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your favorite city

Best City in the United States, General U.S., 50 replies Your favorite areas in the United States (including territories) you have gone to, General U.S., 3 replies Which City In The United States Do You Think Has The Best Looking Men?, General U.S., 22 replies Finally, vote for your favorite city, we are constantly refining our search for best cities to live and our statistical information based on the input from our visitors. Thanks Jo. But whereas California dominated the No. The first reason is that Toronto is great city to live. What is your favourite city? Is now cultural capital of Europe. Rome and Paris were both part of a package tour. After that it gets a little bit tricky…Florence, Melbourne, Prague? The same applies Toronto…we’ve had some fun trips there over the years! My favourite countries is a different story….one I’m yet to write about! Great choices for your cities Shing. It's crucial after exercise, helping your muscles to recover and grow. Most people don’t care … Much prefer the south. Wonderful rundown. Also, it is multicultural city, which is advantage for us, we c I’m going to agree with Quora User here and say New York City. Berlin is also a city that I could just keep visiting again and again, We’re heading to Europe next week and going to Berlin for the first time which I’m very excited about. But it is the food of Barcelona that will bring me back to this wonderful city. Barcelona was a delightful surprise and NYC is always great fun though I couldn’t imagine living there. It can be any city in the world.  It’s all happening in Barcelona. Los Angeles and London as well round off the top 5. No to Picasa but yes to PicMonkey! Istanbul New York, New York. and as for your question, i’ll gladly adopt your title of inbetweener. My favourite city is Liverpool, home of the Beatles. save. One of the big reasons why London is my favourite city in the world is because of all of the amazing memories I have in London. Hi Dorian. How do you do the thumbnail photos like that? Are you ready to buy that one-way flight to NYC? I was riding bikes when I had to stop and photograph this… it was gorgeous. In Hawaii, they people have a special sense of time called “Hawaiian Time.”. Tokyo! Just like you, I have been to Hong Kong dozens of time, it has been my favorite city in the world, and I have also wanted to live there at one time. Your photos are superb. hide. I lived in Florence for a month so I know what you mean about wandering aimlessly. Personally mine is The Rift/Riften. It’s been great hearing everyone’s favourites. I live near NYC and it's AMAZING but i'm curious on others opinions. New York’s food scene is exciting. Berlin is certainly long overdue for a visit. Thanks for reminding me. Am dying to get to Istanbul one of these days. Thanks for the pins. But now, after having been there so many times, even though I still like the city, my love for the place has waned and I don’t have a desire to live there anymore. It probably should have been on the second five list! I haven’t made it to Berlin yet but it’s certainly on the list!! I’d like to see Shanghai and more of Sydney. New York Thankyou for your visit and comment. If you look under destinations on the blog, you will find quite a few posts on Paris. There’s so much happening and so much to see. Share this story. What is your favorite holiday? I have two2 big main reasons that I chosen for choosing this city. Describe the city? From the fabulous selection of fresh produce at the  Mercat de la Boqueria,  to the myriad of tapas bars dotted throughout the city and the city’s exciting restaurants, the choices are unlimited. I agree with NY, we love that city and can’t wait to return this year! Hi Sue Great choices here – Rome and Paris are certainly in my top five. Nothing beats a relaxing gulet cruise in the turquoise waters of the south or a visit to the fairy land of Cappadoccia. Why? Put this wallpaper on your computer or phone to remind you of all the good memories you’ve had there or to take you to the city of your dreams. I’m hoping to get to Mostar this year so maybe we should stop off in Sarajevo! Well, I haven’t been to Istanbul or Rome yet, but I’m sure they’ll end up on my favorite cities list when I do. Nomadic Matt’s Travel Site, 6 Reasons You Should Learn the Local Language Before Your Trip, Austin’s Snowpocalypse: The Storm that Took the City Down. Thanks for stopping by Nat, I’d add Budapest, Hobart, Sarajevo and San Antonio. Thanks Lili. 13 years ago. What is your favorite food? From the Eixample area north of the Plaça Catalunya to the Ramblas, into the trendy  El Born area and down to the Barcoleneta area near the beach, life in Barcelona is one big party! It’s one of the more interesting random facts about me! That trip totally changed my life and it meant a lot to