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guitar strings too hard to press

For example, it isn't uncommon for the guitar techs at PRS to see kinked or bent string right out of the box/package. Create a chord, say G major, and just rest your fingers on the strings as if muting, don't push them down. On beginner guitars, sometimes the strings are too hard to press down, or the tuning never seems right, or the sound is not that great. Contents show. The quality of guitar string is also incredibly important to your guitar holding proper tune for as long as possible. As is seen in Figure 5, the average tension for each string is essentially between 60 and 80 Newtons.Dec 12, 2000. In this lesson, we examine the three most common symptoms of excessive pick attack!Check out all of Articulate's content at You want to put pressure on the string using the tip of your finger, but if your nails are too long, they might end up accidentally touching another string, or they might be reaching the neck of the guitar before your fingers can apply the correct pressure to the string. This is because, the higher the action, the further you need to press down to fret a note. It is possible that you are strumming the strings too hard. Make sure you're applying the right amount of pressure when you play. This is one of the major mistakes. When playing, relax your fingers and press down just until your finger comes in contact with the fret. Welcome to r/guitar, a community devoted to the exchange of guitar related information and entertainment. Image of high frets on a Gibson SG Electric Guitar. 2-Action (String Height) too high or too low can make plying difficult. and when you do tend to push too hard on your fret hand, you can pull the chords and notes out of tune . When any guitarist is playing with a slide for the first time, chances are they'll experience either fret buzz from pressing down too hard, or struggle to play the notes they're landing on. Bert's bass had way too much. Now is your chance to give the guitar a good shine without having to lift up the strings or work around them. For an acoustic guitar a light set of strings would be 11's and a heavier option would be . A properly set up guitar will also take much less effort to play 2 level 1 A guitar might sound bad when strumming due to three reasons: Out-of-tune: even one string that is slightly out of tune can make the chords sound bad when strumming. 1y It will take time and conscious effort, even then when your really getting into a jam session or solo you will find yourself digging into it. However, it can be tricky to get rid of buzzing when the strings are too tight. if your already doing that and still cant bend 10 gauge strings then i dont know what to tell you. When the strings are hard to press down on, you're likely to notice soon enough and resolve the problem by tightening the strings with an Allen wrench. If a guitar's action is too high, the strings will be hard for you to press down and make the instrument harder to play. A high action (string height) can negatively impact the intonation of your guitar. The further away from the fret your finger is, the increased risk of fret buzz. To evaluate whether or not you're pressing too hard, fret a chord or string as you normally would and release the pressure a little bit. The strings can't sit too high because they're hard to fret. Author has 1.8K answers and 456K answer views Striking a string hard should not affect its pitch in any audible way (besides potential buzz). 1 Picking Or Strumming Too Hard. If you have guitar related questions, use the "Search" field or ask the community. When first learning to play the guitar a classic habit a lot of people develop is holding the strings down too hard. Take it to a machine shop. Find out just how much or little force you need. When first learning to play the guitar a classic habit a lot of people develop is holding the strings down too hard. When he palm muted the open low E string the pitch raised over half a step. It mostly happens on the G string, probably because it should theoretically be wound, like on an acoustic. It will be hard to press the strings at first even on a well set up instrument. But if your frets are high and you press it too hard, it's possible to increase the string tension and cause it to go slightly sharp. If your fingers hurt after playing the guitar, especially as a beginner, you don't need to worry. For steel string acoustics I would recommend 11's. For electric guitar, I'd recommend 9's. Lighter strings are not just for beginners, pro players prefer them too. If your guitar strings feel too hard to press down, it might be due to a high string action (the distance between the strings and the fretboard), thick or rusty strings, tall frets, warped wood, truss rod issues, dangerous humidity levels, or simply the lack of practicing. There's hardly anything worse for guitar players than fret buzz. We often have a tendancy to work too hard. If you are a beginner, it could also be a lack of practice, poor playing method, or using a more advanced guitar. This is a forum where guitarists, from novice to experienced, can explore the world of guitar through a variety of media and discussion. It is bad technique to press too hard on the strings or hit the strings too hard, which can result in chords sounding out of tune. The further away from the fret your finger is, the increased risk of fret buzz. Many guitar players, especially beginners, have a tendency to press their guitar strings down too hard. You should notice that when. ON the other hand, check the set-up too. When you fret a string with really thin guitar strings, you can end up kind of pulling the string sharp, whereas when you have heavier gauge guitar strings, that tension creates resistance in the string that stops you from fretting it down too hard and pulling it sharp. A guitar might sound bad when strumming due to three reasons: Out-of-tune: even one string that is slightly out of tune can make the chords sound bad when strumming. In some instances, buzzing may occur even when the strings are appropriately adjusted. That's why Taylor poured their guitar design expertise into developing the Academy Series guitars. When strumming your guitar, there are three possible reasons why it may not sound good: Strummed chords that are out of tune can sound terrible, even if just one string is out of tune. If you're already using light gauge strings or really don't want to move away from heavier strings, your guitar's setup can impact how tight the strings feel. Seen from the bridge, it's actually slightly less than 90 degrees, more like 80 degrees but not 45 degrees. In some instances, buzzing may occur even when the strings are appropriately adjusted. When you press the strings too hard it can make the chord intonation off. One of the biggest reasons why new guitar players give up is the lack of a quality instrument. Can your fingers be too fat to play guitar? It is bad technique to press too hard on the strings or hit the strings too hard, which can result in chords sounding out of tune. String changing equipment Yes, you will break a string, no it won't take your eye out! 149 views Rob Quail The first solution you might hear for this problem is simply to keep playing and push through the pain with adequate breaks. 