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why was bane attacked in the pit

Real polynomials that go to infinity in all directions: how fast do they grow? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. The Pit is a prison located in the ancient part of the world, which had established such a fearsome reputation that it became referred to as "the worst Hell on Earth". THIS can be a big issue: Bane got punched, kicked, stomped, mangled, etc, everywhere and his back could've also suffered the worst: vertebrae fractures, vertebrae luxation, vertebral disc dislocation, etc. this can cause one very dangerous thing known as Neurogenic Shock due to spinal cord concussion, crushing, and/or section (the latter two seems far-fetched since Bane can still move). BTW the whole throat injury is rubbish. Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. [10][16][15] Ultimately, the jury found both Noel and Knoller guilty of involuntary manslaughter and owning a mischievous animal that caused the death of a human being, and found Knoller guilty of second-degree murder. (NOT interested in AI answers, please). In regards to Bruce's back, many people assume that it is broken since that's how it's depicted in the comics. [28][29] The San Francisco Superior Court reinstated the conviction for second-degree murder, and on September 22, 2008, the court sentenced Knoller to 15 years to life. You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it. Bane's costume for the film is markedly different from his comic book counterpart who wears a Mexican wrestler's mask. I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? Batman remained focused as ever and managed to defeat him in combat. After Bane defeats Batman and traps him in The Pit (a massive, underground prison), Batman learns what shaky details exist about Bane's backstory. Why is a "TeX point" slightly larger than an "American point"? Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Latest Blog Post: Favorite Question and Answers from First Quarter 2023. If employer doesn't have physical address, what is the minimum information I should have from them? But unless I am mistaken, the film never actually says that Bane broke Bruce's back. As for how he gets back to Gotham, remember in Batman Begins that Bruce is able to travel around the world all by himself with no money and no resources to learn the ways of a criminal. It's also important to mention that afflictions such as this have the potential of leaving the local area undergoing chronical inflammation, thus decreasing the resistance of pain due to an often release neurotransmitters, such as one called P-Substance. Now, whenever trauma takes place, even if we don't quite see a wound in place, it facilitates the access of microorganisms (mostly bacteria) that cause infection. Robert Noel, of killer-dog case fame, to get out of prison. An acquaintance of Noel's testified that Noel did not apologize after Hera bit him a year before the fatal attack. Bane reveals the truth behind Harvey Dent. It protects his shattered features and allows him to breathe in a painkiller contained and distributed by the mask while securing facial muscle integrity. Remember Bane is a user of the Venom drug, though, so it's hard to tell what negative effects it's had on him overall. True, this explanation isn't perfect, as the movie does seem to just drop the subject without any further mention of it. Curiously enough, it calls the attention that he always does everything rather slowly, one could argue it's because of his "breathing problem" I will disagree: He has a cool-toned fair skin with no visible color changes such as: Pallor, which would suggest anemia (low hemoglobin levels with/without low red blood cells (RBC)). "Why jury called it murder. Bruce having no cartilage in the knee means that he has osteoarthritis. Bane later aided in Talia's escape from the prison, which lead to his disfigurement through severe beatings. The fact that he has to permanently wear it and quickly gets incapacitated the moment that Batman detaches a few tubes (punching him a couple of times during the final fight) proves that B) Bane has a very low pain-tolerance curve in the afflicted areas of his body (again the face) which usually happens to scarred tissues and surroundings. During Batman and Banes fight in the latters sewer lair, Bane mocks Batmans affinity to darkness, saying the Dark Knight merely adopted the dark and it wasnt his ally as he thought, while he was born in the darkness and molded by it, adding that he didnt see the light until he was already a man. Blush, which would suggest polycythemia (high amount of RBC). Required fields are marked *. The Dark Knight Rises has a big villain twist with Bane and Talia al Ghul, but a line said by Bane actually revealed this twist, but its overlooked with everything else happening in the movie. She was twice a member of the U.S. Women's Lacrosse World Cup team. Closing the trilogy was The Dark Knight Rises, which brought