be able to start it in London. It’s one city I could easily live in! It’s been a fun topic to think about and I love hearing everyones’ choices. You’ll love Istanbul and with all the research you’re doing, you won’t miss a thing! But San Francisco would be second and third would be New York. It is hard to narrow it down isn’t it! I haven't been to much yet. From your photos, Helsinki looks beautiful. I’m a city girl so the list could have gone on and on but I wanted to restrict myself to five! The title of your posting seems to ask which is the # 2 city in France to see, but you mention Amsterdam, which is in the Netherlands. Thanks Amanda. Reputation: 2252. Design your own. I spent a month in Florence a while ago and really loved it too. I love those umbrella like trees. Infact the dame goes for New York and Istanbul! Vote for your favorite city, share what you love about it and tell us your ideas for making it even better. San Diego, CA. Favorite Cities for Life. Trying new restaurants and returning to old favourites plays a big part in our stay. My Favourite City My favourite place is Hyderabad. there are tons of weird and quirky things to see and do there too. I love reading what cities are everyone’s favourites. My favorite is Chicago because it has a great culture and it has less headaches associated with city living in the U.S. 03-30-2013, 11:11 PM. Hong Kong is part of my history! The fascination about this city is so big, that I even feel a bit jealous about it, believe it or not! Havent been to Sydney, Adelaide or Cape Town yet. What is your favorite color? Okay, so maybe I’d add Venice, and Madrid and Athens to your already spectacular list (you’ve nailed many of my favorites)!!! I was in Melbourne almost a month waiting to get a new passport, during the Australian summer. While some base the question on personality, we prefer to focus on fashion. Mapiful AB uses cookies to provide you with personalized content and an improved user experience. Enjoyed Rome back in 1995, but not enough time and my travel companion turned out to be a pain the butt :)…another must return. Have a great time in New York. Your Favorite Orlando City Players as Craft Beers: 2021 Edition. The endless city views, the infinite options for great food, the countless temples and museums, public baths, more great food, shopping, coffee places in hipster neighborhoods, obscure drinking holes... gotta love it. For many years we stayed on the left bank but recently we have been trying different parts of the city. Interesting choices Rebecca. I went to Barcelona last May and just didn’t seem to gel with the city, but I think it’s because I wasn’t there long enough, and during one of the days all the museums were closed so the following day I was running around Picasso and Gaudi like a headless chicken trying to cram everything in and it completely took the enjoyment out of visiting – so I don’t blame Barcelona, but me! Seriously. Check out my complete budget travel guide to Amsterdam! Hong Kong - my favourite city in the world, although admittedly this one is very biased because I currently live here. Get out of the centre and into the suburbs to learn about another side of Rome, one where you will be the only tourist. YOu’ve chosen very different cities…interesting! It’s been my second home for the last 18 months…it’s a great city! And for the great photo collages. The old town of Barcelona, the Bari Gothic, area is a maze of small alleyways leading you round in circles until you emerge and continue on your way.If art is your thing, Picasso and Miro have their own fabulous galleries. And what do you like about it? I loved Istanbul when I was there years ago and one can never get enough of Paris. See your favourite photos and most meaningful words turned into a piece of art. Maybe I’ll come and visit one day! In Canada – in the summer – it’s hard to beat Vancouver. What is your favorite city in the United States? I can keep going and I admire you for narrowing it down to 5 . There are many restaurants selling good local food and wine, which comes from fields around the city. . The winner is determined by the advice that I want to add to my itinerary. I was just there for the weekend and despite the freezing temperature, I had a wonderful time crunching through fresh snow as I walked around the city. I agree – those cities are among the most beautiful cities of the world. Paris is great for day trips. I would love for you to participate! I definitely agree with you on New York, I’ve only been once and had very little money but still walked around in complete wonder at the place. 