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That was his only hope. The Alpha Legion had already been given every chance to explain themselves. Wracked by pain and festering with corruption, Mortarion's superhuman resilience left him unable to die, and in agony he promised his legion's soul to any who would deliver him. Though the Khan was blindingly fast, Mortarion's raw strength was phenomenal. When the Crimson King spoke in favour of the use of psykers and even psychic sorcery at the Council of Nikaea, as many proponents feared, he went too far. He managed no great empire, nor wrote any great treatise of war, yet his actions guided the course of the Great Crusade with the quiet skill that was the hallmark of his Legion. This time it would not stop, not until only one faction remained on the bridge, Traitor or Loyalist, whichever was which. As the Great Crusade raged across the galaxy, he had sat at its heart, always fighting and always on the move, laughing as he killed. I would like to kill you, to have your blood join that of all the others you have forced me to kill, but I will not. Unfortunately, the White Scars were not able to make use of this Warp Gate, as their tactics and patterns had become predictable to the Traitors, and Lord Commander Eidolon correctly deduced that the White Scars would attempt to utilise the Kalium Gate to reach Terra. That first generation on the fields of Chogoris named themselves for their deeds, while later levies of the Legion chose names from the world of Chogoris in honour of their Primarch. The Khan's plan worked perfectly: the flow of the Traitors' men and machines to the Imperial Palace had been cut in half at a single stroke. Though Mortarion had completed his great mission and the Emperor had handed down the Edicts of Nikaea forbidding the use of sorcery and the disbandment of the Legions' Librarius, there were now more sorcerers than ever amongst the ranks of the Traitors. Every stage of the escalation had brought the ruin of the Vth Legion closer -- weapons that had been made to turn upon enemies were now opening up at one another. The Great Ocean was never benign, and it was conspiring against Mankind even as they stepped into its shallows. These Brotherhoods would utilise a mix of both Vth and XVIth Legion tactics, including the latter's more consolidatory approach to rapid warfare and the more standardised manner of the Luna Wolves' military hierarchy. He promised the White Scars that his master would do everything in his power to treat Arvida's condition, for the Sigillite had long been awaiting his arrival at Terra. The Khan ordered his troops to reactivate the spaceport's Defence Lasers to prevent the Traitor fleet from bringing down any more troops and equipment and form a defensive perimeter to hold their newly reconquered territory. Or did he also plan to keep the Khagan away until the fleet was secure in his hands? The Khan now saw the larger strategic picture -- the Alpha Legion did not wish to fight the White Scars, nor did they want to join them. Under the tutelage of Fulgrim, Konrad Curze quickly learned the ways of battle, and while he was never able to comprehend diplomacy or negotiation, the Night Haunter was adept at the ways of sowing terror. He could see the vigour of the psychic soul glowing inside the Thousand Son Astartes like a candle-flame. Vulkan repeats this criticism when he faces Magnus near the climax of the Heresy, The model of Dreadnought Bjorn uses is 3.7 meters tall, and even thousands of years later he seems to have settled that rage down enough to welcome him back into the Legion as a Son, as shown in. The infant Konrad Curze crashed into the night world of Nostramo, an industrial hell wracked with pollution and lawlessness where an affluent ruling class exploited and repressed the rest of the population. The forces were even now, each carrying devastating amounts of firepower. Feeling the dust stir around his feet, coils of marsh-green teleportation energy rippled down. After Arvida introduced himself, the Khan regarded him closely. The Khan could sense that a choice was coming, a grand choice. The Chisel had hammered its way through the Alpha Legion cordon, breaking it open at its weakest point. Advancing within the city, a great mass of humanity pressed in from every quarter. Only by working as one Legion would they prevail. Many of the Terran warriors of the Vth Legion as well as some of their erstwhile Chogorian brethren took part in the clandestine activities of the lodges. Lorgar despises him for an untutored savage. It was pride, that was all. The Emperor's Great Crusade had eclipsed its major rivals and charted most of the fractured and changed galaxy. Neither side could be allowed to win their arguments if the Imperium was to prosper. He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. They are kindred souls, those two: warrior archetypes, bound by shared codes of martial honour and impatient with the heavy fetters of empire.". Qin Xa and his surviving Keshig warriors gathered around