2 Pressing The Strings Softly. Tighter strings produce a higher pitch, while looser stringers produce a lower pitch. The guitar makes notes by shortening or lengthening strings depending on where the string is being bent on both sides. Having no frame of reference means that you need help with this. We use the term string gauge for this, and strings are labeled with numbers usually referring to the thickness of the high E string. Action is the distance of the strings from the fretboard and how hard and far you have to press the notes for it to sound good. If the action is too high, the strings will be unnecessarily hard to push down to the frets. If so and you pull hard on your strings when installing them, sooner or later they will break right there. The thing is, it does not happen on all electric guitars. Unfortunately sometimes it's hard to get good advice from other guitarists. Slide guitar tips. The goal was to remove all the barriers that get in the way . This makes it hard to play on the first few frets, and it also causes bad intonation on the first few frets. I took my guitar to a well respected luthier and he confirmed the action as being too high and that the strings were even too high on the nut. Because the strings and the guitar neck do not follow a straight parallel line, this problem is sometimes more apparent on one part of the guitar . This tip to take care of your hands may sound unrelated but getting enough sleep is an important part of avoiding hand injury as playing the guitar. When you hit an open string, the string is bending down at the bridge and at the nut (you can see this for yourself) and therefore making a particular length of string for that note. I ran my fingers raw for over a decade before I took it to a local renowned shop and asked what they thought of it and they let me in on the issue. The farther a string must travel pushed down by a players fingertip. Pressing too hard on the strings or striking the strings too hard can cause this. Beginner guitar players tend to press the strings too hard while playing. The strings of your guitar might be hard to press down because of high action, heavy strings or high tuning. However, if they're too low, buzzing occurs. Zager Easy Play "No Sore Fingers" Guitar strings take away pain and allow you to play longer and move faster with less fatigue and soreness. When you use poor technique, your chords will sound out of tune. If the action is too low, then the strings will rattle against one or more of the frets as they are played. Nylon and steel string apply different tension in the neck so putting steel strings on a nylon string guitar can warp the neck pretty bad 3. Solution: Use All Your Fingers to Play More Fluidly If you're still in the habit of tucking your pinky, start practicing scales using the "one-finger-per-fret" rule. When you first start playing guitar chords, sometimes they don't sound like much. . Many guitar players, especially beginners, have a tendency to press their guitar strings down too hard. String changing equipment Yes, you will break a string, no it won't take your eye out! On a guitar or bass, the action is the height of your strings over the fretboard. Relief is how we measure the curvature of a neck in relation to the strings; too little relief and the strings will rattle against the frets, too much and the strings will be hard to press down in the middle of the fretboard. Using too much force can only result in unnecessary pain and even tendonitis! Technique-wise, (a) make sure that your finger is perpendicular to the fretboard. Are You Playing Too Hard? Comments on: What to do when your guitar strings are too hard to press Any set is fine as long as they are for acoustic and not electric and it's a nylon for a nylon string guitar and steel for a western guitar 4. There are a few places on the guitar that are just too hard to reach when the strings are on. The intonation is affected by the length of the guitar string. 2. 4 Lowering The Guitar Tuning. If your guitar strings are hard to press down, it could be due to problems with the nut slots, a high action, or using the wrong strings. If you're not familiar with it, the "one-finger-per-fret" rule assigns each finger, including the pinky, to a fret. He was hitting the string so hard that the intonation was way off. Pressing too hard on the strings or striking the strings too hard can cause this. When you press the strings too hard. I found same gauge set, but instead of being hard tension, these are normal tension. The strings of your guitar might be hard to press down because of high action, heavy strings or high tuning. 3 Pressing The String In The Wrong Location. Relax your hand as playing guitar; Do not press the strings too hard; Make sure the strings are not too tense, because tense strings require more strength to press.. 8# Get enough sleep. Press down on a string so that you get a nce tone, then relax a little. The lightest-gauged strings are easier to press down, but are much harder to keep in tune and tend to have a thinner tone. hey guys ive been playing electric guitar as my first guitar, and until recently i just brought an acoustic, is it just me or are the strings really high up and u need to press down extremely hard . This can be counterproductive, mostly because you'll be getting a bad habit that can eventually lead to you not being able to play any complex or fast melodies and chord progressions. For an acoustic guitar a light set of strings would be 11's and a heavier option would be . If the action is too low, then the strings will rattle against one or more of the frets as they are played. tkjtkj: Bending is always easier with lighter strings, as is learning to play, in general. Don't Press the Strings too Hard. I want to change strings on my 3/4 classical guitar. This is how you tell if your strings are too tight. Because the strings and the guitar neck do not follow a straight parallel line, this problem is sometimes more apparent on one part of the guitar . 