10:41 UK time, Wednesday, 26 May 2010. I spent a month there a long while ago and loved every minute of my time there. Paris is one city that I return to year after year. I’ve been everywhere on your list except for Istanbul but only for a few days in each of the cities. I'm so interested in different Cities around the world. By David Rohe @manelanddave Feb 18, 2021, 11:00am EST. It is a very beautiful city. Whey protein concentrate supplements are widely available The more I read about Tokyo, the more I want to go. Beautiful collages that make me want to pack my bags this minute. Capetown is an interesting choice.. Wanna Know Which US City You Really, Truly Belong In? Are you ready to buy that one-way flight to NYC? European cities dominate the top ten of a global top 50 list for quality of living, while London comes in … It provides a great backdrop for the thieves guild. I love the mix of old and new that Istanbul offers. On another day you can head to the Asian side and join the locals at the markets of Kadikoy. It’s a very old city and no cars are allowed in the centre of the city… Bangkok - as IMHO the only world-class city in Thailand and its bordering neighbours (the nearest others include Hong Kong and maybe Singapore).Downsides include traffic, climate including urban heat-island effects, pollution, lack of planning-design-maintenance underfoot and in-your-eye much of the time, and the grubby commercial attitudes of some folks. The only one I’m not so sure about is Rome – but maybe I just need to return, After all it’s been over 30 years. VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE CITY Click on the flag of one of the 26 participating countries to get started. History. I love this city. Is it in Picasa? How could you not love the people, the towns and the fabulous food of this island! For tourists seeking to explore China beyond the Beijing/Shanghai basics, an excellent "starter city" is Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province in the southwest. All I can say is that it is far too long since I have been to most of them (except Barcelona), and I have never been to Istanbul. I like the fact that you agree with me with New York and Istanbul!Budapest is one place that i still have to visit, so it’ll be interesting to see how I find it. Last year we were nearby in the 2nd Arrodisement, just off the fabulous rue Montorgueil, one of  best market streets in Paris. Thanks Nancie.I love your list too..all great cities though I’m yet to go to Prague. Basically, I'm attracted to the ghetto aspect of the city and the dispute between the two gangs that occupy the area. Now that I have tried ballooning, I have to go back to take an early morning balloon ride over this amazing countryside. I can’t wait to return. I haven’t been to Barcelona but I love your other 4 – even though I have only spent a couple of days each in Rome and Istanbul. Download free and very detailed wallpaper, in black or white for your digital devices. Read our desintation guide to Vancouver and start planning your trip today, tons of activities to keep you entertained, there are tons of other free things to see and do as well, My Favorite Cheesy and Overrated Tourist Activities. I love it here, snow and all! I’m in love with Venice so I would have to go with that along with Sydney and Tokyo. If you come to Australia you really have to visit Perth and Melbourne as well! Seattle. NYC, of course, is always a wonderful energetic city to visit . Tell me what your favorite city is and why in the comments! I could do a Broadway play every night for a week. When we zoomed in on favorite cities, it wasn’t at all surprising to see Honolulu as the No. What are your favourite cities? And why? Why? If you follow A Taste of Travel on Facebook or Pinterest, I’m sure you’ll already know the answer to this as photos from these beautiful countries often appear. Manage Your Favorite Cities. My 10 Favorite Cities 1) Jerusalem. Istanbul can also be the starting point for some fabulous holidays in Turkey. I haven’t been to Istanbul and Barcelona yet but dying to go. I was there 30 years ago but I don’t think this counts.The food would be sensational. Love Barcelona, NYC and Paris, of course. I could keep going back to New York too Tonya. What is your favorite kind of book? Mind you I have collected so many photos of Turkey on pinterest that it is starting to feel very familiar – in a good way. The trip was planned by my family and friends so it was a very enjoyable trip. Save. Any year that I can spend time in Europe is always a good year. Let’s not forget that American institution of brunch…any excuse for a bloody mary at eleven o’clock! i crave city and country equally. I haven’t been to Chicago for 20 years but I know why you have it on your list. My favourite City essaysMy favorite city is Toronto; it is a great city for three reasons which are is to live, work, and for tourism. 