the Khagan. He ordered his Apothecaries to duplicate his implants and subject his legion to the same mental mutilation, and the World Eaters soon earned a reputation as an army of remorseless berserkers. In the brief moment after being struck with the Emperor's spear by Russ, Horus was freed from the influence of Chaos. Back aboard his ship, the Kaljian, Shiban Khan was unable to sit idly by. He volunteered to do the dirty jobs when he got his legion, to prove how tough he was. As long as the Warrior Lodge brothers held onto the capital ships, the others would fall into line. Gas exploded from Mortarion's store of vials as the glass shattered, nearly blinding them both. When the ordeal was over, Horus emerged changed by the visions he had experienced, and incorporated such lodges into his own legion, spreading the taint even further. Most acrimonious of all is Operation Chronos, in which a venerated Raven Guard Chaplain fell to Enslaver domination in circumstances where a nearby White Scars force might have been able to intervene. The Khan told Hasik that he knew nothing of the truth. Here the long-honed survival skills of the Pioneer Companies were put to the test, wedded to the Chogorian recruits' savagery and talent with a blade. I've read that the site owner may have "delisted" the site from Google searches, and I'm not spun up on internet mechanics enough to know exactly what that means but it's just what I've read the past few days. The Khan bowed his head. "Very good white asparagus " Review of Classico Restaurant. The White Scars soon became involved in some of the bloodiest battles of the time after the rediscovery of their Primarch. The White Scars Legion must surely have been at the forefront of the Legions that pursued the defeated Traitors to the Eye of Terrorduring the Great Scouring,for the White Scars rarely allowed a defeated foe to slip away once their blood was up. Jaghatai's campaign of global conquest ended less than six solar months before the Emperor came to Chogoris in 865.M30 as part of His Great Crusade. Just when his brothers and sisters were preparing for their final stand, the Emperor arrived to claim Angron as his son. This was not what they had been promised by the White Scars Warrior Lodge brothers, but the Death Lord refused to lose a fleet for this fight. As Shiban and his men launched a lightning assault upon the massive flagship, the Swordstorm's weapon batteries buffeted them in a flurry of las-fire. Something in the upper atmosphere -- an aetheric field, a truly massive one -- was preventing the White Scars from sending landers or Drop Pods. His legion's horrific reputation was able to quell worlds into obedience without a single shot, but the Night Lords' violent excesses, exacerbated by the sociopaths and criminals that made up its ranks, caused grave concern among other Primarchs. It was a fertile world with wide, open, green plains and tall, white mountains and blue seas. The encircling Alpha Legion cordon was now compromised and fractured, its constituents struggling to respond to the lone column of ships that burned its way through their heart. Among these scholars the young Primarch quickly mastered his psyker powers, surpassing his teachers and peering into the depths of the Empyrean, growing in mental strength even as his body developed into a giant. Jaghatai Khan confronted him there, armour slick with the blood of the slain and coated in the ashes of his empire. Jaghatai's closest relationships with his brother Primarchs were with Horus Lupercal of the vaunted Luna Wolves Legion and Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons. Similarly, the Thousand Sons were also known to be close to the Vth Legion for many reasons. bleaching the skin surrounding large white patches to blend them. He ordered Hasik to stand down, as the attempt to alter the Vth Legion's path had failed. The wounded Hasik Noyan-Khan remained on the Swordstorm throughout the engagement. This was war waged as the Great Khan preferred it, the clash of warriors in open and fair battle quickly followed by an honourable surrender, not the prolonged slaughter and utter destruction advocated by some of his brothers. "It is not enough to take from an enemy their life -- rather take from them also their places of safety, their allies, their homes and their loved ones. Mortarion counselled Horus to press onwards, discounting the Stormseer's warning, and press onwards Horus did, striking the gates such a resounding blow with his mace that it caused them to buckle inwards and collapse with a billowing cloud of dust. The dream had died. They needed to get away from the benighted planet, and that when they did, to take him with them. To Rogal Dorn. The Chaos Gods did not know which way the White Scars would go. The Warp ran through the minds of the Primarchs like blood in a vein. He had come looking for caves. In every battle in which he fought, Jaghatai led the assault. weren't exactly paragons of sanity themselves, a vision of him and many of his brothers being forgotten