Bruces arc to an end but not before he came face to face with Bane (Tom Hardy) and was betrayed by Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard), who wasnt who she claimed to be. Bane was attacked relentlessly, but the blows seemed to do no damage at all and only staggered him. Batman Begins While he mentored Bruce Wayne, Ra's told him that his wife's murder taught him that there are those without decency who should be fought without hesitation or pity. Negligence, deception cited in mauling trial", "Dog Victim's Passion for Games, Life Recalled Funeral: Diane Whipple's friends and family remember her as a coach and competitor". This means it can be reasonably assumed he had three weeks (give or take a couple of days) to escape the Pit and return to Gotham. A few minutes later, we see Bruce escaping the Pit. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Escape can only be done by using adrenaline to boost the human body's capabilities well beyond the normal capabilities of a human. I see the power of belief. Country: Their convictions were based on the argument that they knew the dogs were aggressive towards other people and that they did not take sufficient precautions. There are no visible injuries in any of the pics above, and if he had inner injuries such as the ones seen in people with laryngotracheal burns through inhalation then his mask would also need to be connected to a respiratory tube inserted into his neck (A.K.A a tracheostomy surgery), Not to mention it would also make it impossible for him to be such a fluent and well-spoken orator ;). The Real Reason Bane Wears A Mask In Batman. As for how Bruce physically gets into Gotham, remember that earlier in the movie we see that some Special Forces soldiers managed to sneak into Gotham through the food trucks that were continuing to supply the city. She became a two-time All-American lacrosse player in high school, and later at Penn State. Why are parallel perfect intervals avoided in part writing when they are so common in scores? Due to his superior strength and fighting skills, along with Batman's exhaustion, Bane defeated Batman and broke his back. He wants to weaken batman both mentally and physically so he broke his back and put him in that pit so that everytime he try to escape from it and met with failure he feels frustrated,agitated .This generally brings loss of hope in life,living to a person.Just think about a criminal who committed crime who is not hanged instead kept in white rooms.This is known as white room torture where the person can not escape but live the life without any hope.In the similar way Bane wants to torture the batman by making him live in this pit with all those discouragement that is felt by the fellow men around him.Bane always thinks that talia is the greatest person of all in terms of courage and will so he underestimated batman in comparison to talia, Bonus: But desi desi basara basara lines will give goosebumps to me everytime i watch and the screenplay with bats coming out from everywhere. [9][17][18][19], Although the jury found Knoller guilty of second degree murder, trial judge James Warren granted Knoller a new trial on the second-degree murder conviction; the judge believed the appropriate standard for implied malice murder required that Knoller knew taking the dog into the hall involved a high probability of death. Maybe his pain is because he was disfigured and his face is shattered. Then I will break you. We see him clinging with one arm at the plane scene, climbing down the sewer chain with ease, beat up people with a very few yet powerful hits, perform special moves during his fight against Batman and even carry him high enough before fracturing his lower back's vertebrae. In The Dark Knight Rises, it is more ambiguous Alfred, having researched Bane, mentions that Bane spent time in a prison in an "older part of the world". Batman spends 3 months capturing the escapees, exhausting himself in the process. It's about carnage. [13], In March 2001, a grand jury indicted Knoller and Noel. No cartilage in the knee means he has osteoarthritis in the knee and that causes painful, stiff jointsnot inability to walk); Bruce in the beginning of the film was still able to jump out of the hospital room in one scene and dance with Selina in another before the scene when he got the knee brace. His knee having no cartilage just means that it is painful for him to exert it, not that he can't move or walk on it. Chiu, Alexis. What screws can be used with Aluminum windows? What are the benefits of learning to identify chord types (minor, major, etc) by ear? Talia's escape was the stuff of legends; so she put him there to prove to herself (or Ra's) that, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. This is correct, and is explicit in the movie. Talia, however,was protected by a fellow prisoner known as Bane, a man who spent his entire life in the prison. Time and again whenever there is discussion of The Dark Knight Rises, I see three specific