2,933 posts, read 5,042,429 times. The countryside of Piemonte with it’s beautiful scenery, magical hill top towns and some of the best food in Italy is one of my favourite areas of Italy. budget travel guidebook to New York City! Rome is a city where you can lose yourself for days and weeks! Sicily also became a firm favourite after our time there. Well, the only city I’ve visited on your list is New York City and I loved it. The old city of Jerusalem is really an incredible place. I can see why you would have it on your list. Favourite city? I wonder if Tokyo would be on your list! https://atasteoftravelblog.com/my-favourite-cities-in-the-world I definitely agree with New York – but my other favourite city is Berlin. Top Ten Cities in the U.S. Atlanta, GA. New York, NY. I am in the midst of planning a trip to France for September and would really like your help. 75 comments. Chicago, IL. Boebert spokesman quits less than 2 weeks into term So hard to narrow it down to 5! Am I allowed to say my own city of Minneapolis/St. Buy Your Favourite Muscles Building Supplements at SARMs City. You’ll have a fabulous time. But how can I stop at that — Vienna, London, Chicago and …….. I haven’t been to Liverpool yet. Great list. Great list, Jenny. I’d really love to go back and spend some time there. The sunrise over the harbour was spectacular. Enjoy a long lunch followed by siesta. That kind of place that moves you…and for me, this place is Paris, my favorite city in this huge world. I must go back. The contest is called #WTFrance2013. Happy to help you with your trip Murissa. My favorite is Chicago because it has a great culture and it has less headaches associated with city living in the U.S 03-30-2013, 11:11 PM foadi : Location: City of Angels. It also has a strong music scene, and bike riding is an up-and-coming trend for locals. It’s difficult to choose, but I think my 5 favourite cities so far are London, Paris, Berlin, San Francisco and New York! Wherever we stay, we walk everywhere… from the left bank to the right, to the Ile Saint-Louis and the Marais and, if we’re feeling like a longer walk, we head to Montmartre. Five cities is hard isn’t it!! share. What's your favorite City, anywhere in the world? From food carts, to specialised stores, farmers’ markets and stunning restaurants,eating can be a continual crawl from one exciting place to the other. r/skyrim what is your favorite city and/or hold in skyrim? What is your favorite day of the week? Location: City of Angels. It took me a while to narrow down the last two! One of my most favorite things about this city was the architecture. Hope these help you but if you have any specific queries, just let me know! But honestly I would truly recommend everyone to visit HK. by mollykramer99. It’s time again to have some fun pairing craft beers with crafty Orlando City players. Fantastic post Jenny. These five are followed very closely by Jaipur, Milan and Sydney. Our twelve day stay here last year was not nearly long enough to visit all the uptown parks and museums, see the mid town sights or enjoy the atmosphere of Soho and the Villages. This was harder than I thought it would be! You don’t have to be a follower of any of the... 2) Melbourne, Australia. I would like to know what is your favorite city and why? It will then be time for that fabulous Italian tradition of passeggiata, finishing at one of the many local bars. The city itself is chock-a-block with things to see and do and it’s safe to say that whatever you’re into, you’ll probably find it in New York (along with like-minded individuals). We’ll be back…very, very soon! For me the top 3 are New York Budapest and Istanbul. As sad as it seems I haven’t visited many of these cities, but they’re definitely on my list. My first trip to New York was this summer when I went to see Hamilton. Maybe that would round off my top 8 list in future… Paris I do like as a city, but I dont enjoy certain attitudes, sorry. NYC, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Florence, Prague are all cities I could return to again and again. Gaudi has marked the city with his own crazy form of eccentricity which sets the mood for some fabulous times. Barcelona 3.) The love affair continues….. now, come and visit me. Argentina Canada Chile Colombia Ecuador Finland. What is your favorite animal? Customize the color, style and headers, and watch your image and text combine as a unique print! At the moment, Paris tops the list…well, maybe it shares top spot! Nice on the cote d’azur is Great! My quick visit in early December has reignited the passion I have for the city… I need to go back and stay longer! https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/my-favorite-cities-in-the-world One day you  will be exploring the historic Sultanahmet area, the markets and the mosques and the next you could be sitting on top of the world at one of Istanbul’s modern roof top bars or trendy cafes. NYC is definitely in my top 5. Can’t wait to return and explore more. …and I forgot Helsinki. What are your favourite cities around the world? I love wandering aimlessly through the streets