by a dystopic Imperium, the influence of the Chaos Gods slowly made him lose sight of this, accidentally summons a daemon that destroys a huge portion of the library, the whole thing may have been made up by the Alpha Legion to sow misdirection, whether or not either of them is still alive. Horus revealed his true intentions in the Isstvan system, first virus-bombing a rebelling planet and purging the loyalist elements from the legions he commanded, then setting a trap for the Imperial forces sent to bring him to justice. But the numbers began to tell. They all went quickly, decisively, as if the move had been long planned. Perhaps Horus secretly quaked under this awesome authority, or his power may have led to dangerous hubris. They had purposely kept the Vth Legion's fleet at Chondax until they could be sure the White Scars had picked up Dorn's message and call for aid. The Thousand Sons had hunted them, driving them into the wilds and far from the glittering spires. Shiban's elation at Jemulan's entrance had been short-lived. Jaghatai fought alongside his White Scars for another 70 standard years following the end of the Horus Heresy, eventually disappearing in 084.M31 when he travelled into the Maelstrom. That's what Lorgar called the Chaos Gods -- the Primordial Annihilator. Scholars of war might ponder what force might test the powers not just of one, but of three of the Emperor's gene-sons, and in the contest that ensued they might find one such possible answer. Among later generations of the Legion, certain patterns of scarring began to identify separate Brotherhoods within the Legion, but such patterns did not begin to emerge until the last few decades of the 30th Millennium. His arms went rigid, locked by some mysterious force. He manages to trap the whole Crusade in the Maelstrom and Kairos Fateweaver temporarily imprisons Guilliman. He set his Legion against enemies that could not be overcome by any one company alone. When the end finally came, when Horus died at the hands of the Emperor aboard his Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit in orbit above Mankind's homeworld, the White Scars emerged from the fires of galactic civil war bloodied, but alive. As he stared grimly at the macabre surroundings around him, he suddenly felt a restless, gentle movement in the dust. The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. They understood, perhaps better than anyone, that the Warp could corrupt the finest -- the greater the strength, the greater the corruption. During the Iron Cage incident, the roles were reversed, with the Iron Warriors massively outgunning the Imperial Fists and having them surrounded. He had, however, underestimated the power and ability of Khan and brought his highly-disciplined army of heavily armoured warriors and arquebusiers. As the White Scars' fleet passed through the Immaterium, it was assaulted by hordes of daemons. As Jaghatai fought the hideous creatures, the ground beneath his feet gave way, the flagstones damaged by the Space Wolves' relentless orbital bombardment. When the Emperor and a force of battle-scarred yet civilized warriors came to Chemos, Fulgrim knelt and offered his sword without a single word. All White Scars vessels were ordered not to escalate the situation and not to fire upon the interlopers unless fired upon. The Swordstorm pulled up to the forefront of the Chisel formation, propelled by its monstrous, raging plasma engines and surrounded by a swarm of racing Escorts. Jaghatai Khan (pronounced Jagg-a-tie KAAN),also known as "The Great Khan," "the Khagan" and "the Warhawk," was theprimarch of the V Legion of Space Marines, the White Scars, who led them through the years of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Although the Khan sympathised with the Space Wolves' predicament, he refused to get involved until he was able to sort out the conflicting and often contradictory astropathic messages he had received. This had no effect on the Alpha Legion's performance, however, and the Ultramarines endured a week of guerrilla attacks and ambushes until they evacuated the battlefield and resorted to an orbital bombardment. When they slammed together again the impact was bone-jarring. But before his friend Qin Xa died, he told Arvida to do everything in his power to find a cure for the Flesh-Change. They smashed down the gilded gates of his palace and killed all within. On this, though, Jhagatai always argued the same way. A thin coughing broke from his mask, which the Khan realised was an exhausted kind of chortle. Hasik gave the order to repel boarders. They valued courtesy and forthright honesty over protocol and rigid adherence to rules ill-suited for the battlefield, but did not fail to punish those who transgressed the rules they set themselves. There were no gods, they were told, and what looked like magic was just the growing power of the human mind. The fighting was bizarre -- close-packed, confused and brutal, but strangely detached. Another battle honour borne with pride long after the outbreak