plot holes that people constantly bring up: How does Bruce manage to get back to Gotham after escaping the Pit? Anything from small-joint manipulation to crushing skulls, crushing rib cages, stamping on shins and knees and necks and collarbones and snapping heads off and tearing his fists through chests, ripping out spinal columns. He was rejected by Ras Al Gul, who is Talias father, after he was saved from the pit already abused. Her behaviour is consistent at the end of the movie when she asks Bane not to kill All we know is that his breathing apparatus keeps him alive is that stated in the film? In, Tom Hardy has described Bane as "brutal". They were caregivers to the dogs that killed Whipple in San Francisco on January 26, 2001. Batman Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Later we find Bane puts Batman in the pit and then leaves to take over Gotham. Bane also has a mask that administers anesthetic gas through tubes into his body which holds the pain from physical injury at bay. The pool has restorative chemicals powerful enough to heal those close to dying, but the healing properties of the pool come with a price: those who enter the pit are temporarily driven insane. [9], The two married in 1989. IMDb offers a third, more subtle explanation: He used the Bat to get on the islands since it was last parked in the Bat-cave when Bruce left Gotham and then seen draped over on a roof top in the island when he returned. How is he able to walk and fight with no cartilage in his knee? She grew up and attended high school in Manhasset, New York, on Long Island. How do two equations multiply left by left equals right by right? In the process, Ra's and the league also saw to the treatment of Bane, but were unable to stop the continual pain he experienced. So basically bane breathes in venom to stop himself feeling pain, Venom is a pain relieving chemical that gives bane superhuman strength an is responsible for how fast he is, When bane was younger he used to fight a lot of men at the age of 10 to protect a girl he beat the men up but they used to still hurt bane.Bane went to the doctors and they gave him a mask that he breathes in a pain relieving chemical that stops him, That's why in the dark night rises towards the end when batman punches bane round the face you an hear gas coming out and bane starts to get weaker and weaker but he still decides to fight batman. ", Webby, Sean. He recounts the story of The Pit to Bruce before returning to Gotham. All they know is that he's another freak with a mask. The state appealed the judge's action and sought to reinstate the second degree murder conviction. Knoller was taking the dogs out of their apartment at the same time Whipple returned. The Pit has been interpreted as an homage to both. A few months into the occupation, Special Forces lead by Captain Jones infiltrated the city to gather intel on fighting back against Bane, even learning of the bombs true nature. He even breaks the caped crusader's spine and leaves him to rot in a prison as icing on the cake. The first three I mentioned are often expressed by two important symptoms which are dyspnea (a sense of breathing difficulty during exercise which becomes evident whenever we see a person gasping for air) and chest pain which it can go from palpitations (perceivable accelerated heartbeats) to angor pectoris (as seen in patients with heart attacks and heart failure) depending on the cause. Add the fracture and you give them an easy access to the bone marrow where they can feast with freshly young RBC and fat. The case clarified the meaning of implied malice murder. What is the etymology of the term space-time. Related: The Dark Knight Rises: Why Bane Has To Wear A Mask. Maybe a bit at first, but as described earlier, his respiratory and circular systems still remain operational. Unknown Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. An enraged and frustrated Bane was then put into a mindless fury as he attempted to quickly finish off Batman with a brutal barrage of punches. After Bane returned to Gotham, he traveled with his men to Blackgate Prison. He came to regard the prison as a home, a place where he learned "the truth about despair." C) Bane has developed a severe case of drug dependency over two decades of slow periodic administration, which means he will need to use larger doses as time goes in order to feel better and the slightest interruption of said dosage will cause the pain to spike and hit him hard. Whipple's partner, Sharon Smith, also succeeded in suing Knoller and Noel for $1,500,000 in civil damages. Every man who has rotted here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. The two member panel cited her prison record and stated she would be a danger to society if released. The Pit has been interpreted as an homage to both Pea Duro (the prison where Bane grew up in the comics), and the Lazarus Pit, a pit filled with chemicals that have the ability to instantly heal the human body and resurrect the dead, which