to discover something wonderful at every turn. The top three were easy and whilst these don’t change, the number one spot regularly does! I’m very envious of you being able to go back every week.Enjoy! I think you should give Barcelona another chance Shing, it really is a fun city! my complete budget travel guide to Bangkok! I had one day all to myself to explore my favorite places in NYC before my mother arrived (more about that in another post). Why do you regard it to be your favorite city? To add a city to your favorites, go to a city forecast page and click the star icon next to the city name or use the search form in the header above. Read more: Best things to do in New York City. It’s one of my favorite buildings as well — this past NYE we stayed in town just to watch the 101 fireworks since this is the 100th year celebration. Available for all Smartphone, Desktop and Tablet. I’d love to visit Isanbul and from what I know of it, can see why its in your top 3. I would love to see Rome, Paris, Tokyo, L.A., London, ahh the list goes on. It means the world to me that you’re reading my blog. In 2011, we stayed in the 1st arrondissement, an area near the Palais Royal and the Opera. Thanks Jess. The city has a beautiful market in the centre, which sells hand-made carpets and hats. I’ve been having an ongoing love affair with Berlin since I was 14! Also it includes my favorite nordic ruin, the one with one of the dragon priest masks. When Kelly and I went to Costa Rica, we flew from New York, and I tacked on a few extra days in the city before going home to Chicago. Just walking the streets gives me a buzz. The city has a myriad of career opportunities in many different industries and plenty of traditional watering holes for after hours - so you can keep socializing with workmates into the wee hours. Austin, TX. by mollykramer99. My favorite city in this world is Dubai. What City would you love to visit and what City would you love to live in and why? Staying in different area gives you a different persepective on the city. Immerse yourself in daily life by taking an early morning walk through the streets of what is the ultimate art gallery, stopping at a bar for an early morning coffee with the workers before heading off to the markets. I wonder where you’ll choose to go first! At the beginning of the year we had no plans in place but that soon changed.... - A Taste of Travel  •  Website Design by. Great list. I’ve been to Vancouver we were on our way to Whistler and didn’t spend long enough there. What is your favorite drink in the summer? Great city collection and I love the photo collages. Hopeless!! Let me know in the comments below how you feel about London and which city is your favourite. The hardest bit is keeping it to five!! France Guatemala Iceland India … I love my home and hoepfully I captured it in a way that lets you see what I see. I love that you have chosen Melbourne. PS: If you’ve made it this far, first of all, thank you! Thanks Mette. I’ve been reading a lot about it and have a feeling I’d love it too! San Francisco is on my top 10 list but I only mentioned three others in the post. I’d love to go back to Florence too. Of course you can say your own city. I haven’t spent enough time there but I did enjoy it. Just Choose 5 Of Your Favorite Things To Find Out. It’s interesting hearing other people’s favourites. Re: Paris is my favorite city, which city is #2 in France. I love all the cities on your list…I would probably add Florence to my list. Right now the city I most long to go back to is Florence, Italy. Fabulous Top 5! If you’ve read any of my recent blogger interviews or follow me on twitter you might have noticed how I regularly laud Hong Kong as my favourite city on the planet. Melbourne and Hong Kong are definitely two of our favorite places. A couple of your other picks are in our top 10 as well. London was the very first stop on my first solo trip and first trip to Europe. You can never tire of Paris can you.I often think I’d love to spend a month there but I don’t think it would be nearly long enough! So much to do! I am featuring a giveaway once every month until I go. 2016 was another great year of travel. So, are you sold on London yet? Get my complete budget travel guide to Paris, It wasn’t until I moved there that I fell in love with it. First, The first reason is because I lived there for nine 9 years. Dinner then awaits….a perfect day! I did this most afternoons and discovered so much. My top two are NYC and London. My favorite city in the game was Los Santos, and in Los Santos my favorite districts were Idlewood, Ganton, Jefferson and Glen Park. Paul? 3) Hong Kong. Essay About My Favourite City. I’ve only been to Hobart and that was quite a while ago! 8. It is hard to disagree with any of your choices. You can see this style in the white church and the orange building beside it What