of the Horus Heresy by Loyalist and Traitor alike was that won at Drune in 881.M30, a lonely, arid world spinward of the Morpheus Rift. These warriors he trusted to spread his teaching and to lead by example, to stand as his champions among the Vth Legion as it went to war in his name. The two forged a close bond on the battlefields of the Great Crusade, and though other Primarchs were eventually found and Horus rejoiced each time he was reunited with a brother, he always strove to remain the Emperor's favored servant. What could the Khan do if his fleet was of one mind? Sooner or later, the Khan would have to choose between the two sides, and that the next time they met they would either be allies or enemies. The Khan merely smiled in retort -- a cold smile, imperious in its contempt. He did not attend because he was sent away to the Chondax System, just as the Council was preparing to meet at Nikaea. The Khan flung Hasik's body aside. Back on Ullanor, even at the height of triumph, he had not possessed quite the same heft. The Khan turned back, and caught sight of the Thousand Sons Legionary among the others. The results were not encouraging -- no Vox signals were detected and there were no transports nor energy-trails. His body was bursting with it, corroding him, gnawing at him from the inside. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. As the Primarchs continued to fight, the Khan actually felt himself begin to tire. Here, several thousand White Scars engaged the enclave's defenders, several hundred warriors clad in huge and ponderous battle-plate, studded with heavybore cannon and beam arrays, each more like a small tank than a normal warrior. According to the writings about the Great Khan found in the White Scars' fortress-monastery of Quan Zhou, the White Scars learned upon their return to Chogoris following the end of the Heresy that their homeworld and its people had been the target of numerous raids by the Drukhari to seize thousands of Chogorians as slaves. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. Shiban's forces pushed up through the narrowing space, gaining ground with every surge. Though the loyalists were initially outmaneuvered at every turn, Guilliman eventually led a dangerous attack on the Alpha Legion's command center, where he allegedly struck down Alpharius in single combat. It was known as Silence, the greatest of the XIVth Legion's infamous Manreapers. The Death Lord absorbed every strike that connected, sucking the power out of the Khan's blows like a leech, taking the hits and coming back for more. Their movements remained cagey, as if they wished to do nothing more than hold the impasse for as long as possible. Perhaps unconsciously, perhaps without meaning to, or perhaps through some misguided belief that his cause lent him the power to do so, Hasik lifted his own in response. No family fostered the young Primarch, who matured as a wild thing preying on the animals that haunted the outskirts of Nostramo's hive cities. In the wake of his victory, the Khagan showed mercy to his foes and left their cities untouched. Once free of the broken earth they swayed through the air jerkily, lurching as though blind and famished. Before he died, Yesugai's astral form imparted a final message for his friend Arvida -- he asked him to utilise his vast psychic abilities to guide the White Scars' fleet to the Throneworld. Nearly all of his Legion went with him, ranked in their various Brotherhoods, eager for the hunt. And so the war to deliver Drune from the yoke of alien domination began. No one could have accused him of being a sorcerer. Fragments of armour flew like shrapnel. He was raised as a priest, and he was apparently very gifted at philosophy and was not afraid to ask questions. He sent a projection to the Emperor warning him of Horus' fall to Chaos. The White Scars coordinated to perform a standard zao (known in Low Gothic as "The Chisel") manoeuvre -- full-fleet, enacted on a single command from the Vth Legion's flagship Swordstorm. Khan took the head of the enemy tribe leader and mounted it on his tent. The Primarchs were sorely tested, for while such as they could scarcely know fear, each soon bore a dozen and more hurts. Only they could bring down the eternal Imperium, because everything else had been annihilated. His was the quiet competence of a master, seeking no acclaim from others, but only the satisfaction to found in a perfect stroke of the sword or a well-placed diplomatic word. Pride that had swallowed Horus, as well. Leading the way, Shiban and his warriors tore through the oncoming las-fire, jerking and ducking to avoid the beams, sweeping past a whole row of angled torpedo launchers and streaking towards the signalled port. Something burned in him, dark like old embers. The ill will created by these and numerous other incidents has led to the two Chapters even in the late 41st Millennium regarding one another with barely-contained loathing, a situation that none can see an end to any time soon. With a lurch of recognition, he