Ra's al Ghul uses to maintain his immortality. During Batman's interrogation of Bane regarding the location of the trigger to the bomb, Bane went unspeaking as Miranda stabbed Batman and revealed herself in the lobby of city hall as Talia. TaliaLeague of Shadows Can I ask for a refund or credit next year? Since there are no x-ray, CT scan, nor MRIs available in the pit, the good doctor had to open the entire laminar tissues surrounding the spine, all the way, to locate the exact cause of Bane's Neurogenic Shock and save his life Once more, add the local surgery infections, the chronically inflamed tissue, and you got a recipe for a life of perpetual pain, and long dissability (Bane's I never escaped line). Can someone please tell me what is written on this score? She explained her and Bane's past as Bane shed a couple of tears while she fixed his mask. During that process, Bruce met Miranda, a member of the Wayne Enterprises executive board who became his lover, and was later revealed to be not only Banes ally but also Ras al Ghuls daughter, and her real name was Talia al Ghul. BROOKLYN CENTER, Minn. (AP) A man who was mauled by four pit bulls outside his suburban Minneapolis . NEW DELHI At least four gunmen were killed in an attack at an Indian air force base that began early Saturday near the border with Pakistan in Pathankot, in Punjab State, the . So easy So simple And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. New external SSD acting up, no eject option. I overpaid the IRS. Cookie Notice Although the judge granted a new trial for the second degree murder charge, he sentenced Knoller to four years in prison for the lesser-included involuntary manslaughter on July 15, 2002. Existence of rational points on generalized Fermat quintics. Bane's physical appearance was defined by his mask, which inhibited the excruciating pain that agonized his body to bearable levels. Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight" trilogy. Couple convicted in dog mauling lose licenses to practice law. Aliases: Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? [31], In November 2015, Knoller petitioned the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to overturn her second-degree murder conviction. Now for his knee. Anyway, we see that there are quite a few people still in the pit, probably descendants of the first people there. Has Tom Hardy's portrayal of Bane influenced any other Batman media? Cookies help us deliver our Services. The scar goes all the way up to the cervical vertebrae. Nolan has revealed that Hardy's audio-muffling mask is actually pumping Bane's body full of anaesthetic. ", "I will show you where I have made my home while preparing to bring justice. Or, to put it even more succinctly, because he's Batman. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He knows that anyone who looks at what's left of his face will be disgusted, horrified and shocked. Soon the House chamber was on lockdown as United States Capitol Police officers with guns drawn faced off against a violent mob intent on breaking in. She was also a contributor for FanSided's BamSmackPow and 1428 Elm. Chmielewski, Dawn C. Tragic Accident or Criminal Act? He told the panicking Pavel to calm down as the mission was successfully accomplished. The Dark Knight Rises sees Batman recover pretty quickly from a severe injury while imprisoned. After being excommunicated from the league, Bane bought the pit and used it to lock up and torture his enemies. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Bane told Bruce Wayne in the Pit that he wanted to feed the people of Gotham "hope to poison their souls". ", "Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. Bane is then recruited into the League of Shadows, wherein he is given a mask which supplies him with analgesic gas to stem the constant pain from the injury he received in The Pit. Bane fights Kite Man. - Mauling Trial Lawyers Clash in Final Arguments. His combat prowess shows he's likely to be in peak condition and is initially superior to Batman (yes he had his issues too to I know). 1 Not true; Bane was unknown to the League of Shadows at the point he was imprisoned there. Mike Sipser and Wikipedia seem to disagree on Chomsky's normal form, Dystopian Science Fiction story about virtual reality (called being hooked-up) from the 1960's-70's, Does contemporary usage of "neithernor" for more than two options originate in the US, Review invitation of an article that overly cites me and the journal. She was raised primarily by her grandparents, and was a gifted athlete from a young age. Tom Hardy stands around 5'9"/5'10" (depending on the source)while. Assuming Thalia meeting her father (one wonders how she knew where to find him) and him assaulting the pit took him a few months, you have more than enough time for soft tissue infections to ensue. Alone with Batman, Bane stated that both he and Batman knew what had to happen. He has no nose and the rest of his lower face was shattered (such as jaws, nose and the bone behind your top lip) and this acts as a sort of face shaper. That was our intention with this video as well. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, "Oh, you think darkness is your ally? [24] On September 14, 2003, Noel was released from prison.[25][26]. "Dog Owner Seeks to Overturn Conviction in 2001 Mauling Death", "Dog-maul case figure paroled / Robert Noel released early from prison". Can we create two different filesystems on a single partition? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Seeming references to the Lazarus Pit in the film include: 1. The appellate court ruled that implied malice murder did not require knowledge of a high probability of death but rather just a conscious disregard of serious bodily injury. Bane said that when Gotham becomes ashes, then Bruce would have his permission to die. Dog Mauling. Diane Alexis Whipple (January 31, 1967 January 26, 2001)[2] was an American lacrosse player and college coach. The Dark Knight's rise from the depths was a scene set in a sinister subterranean hell surely dreamed up by a sadist on the CGI team. Interesting theory. For an extended period of time inThe Dark Knight Rises,Bruce Wayne had been confined to this pit and most of us have been wondering why he was stuck inside for so long. Theres a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth Hope. The wrong side for Bruce Wayne. Also unknown to him was that she was pregnant with the mercenary's child and she gave birth inside the prison walls. However, this time Batman fought more patiently and based on his knowledge of Bane's weakness he struck Bane's mask repeatedly and damaged it and caused Bane agonizing pain. - Gaius May 10, 2015 at 14:30 2 Possibilities: 1. Batman beats him up and then this girl that bane used to protect stabs batman and says a few words and then bane starts crying because it had reminded him of when he was younger. Bane then ordered his men to storm the prison and "liberate" the prisoners, who were incarcerated under the "corrupt" laws of Gotham's elite. Should the alternative hypothesis always be the research hypothesis? Also unknown to him was that she was pregnant with the mercenary's child and she gave birth inside the prison walls. Who are Ragnar's sons and wives, and how close is he to them? [21] The Supreme Court held that the trial court's standard for implied malice murder (which required a high probability of death) was too strict and the appellate court's standard (which required only serious bodily injury rather than a danger to human life) was too broad. I mean they helped Batman escape and the doctor helped him to heal his back to full health. How to provision multi-tier a file system across fast and slow storage while combining capacity? Bane's Extra Body. Bane said that he had given the detonator to a citizen who would push the button if they didn't comply to his rules. What will the point of a prison with no prisoners? We see later in the film that he is able to balance himself on it without falling through, not to mention this could also be a callback to Batman Begins when Ra's al Ghul trains him on how to have "sure footing" on the ice. [5], Marjorie Fran Knoller (born June 20, 1955) and Robert Edward Noel (June 22, 1941 June 22, 2018)[6] were attorneys married to each other. The Joker then ordered the Legion of Doom members present to attack Harley. By paulcolewriter 14th Apr 2021 ( 5 ) IT WAS one of the most memorable superhero scenes at the movies - battered Batman Bruce Wayne, his back broken by Bane, had to climb out of a perilous prison pit. Do EU or UK consumers enjoy consumer rights protections from traders that serve them from abroad? Batman can barely stand Bane's blows during the final fight, but now knows that Bane's mask is the key. He can snap necks and crush windpipes with ease. Can members of the media be held legally responsible for leaking documents they never agreed to keep secret? Seven and a half years after the death of Harvey Dent, mercenaries posing as a local militia turned over Russian scientist Dr. Leonid Pavel and three other hooded prisoners, including Bane, to the CIA in Uzbekistan. , his respiratory and circular systems still remain operational we find Bane puts Batman in the.. Polycythemia ( high amount of RBC ) clarified the meaning of implied malice murder born in it recounts... Able to walk and fight with no prisoners rot in a prison as icing on the cake and the helped. `` brutal '' in civil damages pain from physical injury at bay, to get out of prison. 25... Distributed by the mask while securing facial muscle integrity paper - do I have be! To reinstate the second degree murder conviction the research hypothesis has ventured here over the centuries looked. As icing on the source ) while assume that it is broken since that 's how it 's in! Batman escape and the doctor helped him to breathe in a prison as a home, where I to. 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why was bane attacked in the pit