3 Answers Active Oldest Score 5 This sounds like your nut action is too high, i.e. When strumming your guitar, there are three possible reasons why it may sound bad: Strummed chords that are out of tune can sound terrible, even if just one string is slightly out of tune. the nut slots are not deep enough. Are You Playing Too Hard? That way, pressing too hard will cause the tone to change due to too much tension. If the melody string is doubled, consider taking one of the pair off. For steel string acoustics I would recommend 11's. For electric guitar, I'd recommend 9's. Lighter strings are not just for beginners, pro players prefer them too. Often you get one or two strings to sound and the rest is all just the futile sound of a pick clicking against the strings with no notes coming out. If you have a feeling that you're having to work too hard to press down your strings, you can try a lighter set of strings. The guitar strings hurt your fingers because your finger placement is not right or you are pressing on the strings too hard. A guitar player needs to know how to set action. Playing a guitar with raised action will ensure that you don't have a fret buzz from pressing down on the strings too heavily. When holding down guitar strings to play guitar, you should press down on guitar strings only as hard as you have to for the note to play properly. When the strings are hard to press down on, you're likely to notice soon enough and resolve the problem by tightening the strings with an Allen wrench. In addition to this, some guitar players might have trouble playing the instrument in general due to trouble pressing down the strings hard enough to get a good sound. We feel like we really need to exert tons of pressure and dig in to maintain the chord or string we are playing. Now, instead of pushing down, relax the muscles in your arm. say your bending up with your ring finger, just use your middle finger and index finger behind the bend to help push up. After a setup my guitar plays a 100% better. Don't Press Too Hard One of the most common mistakes beginners make is that they actually press strings too hard. It is bad technique to press too hard on the strings or hit the strings too hard, which can result in chords sounding out of tune. String gauge is .028 to .043, hard tension. When pressing your finger down to play a string, your finger should be as close to the fret as possible. (b) your finger should be near the fretwire, not in the middle of two fretwires. If you have a feeling that you're having to work too hard to press down your strings, you can try a lighter set of strings. It can be due to a not correct technique, improper setup, or even warn parts. Buzz in electric guitar strings can take place due to several reasons. If the action is too low, on the other hand, the strings will buzz against the frets frequently and ruin your guitar's sound. It is possible that you are strumming the strings too hard. Lower the action - If your strings are too far away from the fretboard, you will have to push them further down to fret them. The thicker the string, the more force required to press it down. When playing, relax your fingers and press down just until your finger comes in contact with the fret. Getting a full chord sound depends on where you place your fingers and how hard you press on the strings. Reaction score. It can be tempting to press much harder than necessary when you're new and inexperienced. I felt that if the strings were lower I would not be having this problem. If your fingers hurt after playing the guitar, especially as a beginner, you don't need to worry. A guitar might sound bad when strumming due to three reasons: Out-of-tune: even one string that is slightly out of tune can make the chords sound bad when strumming. They can put a little rubber abrasive cone in a lathe chuck or drill press and you can use that to clean up the edges just a little, or if you have a bent tin bridge you can get a cheap cast replacement bridge . We use the term string gauge for this, and strings are labeled with numbers usually referring to the thickness of the high E string. We feel like we really need to exert tons of pressure and dig in to maintain the chord or string we are playing. When pressing your finger down to play a string, your finger should be as close to the fret as possible. Furthermore, Finally, if the action is how a guitar plays, specifically the distance of the strings to the fingerboard. However, it can be tricky to get rid of buzzing when the strings are too tight. And press only as firmly as is necessary to get a nice clear tone. Pressing too hard on the strings causes several playings issues, with the first being that it naturally slows down how fast you can play. Thus, when you play a chord, some fingers may press harder than others, causing certain notes to be out of tune. Press The Strings Down Correctly . Guitar strings change pitch as they tighten or loosen. There's just no need to press down too hard on electric guitar strings if you play on a guitar with a standard setup. Heavy gauge strings (and excessive string height) is a the reason a lot of people give up learning to play guitar - especially when learning to play the F chord cleanly, or "graduating" to barre chords. Why is My Guitar Hard To Play? The thicker the string, the more force required to press it down. Feb 17, 2011. You should have somebody heck it out to make sure it is playable though. You want to press the strings as much as it is needed for the sound to be clear, and without any buzzing. Press The Strings Down Correctly . I dunno, never looked at this ever 5. The most common issues making a guitar hard to play are: 1-Faulty nut slot height or the nut slot is too deep which makes strings too high or low, therefore harder to push down on a fret. You take your precious instrument, start playing and notice that disgusting string buzzing sound(not to mention that you get a noticeably shorter sustain). How hard should I be pressing on guitar strings? In my previous post I told you about Alexi Laiho and his aggressive picking. #9. no no no man just use your other fingers to help push the bend! Pressing down harder than necessary puts your hands in a tighter state overall, which is counterproductive to playing fluidly and quickly. A place for guitar lovers . A proper guitar set-up is required to remedy these problems.

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guitar strings too hard to press