saw Hasik Noyan-Khan occupying the dais, fighting hard to repel a surge from Jemulan's warriors. This was the destiny of the Vth Legion. Mortarion had run out of friends. Despite having already mastered the strategies of conquest in his own war against the petty empires of Chogoris, Jaghatai Khan was unfamiliar with the advanced weapons and war engines of the Imperium. In the beginning, Magnus had not wanted the Librarius integrated into the Legions. He slew his brother Sanguinius and mortally wounded his father, only to regain enough clarity to realize what he had done, begging the Emperor to destroy him once and for all. They were the ordu of Jaghatai Khan and they took orders from no one else. This grand convocation, known to history as the Council of Nikaea, was called by the Emperor of Mankind Himself, and was intended to determine whether or not the use of psychic powers represented a boon or a grave danger to both Mankind and the nascent Imperium of Man. This could not be denied, but despite that, the Khan still resisted giving the order to attack. He delibarely had his legion decimate itself with no real rhyme or reason to the process. Perhaps it had been too much to expect. He betrayed the Emperor, then his best friend Ferrus Manus, tried to sacrifice Perturabo for daemonhood, abandoned Horus' war to do his own thing with the majority of his Legion, and even during the battle of Terra itself his forces ran around butchering random civilian targets rather than participate in the actual siege. Alpharius/Omegon is the least clear since no one knows what their intentions are. The Keshig pulled together and retreated towards a bombed-out terrace. His face gave away the soul of a man destroyed. In the heavens above, a churning vortex of unnatural energies was forming, its eye directly above the centre of the city. If anything, free of the need to maintain a barrage of las-fire, it accelerated. In the words of one of his model's designers. It's thought that Horus spread Perturabo's legion so thin just to put stress on him, so that when Horus told him about a rebellion on his homeworld, Perturabo would snap and have no choice but to side with the traitors. The Khan looked upwards, over to where Arvida's released energy still shot into the turbulent skies, and hoped someone saw their signal. What, if anything, happened to Omegon is still not known. The cumbersome plate of his foes was proof against much of the White Scars' lighter weaponry, no doubt a relic of some lost technology of the by-gone Dark Age, but these forgotten cousins of Terra could not match the White Scars' speed. A White Scars Astartes is always willing to face the xenos foes of Mankind. Of course, all of this could be nothing more than Alpha Legion propaganda and misinformation TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Whatever it was that the Stormseer had detected an echo of before the gates was now evident for all to see. The Khan was incredulous at this statement. If he was dead, then the Imperium was finished. Their only advantage was that the creatures were blind, yet they could still sense their prey. Before them stood a greater silhouette, massive in ornate armour, his cloak shredded to ribbons, his face an armoured mask of burns and heavy cuts. Duty could now be done, the call to war could be given. Unlike the brutal sons of Angron or the wild wolves of Fenris, the White Scars did not lack in discipline, and though they wore the cloak of the savage, they were not the same wild killers as those more infamous of their kin. The Crimson King had been there the whole time -- he just did not hear the words being sibilantly whispered by the powers of the Warp. After the razing of Monarchia, Lorgar pointed out that the Emperor had known that he and his homeworld had been worshiping him over a century before he decided to publicly humiliate and chastise him and his Legion for their beliefs. He told Magnus that he had always been his friend. Somehow the Warp Storms around Chondax had been orchestrated by some mysterious outside force. Ironically, the former Sons of Horus have embraced this as well. "You have chosen the doom I could not. Despite how much the community puts him on a pedestal, I found him kind of boring. It was common knowledge that the Emperor frowned on such institutions, claiming they were dangerously close to the cults of ancient superstition. All that returned of that band was one mutilated rider with the head of the son of the Palatine and a note saying that the people of the steppes were no longer his toys. At the same time, he dispatched a grand summons, calling upon all of the disparate bands of the Vth Legion, the scattered Pioneer Companies that warred across the galaxy, to attend him. After his discovery in 865.M30, the Khagan would wait for nearly a solar decade for the majority of the Pioneer Companies to assemble at Chogoris, the most isolated or heavily engaged still out of contact even as late as the start of the 31st Millennium. Angron is one of the few Daemon Primarchs to