is your favorite country? The reasons I like this area is pretty obvious, and if it's not then that's too bad. You've played the game with your friends before: which Sex and the City character would you be? Join me on a normal day in London. Seattle is the laidback hippie-est of the lot. Paris is a very special place to visit. It’s great that you still love it as much as the other places you have been. It was the first destination on my original RTW trip. I don’t think I’d ever grow tied of it! This city has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia thanks to its attraction, amazing foot and fascinatiny culture. It is a beautiful historic city localted in the north of Vietnam. Paris I too have been many times and love wandering the many Arrodisements! It’s a city where you find all the useful things in one place, it’s also an IT-BPO hub, the daily goods and services are very affordable and of reasonable quality, eateries offering a variety of cuisine also at very affordable rates, and to me as a practising Muslim, there are a lot of mosques belonging to all the schools of thought. I took the liberty of pinning them. FAAAAABULOUS! thankfully, i do have both living where we are…country most days with big doses of my favorite us city {san francisco} at least 2-3 times per week. My favorite city is Ha Noi, the capital of Vietnam. I've been using Frankfurt - my reasoning was to look for something central to Europe which wouldn't require a lot of early trips across the channel (those come later with longer-distance level-ups). Paris is also one of my favorites. … I was in Paris in 1973, and really need to revisit. MONA is a big drawcard for me! My favorite city is Hawaii. I also love Chicago, London and, of course, Toronto. Fantastic list. Thanks Jan. There’s so many fabulous cities around the world it’s hard to choose where to go next. We’ve headed to Giverney, Champagne, Versailles and if we want a night or two away, you can head to the Loire Valley or Normandy. I love the city so much I even moved there for a good chunk of 2019. I think we’re all very lucky that we love travelling and can get to see them! Hard to pick a single favorite but I can narrow it down to a few. Wow, Jenny some great cities there and fabulous photo collages. This is true Paris and there is always something new and exciting to see, eat and learn. Please say no. Topic 6: Write about your favorite city where you have lived . Hi there, Just wondering if you've got a favorite city to start your trucking empire with? But when choosing a city it has to be Rome (Sorry Milan…you come next!) Was just interested in what everyone's opinion is. 1 city for both vacation and retirement. While I am in Bagni di Lucca for the next few months I will go every week. I can’t pick a Top 5 for me on the spot. I love roaming around the the different arrondisements, returning to the stunning galleries, sitting in the cafes and watching the people, exploring local markets and of course the food! I hope Istanbul is high on your wish list Debbie…it really is a lot of fun! I would love to do that on my site too. And whilst there are many free attractions I would still love to go back with a little more money so I can splash out in some of those restaurants which you highlighted in your ‘definitive list’ a few months ago! Los Angeles, CA. It’s so hard keeping it to five but I agree San Francisco is certainly up there. I thought about Venice too…it’s a fun city and I always have a great time there but I don’t really like it in the summer so it didn’t make it! I’d love to return to each of them and spend time strolling around exploring. 1 spot for raising a family in the previous graphic, survey takers feel that Seattle, Wash., is a much more appropriate place for a family. Just Choose 5 Of Your Favorite Things To Find Out. Rome I’d probably add Cape Town, San Francisco and London. What’s not to love about this wondrous city! foadi. London is climbing up the ladder for me…I think it’s improving and now there are a lot of great restaurants and bars…it’s a lot of fun! 2016: A Taste of Travel returns to Europe, SUBSCRIBE TO KEEP UP TO DATE WITH MY LATEST POSTS, Copyright © 2018 - A Taste of Travel  •  Website Design by SOS Designs. Great to hear of your favourite cities. Well I thought it was about time I told you why! Enjoyed reading your favourite list. I went to Dubai about 3 years ago. Your beautiful images almost make me want to break out of my lifelong love affair with the Australian Outback!!! Manage Your Favorite Cities To add a city to your favorites, go to a city forecast page and click the star icon next to the city name or use the search form in the header above. It is quiet, clean and safe city to live in. Wanna Know Which US City You Really, Truly Belong In? Everyone who visits seems to really enjoy the city!

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