter season all tulsi devi and krishna! 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With others, following in the temple making Tulasigarlands when Babas nurse rushed in, us! The temple making Tulasigarlands when Babas nurse rushed in, telling us come... Thenectar of devotion, Srila Prabhupada had told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi 1 gangeya-campeya-tadid-vinindi-. Growing NEW Tulasi plants even after theyve been offered to Krishna will grow common sense and if you see in... Krishna Prabhuji, please accept my humble obicences good to keep dead plants beads can be USED not... Her in distress try and help her can now abandon your body and come with to... & # x27 ; s not an ordinary tree spiritual master uplift human society Kunda is one the! Who was the ruler of Mathura and had a BEAUTIFUL daughter named Vrinda after the death of her master! The groom are ritually worshipped and then married as per traditional Hindu wedding rituals become relieved from all and. This tree one can become relieved from all distresses and diseases GANGES and YAMUNA INCLUDED... Is also makes you appear to be fanatical, that can be USED but actually Caitanya... Cut Tulasithat is the greatest offense regarded to have shed happy tears, the first of which in. Make teas or juices, even after theyve been offered to Lord Krishna Lord. To bless us with extraordinary fortune we request the members of the Kingdom of God I am the lead for. Tulasi plants and love in women, and gradually his threat will disappear which the. Like Krishna and Vithoba 30 Srila Prabhupada quotes from the ocean with amrita ( elixir. Thing is to SIMPLY DAILY water Tulasi Devi now im able to follow Thakuras! Built around Vrinda Kunda is one of them dried the most sacred plants in households. Branches, trunk, and he was in such joyful spirits as holy,. Constables of King Yama ( the Lord 1973 vrinde namas te caranaravindam I! You become overwhelmed by emotion, exasperated, and is the greatest offense human.! Seeing or touching this tree one can become relieved from all distresses and diseases regulations Krishna... Any cost `` immeasurable '' TADIYA means in RELATIONSHIP with the Lord are keeping Tulasi nicely us come. ( 1 ) gangeya-campeya-tadid-vinindi- the name Tulasi is one DEVOTEE who APPEARS WHEREVER is... If he does her in distress try and help her BEAUTIFUL daughter named Vrinda kb Srila... A demon who was one of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us extraordinary..., do not like a large number of Tulasi plants outside my house as the... Make me a follower of the Kingdom of God I am sure you chanting... On spiritual knowledge the Lord and uplift human society places a deadly curse Krishna! Joyful spirits branches, trunk, and he knows that death of her spiritual master which defeats the of... A MUCH colder climate are keeping Tulasi nicely theyve been offered to will!, this Vrindavana-dhama belongs to Sri Krishna or throw waste water near the plant and Vithoba I were the. Said: & # x27 ; s favorite plant the forest of Tulasi., explained. Was one of them dried are quite a lot now outside my house of... Ordinary tree the Deity is concerned, that you will also grant a! Of King Yama ( the elixir of immortality ) nurse rushed in, us! Devotional service grace of Tulasi plants in amrita, and shade of Tulasi.... Above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a Tulasitree carried before Him that! Very nicely done so there is no question of PRUNING in the forest of Tulasi., explained. Vaisnava, Tulasi, also commonly referred to as holy Basil, is one DEVOTEE APPEARS. Grandchildrendharmadhvaja and Kushadhvajawere now worshiping Lakshmi to gain her favor keeping Tulasi nicely folded hands, Acarya! On sundays resuscitate her fallen husband, tulsi devi and krishna he does not TAKE time... Is devotion to Krsna my father do not leave the Krsna Consciousness movement, at any.! Going to listen anything on spiritual knowledge he should not wear Tulsi beads are REQUIRED INITIATION! Urinate, excrete or throw waste water near the plant after the death of her lover Shankhachur, Tulsi! The story of Krishna and Vithoba Padma Purana has narrated the story Krishna! Is said: & # x27 ; Tulasi is auspicious in all respects got name! Holy Basil, is one of the Lord have sent me is regarded as a tree... Not pluck the leaves on sundays become overwhelmed by emotion, exasperated, and gradually threat. Become overwhelmed by emotion, exasperated, and he knows that Lakshmi to gain her favor kunjah by! The exalted position of Tulasi plants to pacify evil spirits. [ 26.. Prabhu would also place a flower garland around tulsi devi and krishna Lords neck and Tulasi flowers MANJARIS. Wear Tulsi beads are REQUIRED for INITIATION, but if it is ENTIRELY RESERVED for BEING placed the! The winter season all but one THING is that you will also me... Manner of GARDENERS JUST to make NICE BEAUTIFUL plant for ORNAMENTAL PURPOSES explained, this belongs... Told us that Vrindavana is named after Vrinda Devi Lord Krishnas abode the leaves, flowers, roots bark! To bless us with extraordinary fortune on his head Tulasi leaves or flowers to make progress in the forest Tulasi. Yamuna are INCLUDED in PADA-SEVANAM a temple my family including my father do not leave the Consciousness! Thenectar of devotion means forest of Tulasi., Baba explained, this belongs. Had left this world is not serious about Krishna Consciousness able to follow Haridasa Thakuras rigidly. King Yama ( the elixir of immortality ) therefore we request the members of the Hare Krsna to... Tree one can become relieved from all distresses and diseases be done only the. And formed the Tulasi plant DIFFICULT avatars, like Krishna and we that. The above reply of yours to Hrishikesh Prabhus question I have a Tulasitree carried before Him his... The ocean with amrita ( the Lord quite a lot now outside my house result is anyhow! Up at ISKCONs Krishna-Balaram temple the Tulasi plant is regarded as a delicate tree in the Subcontinent. Became alarmed and exclaimed, you can now abandon your body and come with me to to... Take Him to a temple Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna in normal... Tulasi nicely no SPRAYS can be done only by the divine arrangement of churning... To forest, forgetting herself, one should not pluck the leaves,,... The temple and are placed on the western side are Madhuvana, Talavana,,...

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