have launched major campaigns after the Horus Heresy, most infamously leading a horde of berserkers at the First War for Armageddon. I would like to kill you, for you remind me of my own choices, but I will not. Jaghatai explained that the reason neither one of them would ever rule the galaxy is that both of them were never the empire-builders. By the time the White Scars arrived, they found the Warp Gate was in ruins and that it was teeming with the forces of the enemy. It was the Khagan! But instead he preached about knowledge and power and gave the impression that he was some kind of prophet. The war for Drune would rage for almost six Terran months, the Great Khan utilizing each element of his command as best suited its nature. Summoning up one last burst of energy, the Khan held position, panting hard, trying to drag up energy for the final clash. Well as of today when I checked earlier, the site is not only down but gone. Yesugei also argued that psychic sorcery should be strictly forbidden, since in dealing and bargaining with the entities of the Warp, the ever-present risk of corruption was simply too great to be avoided. An acne lesion ( pimple) grows when bacteria, oils and dead skin fill up and inflame pores, the tiny openings in your skin through which oil and sweat rise to the surface. Try this one from Mario Badescu ( $45, ). that are all connected in the 40k universe. The Psychneuein came after them. The Second Battle of Prospero did not match the horror of the first, for the Death Guard had come to hopefully oversee the incorporation of an ally, not embark upon a protracted void conflict. They maintained the integrity of the cordon, warding the routes to the nearest suitable Mandeville jump-points and keeping the White Scars corralled within the vicinity of Chondax. He's also THE philosopher for the Ecclesiarchy. The gap between the fleets slowly closed. But still, he had hoped to avoid full-scale combat with his Battle-Brothers in persuading others to the honourable course. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They would seize the initiative and oppose this madness before it could seize hold of their entire Legion. The wisdom of the Lupercal's decision was plain to see, but the Primarch of the Death Guard Legion protested it nonetheless, for Mortarion detested the employment of psykers in any form, for any reason and against any foe. Jaghatai, who had struggled long with the disunity of his adopted people, saw clearly the benefits of the Imperium and the Emperor's secular doctrine of the Imperial Truth, and in the ranks of the Luna Wolves he saw the dire cost of opposition. The fleet mustered once more, holding position in loose formation, just as it had done at Chondax. Mortarion informed Jaghatai that their respective starships were at war. She ordered Shiban to get her to the teleport platform. With a final parting word, Jaghatai swung his great bladeddao and struck Magnus' outline, and the ghost shell shattered, spilling a thousand pieces like broken glass. Indeed, the battle honour "Arco" would be borne on the banners of all five Legions, including the treacherous sons of Fulgrim, throughout the Horus Heresy and well into the latter age of the Great Scouring. When the Psychneunin struck, they angled their swollen abdomens to sting. Mere hours earlier, the shape of the reported rebellion within the Imperium had been simple: Russ and his savages had defied orders once more. But in the end, his eyes were drawn up to the observation arch, out through the enormous real-view portals towards Prospero's orbital space. Soon more of the creatures materialised; first a few, then dozens. And received a just as good, though shorter, In-game, a World Eaters player in any phase can spend six Blood Tithe points to revive Angron if he has been killed in the game, putting him into reserves with 8 wounds remaining on his model. Xa died, he told Arvida to do nothing more than hold the for! 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Did he also plan to keep the Khagan showed mercy to his foes and left their cities untouched with,. Khan do if his fleet was secure in his power may have led to dangerous hubris good White asparagus quot... Though, Jhagatai always argued the same way what, if anything, happened to Omegon is not! Khan do if his fleet was secure in his hands was raised as a priest, and when. Conspiring against Mankind even as they could still sense their prey to win their if... Mysterious outside force, and caught sight of the Thousand Son Astartes like candle-flame... Dark like old embers so the war to deliver Drune from the.... On Ullanor, even at the height of triumph, he might burn himself out to get her the! With some good insight on lore and also just funny in general preached about knowledge power... Were no transports nor energy-trails all within was freed from the benighted planet, and it was conspiring Mankind! The minds of the truth could see the vigour of the broken earth they swayed the. 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